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Author Topic: [News] Update of OrbiterSound - UMmu - UCGO for Orbiter 2016  (Read 225490 times)

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Offline predattak

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Reply #275 - 06 November 2020, 13:38:26
Really cool. I just wonder how resource intensive will this be compared to the old Arrow.
Will the extra tons of coding and new features interfere with the system requirements in any way?

Offline PhantomFury

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Reply #276 - 06 November 2020, 15:03:54
Ooh refueling satellite sounds cool! This reminds me of another question: additionally will the Arrow be able to refuel when it is landed anywhere? Or perhaps in specialized planetary bases/fuel depot for realism? Or maybe you have to manually deploy some sort of fuel station from cargo and move it into place by the MMU?
That aside, excellent progress, Dan!

Offline Pappy2

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Reply #277 - 06 November 2020, 16:12:32
J'vous fait le plein M'sieur ?  :eek:  :eek:
Et un ch'ti coup sur le parebrise ?  :eek:  :eek:

@+ Pappy2_________
Citation célèbre:
Lorsque la trajectoire Képlérienne du mobile coupe la sphère du géoïde de l'astre de capture, ce n'est généralement pas très bon pour l'avenir du beau vaisseau et de son équipage

Offline Milouse

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Reply #278 - 06 November 2020, 16:36:30

Nice mesh. The Spacetech Corp. is surprising !
"Captain, now the space tank is not so far, but we need more fuel to reach them." :badsmile:


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Reply #279 - 06 November 2020, 21:38:58
J'vous fait le plein M'sieur ?  :eek:  :eek:
Et un ch'ti coup sur le parebrise ?  :eek:  :eek:
Je prends le prochain vol pour Vénus et j'y passe !!!!

Mes add-ons sont là !

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #280 - 06 November 2020, 22:10:21
Really cool. I just wonder how resource intensive will this be compared to the old Arrow.
Will the extra tons of coding and new features interfere with the system requirements in any way?

Not noticeable at all on modern PC (540FPS) at 2560x1440 D3D9 client and all maxed out.
On very old one or on mac with wine I don't know.
In know well how to optimize but if I can't see where are the bottleneck on a low end machine I cannot optimize them. We'll see that at alpha or beta time.

Ooh refueling satellite sounds cool! This reminds me of another question: additionally will the Arrow be able to refuel when it is landed anywhere? Or perhaps in specialized planetary bases/fuel depot for realism? Or maybe you have to manually deploy some sort of fuel station from cargo and move it into place by the MMU?
That aside, excellent progress, Dan!

Well, there is an earth fuel station with a typical look but not a "mining" or planet fuel station... yet.
Now I can spend more time to make one (maybe a cargo that can be deployed, start to "mine" fuel and fill slowly)
but it would be more realistic in 2070 to have STF4 station sent from earth.
They would be automatic can do slingshot to save fuel and the earth can send a lot of them in advance.

J'vous fait le plein M'sieur ?  :eek:  :eek:
Et un ch'ti coup sur le parebrise ?  :eek:  :eek:

volontiers et j'ai un bruit dans le moteur aussi...   :eek: penchez vous un peu pour mieux voir....

Offline PhantomFury

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Reply #281 - 07 November 2020, 08:19:33
Well, there is an earth fuel station with a typical look but not a "mining" or planet fuel station... yet.
Earth fuel station as in one up in orbit, correct? Since the Arrow can't land and hope to take off from Earth's gravity as far as I remember  :wonder:

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #282 - 07 November 2020, 11:44:03
Yep but UCGO and "getfuel" cap was meant for other vessels that used the SDK as well.

Offline Milouse

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Reply #283 - 07 November 2020, 12:03:10

The great rocket engines of the Arrow are not so "thirsty", without cheating. A more little than a full tank for going back from Neptune, with a very bad planed trajectory, in 5 years or so. Or 10 years for Earth-Pluto, and 10 years back with a good planed trajectory and one full tank (Pluto at Periapsis, not so crazy).


