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Author Topic: [off topic] The Sol Conflict (for solar system politicans only)  (Read 106854 times)

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Offline McBrain

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Reply #475 - 22 June 2004, 21:28:31
"The Knights of Ni", never heard that. Sorry.



In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?

Offline Krytom

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Reply #476 - 22 June 2004, 22:18:33

Took a bit of rooting to find this ( :google: ). It's not very good quality but it'll do.
Basically the knights of 'Ni' told king Arthur to find:
When they found one the Knights asked for:
When they got back they found that the knights
of 'Ni' had changed their name to the knights of:
So they asked King Arthur to:

If you want to hear more stuff :

Post Edited ( 06-22-04 22:26 )

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #477 - 22 June 2004, 23:24:28
On a off topic note completely unrelated to the last off topic note, :pfff: I have been near deaf in my left ear for the
past 3-4 days. I just got back from the doctor's office. after waiting 4 hours for a 3 minute checkup, It was
determined that I have an outrageously rediculous amount of earwax (Eww!! 8o) in my ear blocking all but the
loudest sounds. I bought some "over-the-counter" goodies to help manage the problem, but I'm not sure if It's gonna
work... you might laugh at this thinking it's a joke, but regrettfully, it's true... :(

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #478 - 22 June 2004, 23:57:58
I had something like that one time... I woke up and found that I was deaf from one ear...
I visited the doctor and he removed the earwax... took two minute.

I'm not sure I get it  he didn't removed it ?

Anyway after 4 years you will be really happy to ear again.

(did you wait all this time or your previous doctor was an idiot?)


Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #479 - 23 June 2004, 00:03:09
?? four years?  I've only been missing my ear for a few days.. (I wouldn't wait four long years...) in fact, the doctor I visited today said that she would have removed the stuff too if only she had the tool. so rather than go back there again and pay for another visit, I'm just gonna rough it out for a few more days and wait for the eardrops to melt through that crud..

Post Edited ( 06-23-04 00:04 )

Offline Shmi

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Reply #480 - 23 June 2004, 05:48:41
I think Dan misread your 4 hours wait as 4 years :).  
Poor Freespace - I was ready to commiserate with your long wait as I found it bad enough having gone for a 10-10 am doctors appointment yesterday and I didn't get in to see her until 10-55.  But not to get your ear syringed because you would have to pay for another visit????? Is
this life without the much maligned National Health Service???????
In the richest country in the world? D'oh :wall:

Surely, you could get your money back on your first visit as you didn't get proper treatment then? OK you were
correctly diagnosed, but syringing an ear isn't exactly rocket science (a pity cos if it was one of your Orbiter
friends could sort you out :)) why didn't they have the correct tool to hand?

My husband is always going to boring meetings at the Houses of Parliament should I ask if him if he knows someone
who knows someone who knows someone who can get "Tony" to ask his great friend George why my friend
freespace can't get his ear syringed for free. .........

Later: Sorry my husband doesn't have that much influence, Tone is too busy licking Georges boots to put in a
word for your ear!

Post Edited ( 06-23-04 08:53 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #481 - 23 June 2004, 06:00:54
Shmi wrote:
I think Dan misread your 4 hours wait as 4 years :).  

Oups  *Dan slam is head on the screen* :wall:

I didn't even find this delay curious, I'm so busy on my computer
those day that I usually do three or four things in same time.
This is why I read posts too fast and send only short burst of dumb post :)


Post Edited ( 06-23-04 06:09 )

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #482 - 23 June 2004, 14:08:27
No biggie. I went to a "free" clinic, although the definition of free isn't what it used to be.. I can't afford paying to go
to a real hospital or whatever, but whatever.. I made a long post, but my net connection died just as I posted so I
lost what I was going to type.. In any case, it's just something that needs to be lived with.. no biggie.

Offline Shmi

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Reply #483 - 24 June 2004, 06:08:37
With thanks to my daughter Charlotte for this very flattering photo.  The trick she found was to clamber up
onto Krytom's bed and shoot from above! She's so clever! :)

I've not done any image editing to get rid of background etc I thought  I'd better leave all that to Freespace.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #484 - 24 June 2004, 09:23:30
Hehe, nice to have a face with the name at last :)


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #485 - 24 June 2004, 12:39:32
I'm sure I can rig up something.. This is turning out to be quite the summit.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #486 - 28 June 2004, 22:49:29
How goes the Summit, Freespace?

Me'sa eager to see it.

« Last Edit: 28 June 2004, 23:31:39 by DocHoliday »

"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #487 - 28 June 2004, 23:21:35
Patience is a virtue, doc. I hunted down the biography of the real doc holiday just to find a reference of impatence,
hoping for it to have lead to his death, but alas, it wasn't so. Feel happy that you have eluded my sarcastic wrath...
for now....

Post Edited ( 06-28-04 23:57 )

« Last Edit: 28 June 2004, 23:31:39 by freespace2dotcom »

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #488 - 28 June 2004, 23:31:39
Well.. he did die of tuberculosis and spent a whole life feeding it being a hopeless alcoholic, gambler etc.. so if you
wanted there are plenty of things to throw at poor little me :) But I do believe he was one of the most patient
gunslingers, hehehe

« Last Edit: 28 June 2004, 23:31:39 by DocHoliday »

"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15