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Author Topic: DGIII alpha release available part 2 (closed)  (Read 17656 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #75 - 26 January 2004, 15:03:55
just added smoke "fuel jettison" when you use RCS or main fuel tank dump.

I plan later to add a "max landing weight" limitation so Landing with full weight will reduce the
tolerance of the landing vertical speed.
Landing with extreme care will still do the job but even a litle rougness can broke your vessel
at max weight. So you'll better empty a bit the fuel before landing.  

Anyway for the next version you'll have the "fuel jettison" smoke already....

(next version planed 040126_rev1 in a couple of hours)

Done already:

Canopy status (open/closed) now saved in scenario

Corrected bug with O2 going to zero at 100 meter high
on earth when canopy open.

Autocontrol mode (elevon/rcs) now switch based on dynamic pressure, mean that if your speed
going to low on earth it will switch back to RCS control. Also at take-off on earth it will switch from
RCS to surface control at 110 m/s  (rotate speed 150/160)
This ensure an automatic switching to witchever is the more efficient at the curent time.

Bug resolved : applying brake worked even when gear collapsed.

Bug resolved : gear out/in worked when landed.

Undocking with airlock open damage the nosecone door.

Docking with nosecone closed or not fully opened damage it.

Various bug cleared and some tweaking


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #76 - 26 January 2004, 16:21:14
Dan wrote
I plan later to add a "max landing weight" limitation so Landing with full weight will reduce
tolerance of the landing vertical speed.
Landing with extreme care will still do the job but even a litle rougness can broke your vessel
at max weight. So you'll better empty a bit the fuel before landing.

Never mind the Later :)

Just added this feature also... now if you land at full weight (23ton)
your landing gear will collapse at a vertical speed less than -1.77 m/s

The "max landing weight" is 19 ton at this weight you have the "normal"
vertical speed limit of -8m/s... This mean you must dump about 50% of your fuel
before landing if you have full tank.

040126_rev1 still planned in some hours I have still two or three things to add. ;)



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Reply #77 - 26 January 2004, 16:35:56
Too much snow there, Dan?  I don't want to hear it...we've got about two feet added to the foot
or so that's already been on the ground...temps today: -32C, wind chill -41C.  I think it's warmer
on MARS than here!!! ;)


p.s. I totally agree with you regarding the re-entry modeling being off on the stock DG.  Modify
away--we all completely trust your abilities in this regard!

Offline jgrillo2002

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Reply #78 - 26 January 2004, 16:45:06
DanSteph Said


Strange ?  no one reported any font screewing it's a simple
windows MFC application and so there is no special font code... do
you have an picture of your desk with the passenger name problem ?
(sent it by mail if you can't host a picture)

Heres what the problem looks like


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Reply #79 - 26 January 2004, 16:46:18
Hmmmm...that looks like a problem on your machine, jgrillo, rather than a bug in the code.

psssst, Dan..."line," not "ligne" ;) if you don't tell, I won't.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #80 - 26 January 2004, 18:20:00
SNOWY Dave wrote:
psssst, Dan..."line," not "ligne"  if you don't tell, I won't.

Well, I'll note that ;)
You missed Passengers or it's me ? :)

You wont believe what 5 cm of snow can do to us...
I think it's the first time we got snow this years (I mean that stay
more than 20 minute on ground)

airprot closed , one hour to make 6 km this morning...
There is always one guy to think that 5cm need to drive at 5mph.
Anyways the temp are now back in a fair +1°c and it's raining ... again ;)

"we need more CO2 so I can soon put palm tree in my garden"

PS: Jgrillo I'll have a look at my code.

« Last Edit: 26 January 2004, 19:38:45 by DanSteph »

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #81 - 26 January 2004, 19:38:45
thread 2 closed too much post see the third one ;)


« Last Edit: 26 January 2004, 19:38:45 by DanSteph »