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #284 - 07 November 2020, 13:12:56
Maybe it was due to a lower crew in the scenario by default because with a full crew of 20 there is only 1 year O2 and I didn't changed the default config.
What changed is the new utility that allow to define a full crew with random name in one click, so I test more often with 20 members than before.
I'll tune the default O2 consumption so you'll have 1-2 years to reach the outer planets with 20 members, enough to reach a "STF4" station.
What you think ? (one must take in account that 2xO2 cargo can refill the tank easily)

The new utility:

I just checked, the default "enroute to Jupiter" scenario have only... 1 member and thus 21 years of O2 reserve...

Offline Gingin

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Reply #285 - 07 November 2020, 16:37:14
Awesome work Dan, congrats.

It is a pleasure to follow that thread and to see that we will be able for Orbiter 2010 mission revival, with even more gameplay deepness

Visez les étoiles , au pire vous tomberez sur la Lune.

Offline Milouse

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Reply #286 - 08 November 2020, 12:11:14

Of course, for the O2, i refilling the tanks with cargos... in the Arrow .cfg file, it's writed that the default value for O2 tanks (13.7) can be increased until 96 month. I did it (+ 8 O2 cargos for 21 years mission). :)

One more thing for a very long trip : once the trajectory planed, we can use the scenario editor to edit the MJD, and be in the right place for course correction or braking in no time, and ridiculous consumption of O2 (if i doesn't fail, 10 years at 100000x = 1 hour or so IRL). I didn't this way, because is not very funny to reach a planet far away in no time with a vessel with working internal systems.


Offline WolfAngriff

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Reply #287 - 08 November 2020, 15:45:36
Hi Dan,
First, will the mission program be available only in de Arrow ? I mean, could it be used in the DG or other UCGO stuff ? Second, taking the risk of being a little off-topic, but not so far, have you planed to update the Prelude bases ? Third, do you think those "mission satellites" could be put easily under a rocket fairing ? Thanx for all, keep up the good work !

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #288 - 09 November 2020, 01:48:18
Awesome work Dan, congrats.

It is a pleasure to follow that thread and to see that we will be able for Orbiter 2010 mission revival, with even more gameplay deepness

Thanks :beer:


Of course, for the O2, i refilling the tanks with cargos... in the Arrow .cfg file, it's writed that the default value for O2 tanks (13.7) can be increased until 96 month. I did it (+ 8 O2 cargos for 21 years mission). :)

One more thing for a very long trip : once the trajectory planed, we can use the scenario editor to edit the MJD, and be in the right place for course correction or braking in no time, and ridiculous consumption of O2 (if i doesn't fail, 10 years at 100000x = 1 hour or so IRL). I didn't this way, because is not very funny to reach a planet far away in no time with a vessel with working internal systems.

Thanks, if you want to test and give some values and tips at beta time you're welcome. I code, I make model, but I don't really have the time to fly ;)

Hi Dan,
First, will the mission program be available only in de Arrow ? I mean, could it be used in the DG or other UCGO stuff ? Second, taking the risk of being a little off-topic, but not so far, have you planed to update the Prelude bases ? Third, do you think those "mission satellites" could be put easily under a rocket fairing ? Thanx for all, keep up the good work !

Some mission item can concern other vessel: bring cargo with UCGO SHuttleA, deploy a landing beacon with a DGIV or other compatible vessel etc etc. You can also order to dock a DG.

At first I would say all components of UCGO will be updated, but I don't think I'll go as far than with the Arrow.
Probably the DGIV will be functional as the Prelude and UMmu but that's all.

Notice as always, I planned room for future update in the data structure of the mission (and old mission save will be compatible with newer version)

Thirds all cargo have an attachment point (this is how UCGO recognize them) and it can be used to attach them to a rocket or whatever. Now one will need to work on the rocket to put a lot of them if needed.

Hope this answer ?

