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Author Topic: [Orbiter 2016] Coucou & Update de mes addons  (Read 70457 times)

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Offline Coussini

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Reply #25 - 03 May 2020, 23:41:31
Super. Ceci est fort encourageant.  :hot: :youpie: :chef:

Coussini "Orbiter lovers"

Que dieu vous éloigne du Covid-19

Offline jacquesmomo

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Reply #26 - 04 May 2020, 00:13:45
Ah, quand même ! Avec les micro textures de Jarmonik je commence à l'aimer le 2016  :love:

Sûr que tu vas y arriver !!!

Mes add-ons sont là !

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #27 - 04 May 2020, 04:58:42
Comment y fait ça ?  :eek:

Offline dgatsoulis

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Reply #28 - 04 May 2020, 05:40:28
Really glad to see you back Dan!!!   :beer:

Here are some things that I've found helpful regarding the terrain in Orbiter2016.

Regarding cubic vs linear interpolation of the terrain:
Right now the "cubic" gives a better terrain quality but it fails on terrain collisions, so, objects those are landed may be floating above the terrain or sink into it. The "linear" mode should have very accurate terrain collisions but the quality is little less.

Fred18 had published General Vehicle with great success on implementing vehicles and towed stuff. Source code included:

With a few changes, one could implement this on mmus, making the behave like "vehicles" when landed and like spacecraft when in space.

A really helpful explanation on how the new touchdown points work here:

One thing that I've noticed is that the new terrain doesn't really like very heavy ships. If all else fails you can always revert to the old 3 point definition. What I've found useful is this: Place the touchdown points at 120° increments along the perimeter of a circle with the radius being the distance from the center of the ship to the front td point. Also use a very high surface friction to keep the ship from sliding.

Great to see you return!!! Orbiter 2016 is fantastic with your addons in it.  If you need help with anything please let us know!


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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #29 - 04 May 2020, 06:27:31
Here are some things that I've found helpful regarding the terrain in Orbiter2016.

Great informations, much thanks dgatsoulis! :beer:
Howewer I tried linear on the Moon with default mesh resolution and the framerate was horrible during 40 seconds (I have a powerfull gaming PC). I lowered the mesh resolution to minimum and it was okay since  the start. Is this expected ?

I have read the whole orbiter-forum thread about contact point yesterday  :badsmile:
Maybe I'll need to lower mass for heavier ship and work with other parameter to give the proper feel.
I really would like to make gear compression, at least for the Arrow Freighter, I already found oapiSurfaceElevation which should give us the height at a given point, but this is the very start, I didn't made any test yet.
Now I'm working on the cargo SDK (OrbiterSound & SDK is already okay)

Cheers & thanks for the kind words


« Last Edit: 05 May 2020, 10:44:13 by DanSteph »

Offline Charlotman

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Reply #30 - 04 May 2020, 08:42:37
Wouuuhouuu ! le retour du Prophète !  :wor: :wor: :hot: :hot:

Je me suis remis a Orbiter au bon moment moi ! :badfinger:

Offline Djowin

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Reply #31 - 04 May 2020, 10:50:46
Heeeeey !! Un bon retour chez toi Dan, ça fait plaisir !  :eek::beer:

Et bon courage pour la reprise sur 2016, ça n'a pas l'air d'être une mince affaire...  :(

Offline Carcharodon

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Reply #32 - 04 May 2020, 11:22:17
ouch, je ne respirais plus depuis hier, mais les dernières news de dansteph & dgatsoulis me redonnent de l'oxygène...

Wouuuhouuu ! le retour du Prophète !  :wor: :wor: :hot: :hot:

Je me suis remis a Orbiter au bon moment moi ! :badfinger:

pareil !  :beer:

Offline jacquesmomo

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Reply #33 - 04 May 2020, 12:08:30
Comment y fait ça ?  :eek:
C'est un véhicule (Honda CB 350 K4) "general-vehicle" de Fred18.
( la moto c'est de môa... ):flower:  le module de Fred18...

« Last Edit: 04 May 2020, 21:40:51 by jacquesmomo »
Mes add-ons sont là !

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #34 - 04 May 2020, 12:24:49
Wouuuhouuu ! le retour du Prophète !  :wor: :wor: :hot: :hot:
Je me suis remis a Orbiter au bon moment moi ! :badfinger:

Y a un afflux là ou c'est moi ?  :badsmile:
Charlotman, Djowin  :beer:

Ça fait vraiment plaisir de vous lire tous... même des gens que j'ai connu haut comme ça qui ont maintenant presque 40 aaAAAAANS !   :peur:

Sacré passion qui nous anime tous pour que ça dure aussi longtemps  :)
Bon les enfants, va falloir bosser un peu là: devant l'inertie des autorités on va lancer un grand crowfunding et faire le boulot nous-même, objectif: Mars en vrai dans 10 ans, une base sur Europe dans 20 !

