I think Dan misread your 4 hours wait as 4 years

Poor Freespace - I was ready to commiserate with your l
ong wait as I found it bad enough having gone for a 10-10 am doctors appointment yesterday and I didn't get in to see her until 10-55. But
not to get your ear
syringed because you would have to
pay for another visit????? Is
this life without the much maligned National Health Service???????
In the
richest country in the world? D'oh

Surely, you could get your money back on your first visit as you didn't get proper treatment then? OK you were
correctly diagnosed, but syringing an ear isn't exactly rocket science (a
pity cos if it was one of your Orbiter
friends could sort you out

) why didn't they have the correct tool to hand?
My husband is always going to boring meetings at the Houses of Parliament should I ask if him if he knows someone
who knows someone who knows someone who can get "Tony" to ask his great friend George why my friend
freespace can't get his ear syringed for free. .........
Later: Sorry my husband doesn't have
that much influence, Tone is too busy licking Georges boots to put in a
word for your ear!
Post Edited ( 06-23-04 08:53 )