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NEWSFollow me! The cargo SDK allow several features:
-Ressources cargo (as fuel, oxygen etc. that can be "eaten" using the Vessel SDK)
-Unpackable Cargo by UMMu (cargo transform in another mesh once unpacked) See images:
http://orbiter.dansteph.com/screenshot/dansteph/UcgoPreviewBase20.jpg and
http://orbiter.dansteph.com/screenshot/dansteph/UcgoPreviewBase21.jpg -Unpackable cargo that transform in UMu breathable base see image:
http://orbiter.dansteph.com/screenshot/dansteph/UcgoPreviewBase22.jpg -Unpackable cargo that contain more than one objects that you can move with UMmu (see image)
http://orbiter.dansteph.com/screenshot/dansteph/UcgoPreviewcargo23.jpg -Automatic Chute if falling in atmosphere (image)
http://orbiter.dansteph.com/screenshot/dansteph/UCGONews092313.jpgThe cargo themself don't need any programming, meshes and config file, that's all.
Now to be complete and completely flexible I just added the possibility for unpacked cargo to spawn a vessel. The config file
lines of such cargo would look like this:
ucSpawnModule = UCGOProbe ; name of vessel config to spawn once cargo released.
ucSpawnDelay = 15 ; delay in seconds of module spawning after cargo release (max 600)
ucSpawnCondition= 2 ; 0=Landed 1=Not landed 2=Always 3=unpack by UMmu
As you see you can define automatic unpacking after a delay and define the conditions (landed, free flight) Once such
cargo released by a vessel it would automaticly unpack and spawn the given vessel module. You can also define it as
unpackable by UMmu, in this case you need to go close to him and press "U" key.
Now, cargos that spawn vessel open again an infinite number of possibilites for authors of addon.
To show this feature UCGO will include....
The Son of the Almighty Probe (that look like a mushroom)

This simple Cargo/Probe will automaticly deorbit and land once unpacked, UCGO will include an automatic version (Unpack after
15 seconds) or a UMmu version for those that like EVA. Once landed this probe send a XPDR frequency so it can be used as
target for the Autoland of the Arrow.

This is how look the packed cargo of the probe:

The same carried by a Vessel (Arrow Freighter in this case)

Released, this is the automatic version set to 15 second delay:

Pouf ! unpacked, Probe spawned. As you see you have "debug" messages to follow the Probe's descent, but you can disable them
with key "N", in this case you'll have them only on Probe's HUD.

After retrograde orientation, deorbit Burn:

Of course you can carry also the UMmu version that require UMmu unpacking:

Deorbiting on Europa:

Of course on planet with atmosphere the Probe orient prograde during hot phases, so the shield protect it:

Shield Ejection at 10k alt:

Final braking:

Just before landing:

Landed, XPDR ON, solar panel deployed (no animation, just "pouf".. dev time)

< End of transmition from Spacetech >

Message modifié ( 25-11-2009 06:26 )