Offline WolfAngriff

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Reply #289 - 09 November 2020, 08:52:24
Hi Dan thanx for the answer. As to be clear, we won't be able to initiate a mission from another vessel than the Arrow ? I mean, it won't be possible to make missions only with the DG for example, mission control is an "only-Arrow" feature ? This is not bad criticism, all you do is awesome. Good news for the Prelude !  :)

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #290 - 09 November 2020, 11:39:45
No problem, the question is interesting. A sort of "universal" mission system ?

Thinking about it there is two problems: one need a big screen to display the mission text.
A MFD for example would be a hell to read and use, hardcore player might find it fun, other would probably give up.
The second problem is that you need a UCGO cargo compatible vessel. A stock DG can only go here and there, land and dock but not release recognizable cargo or deploy satellite or base.

Anyway, thanks for the question: this give me the idea to add mission objective for other vessels, for example
"Land the 'DG-01S" at this point". No promise but I'll see what I can do.

Offline WolfAngriff

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Reply #291 - 09 November 2020, 12:18:40
As i'm a "rocket fan" i wondered if it would be possible to deploy a Prelude base and, from there, initiate missions launching rockets with "mission satellites" under the fairings. But as you mentioned, this is not a "mission MFD" and your explanations are OK. And now, i realize i'm a hard-core user... I need a therapy... Mum ? Are you there ???  :badsmile:

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Offline EdWard2163

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Reply #292 - 09 November 2020, 18:24:01
Dear Santa,

I am very pleased you're updating your stuff to 2016 version.

Nous sommes tous impatients de la release date.

(the guy who was worried you were sick lol)

« Last Edit: 09 November 2020, 19:38:33 by EdWard2163 »

Offline predattak

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Reply #293 - 22 November 2020, 11:37:35
Any update? :badsmile:

Offline NorbertOrbinaut

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Reply #294 - 22 November 2020, 12:00:54
Yes that would be wonderful. I'm also very impatient and stop by here every day. But it's not Tuesday yet ...  :)

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #295 - 22 November 2020, 14:18:03
Any update? :badsmile:

Yep !!!  :badsmile:

NEWS - Arrow Freighter Mission

First I'm adding more objective type, one especially use the antenna but in reception this time.
(Don't mind the chaotic order of objectives, it's just for testing)

When the Orbit is correct, the objective highlight (all events have voice announcement)


Collecting data:

Once done, the data accumulate as from other sources, then you just need to transmit them to earth:

For the record, the "GeoSatEarth" is a geostationnary sat that is present in all scenario that have an Arrow, but you can also send the data to any base or other vessel

Now one objective caused me some trouble:  :wonder:

There is NO simple way in Orbiter to land at Lon/Lat coordinate...  :trucdeouf:

So, now I'm writting a GPS/VTOL MFD  :badsmile: Work in progress

« Last Edit: 22 November 2020, 14:41:58 by DanSteph »

Offline WolfAngriff

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Reply #296 - 22 November 2020, 15:08:19
Hi !
I read : "Deploy a "inflat base Control Module" cargo with a UMmu near the landing site". UMMU !!!  :bave: :bave: :bave:
I'm soooooo impatient to see those guys and ladies back to Orbiter ! There will be life in the universe again ! THANX !!!

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Offline yitianetie

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Reply #297 - 22 November 2020, 15:12:02
Great work !

The new function in MFD for localizing is very pratical. I think to use it, in the future, to locate specific craters (without base) on the moon.

I think there is a similar function to go to a specific places using coordinates in the Hover MFD, but not as easy to use.

Offline predattak

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Reply #298 - 22 November 2020, 18:54:57
Awesome! UMMU will be back, and the GPS/VTOL MFD is just the thing that orbiter is missing. No more tons of "bases" just to land on a geographical location (crater, valley, mountain etc).

This arrow package may just be one of the very very few good things we got out of this cursed year.  :wor:

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Reply #299 - 22 November 2020, 20:42:51
Thank you Dan. And again one step further to complete one of the greatest addons for orbiter 2016!