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BTW, did you know that you can use the scenario commands to send a PROxxxSPECxxx command to a DGIV and execute it, while in external view?(epic 40 DeltagliderIVs take-off comming in a few minutes) And here is the videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ay4JOC2ce6AThe limit for the commands seems to be at ~360 lines (I told you I'd break it )
Would you like me to go ahead and tweak the scenario texts now?
"OrbiterSound Vessel configuration\n""-------------------------------------------------\n"" \n""Please press a key:\n""1-Create vessel sound configuration for the current vessel (%s)\n""2-Exit this utility\n""OrbiterSound Vessel configuration\n""-------------------------------------------------\n"" \n""A vessel sound configuration exist for this vessel (%s)\n \n""Please press a key:\n""1-List vessel animation, 3d position and sound detail in '%s.txt'\n""2-Open the vessel sound directory in windows explorer.\n""3-Exit this utility\n""OrbiterSound Vessel configuration\n""-------------------------------------------------\n"" \n""A vessel sound configuration exist for this vessel (%s)\n \n""Please press a key:\n""0-Stop runtime debug (detailed infos saved in '%s.txt')\n""3-Exit this utility\n"
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ORBITERSOUND (3D) - SOUND CONFIGURATION FOR VESSEL CLASS// --------------------------------------------------------//// This configuration file allow you to replace any vessel sounds, add animation sound// or change any sound setting (example: disabling air conditionning, hover thrust etc. etc.)//// FIRST THING TO DO://// In Orbiter Press key SHF+CTRL+S to open a small utility that allow you to create a config file// and get detailed information about animation and sound position.////// IMPORTANT NOTE://// -Lines with '//' before are commented (inactive); uncomment and set value if you want to use them.// -Make sure to read each section's header; they explain all you have to know about parameters.// -If you have any problem (eg: sound not playing) remember to look in OrbiterSound_Log.txt// -This config file have higher priority over programmation and user settings. ie: you can therefore // overwrite one addon's C++ settings and sounds and also user's settings.// -Good sounds can enhance the visual by 200%, so take time and test, test and test again.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
p.s. Can we get the :hailprobe: emoticon ?
Découpez suivant les pointillés ... (snip-snip-snip) ... AAAAaaaahhhh !!!!