Non mais !   :rant:

(le module, la moto c'est de môa...  :flower:

Ouuuuh pinaise ! Beau boulot !   :applause:

Offline Charlotman

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Reply #35 - 04 May 2020, 12:51:33
Y a un afflux là ou c'est moi ?  :badsmile:
Charlotman, Djowin 

Manquerait plus qu'on voie Mustard débarqué... :)

Offline Gingin

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Reply #36 - 04 May 2020, 16:28:30
Hello Dan

Bienvenue chez toi
Guru is back  :)
Super nouvelle et bon courage pour cette belle conversion.

Visez les étoiles , au pire vous tomberez sur la Lune.

Offline dgatsoulis

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Reply #37 - 04 May 2020, 17:57:11
Howewer I tried linear on the Moon with default mesh resolution and the framerate was horrible during 40 seconds (I have a powerfull gaming PC). I lowered the mesh resolution to minimum and it was okay since  the start. Is this expected ?

It is a kind of behavior that I rarely see. Sometimes (very rare) you do get a start with low frame-rate, but exiting and restarting the scenario usually works. As far as linear vs cubic interpolation I haven't noticed any difference in frame-rate, but I always "lock" it at 60 fps.

The mesh resolution seems to do very little visually (but a lot in memory usage), so I always keep it at the default setting. Perhaps Jarmonik can help with the D3D9 stuff much better than I can.

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #38 - 04 May 2020, 18:34:37
The mesh resolution seems to do very little visually (but a lot in memory usage), so I always keep it at the default setting. Perhaps Jarmonik can help with the D3D9 stuff much better than I can.

Ok, much thanks !

Online erebus

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Reply #39 - 04 May 2020, 21:25:39
Y a un afflux là ou c'est moi ?  :badsmile:
Charlotman, Djowin 

Manquerait plus qu'on voie Mustard débarqué... :)

Qui sait ? La promotion 2004  revient tout doucement!

Offline jacquesmomo

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Reply #40 - 04 May 2020, 21:45:09
(le module, la moto c'est de môa...  :flower:
Ouuuuh pinaise ! Beau boulot !   :applause:

Précision (mon blabla est un peu trompeur) :
- le meshe de la moto est bien de moi (de A à Z) !  :badfinger:
- le module "general_vehicle" (le concurent de ucgo) est de Fred18

en tout cas :merci: pour le compliment !!! :wor:

Mes add-ons sont là !

Offline Carcharodon

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Reply #41 - 04 May 2020, 22:15:33
effectivement, vraiment déclassée cette moto !
félicitations !
J'ose même pas imaginer le temps nécessaire pour faire ça ^^

Offline jacquesmomo

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Reply #42 - 04 May 2020, 22:24:51
effectivement, vraiment déclassée cette moto !
félicitations !
J'ose même pas imaginer le temps nécessaire pour faire ça ^^
En fait j'ai commencé cette moto le mois dernier....
(du coup ma fusée Europa2 va prendre du retard)  ;)

Mes add-ons sont là !

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #43 - 05 May 2020, 01:23:30
Mhhhh   :wonder:

Bon, je ne crois pas que ce soit un problème que les cargo restent vertical, si ?
(peut-ont avoir l'inclinaison du sol sans faire des hack?)
En tout cas, ils ne bougent pas... (contrairement au shuttlePB qui descend)

Offline dgatsoulis

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Reply #44 - 05 May 2020, 02:03:48
Mhhhh   :wonder:

Bon, je ne crois pas que ce soit un problème que les cargo restent vertical, si ?
(peut-ont avoir l'inclinaison du sol sans faire des hack?)
En tout cas, ils ne bougent pas... (contrairement au shuttlePB qui descend)

GetSurfaceNormal ( ) should help with that. It is about getting the correct "arot" vector and then using DefSetStateEx to set the vessel oriented properly.
Here what I had used for this particular issue (the code is in lua, but converting to c++ shouldn't be a problem).

First a helper function to set the rotation matrix

function SetMat(angles)
    local angles = {x=angles.x,y=angles.y,z=angles.z}
   local RM_X = {m11=1,m12=0,m13=0,m21=0,m22=math.cos(angles.x),m23=-math.sin(angles.x),m31=0,m32=math.sin(angles.x),m33=math.cos(angles.x)}
   local RM_Y = {m11=math.cos(angles.y),m12=0,m13=math.sin(angles.y),m21=0,m22=1,m23=0,m31=-math.sin(angles.y),m32=0,m33=math.cos(angles.y)}
   local RM_Z = {m11=math.cos(angles.z),m12=-math.sin(angles.z),m13=0,m21=math.sin(angles.z),m22=math.cos(angles.z),m23=0,m31=0,m32=0,m33=1}
    RotM = mat.mmul(RM_X, mat.mmul(RM_Y, RM_Z))
   return RotM

And now set the vessel state

function set_ves2(hvessel)
    local v = vessel.get_interface(hvessel)
   local hobj = v:get_surfaceref()
   local glob = v:get_globalpos()
   local equ = oapi.global_to_equ(hobj,glob)
   local lng = equ.lng
    local lat =
    local hdg = v:get_yaw()
    local normal = v:get_surfacenormal()
   local h_normal = vec.set(normal.x*math.cos(hdg)+normal.z*math.sin(hdg),normal.y,-normal.x*math.sin(hdg)+normal.z*math.cos(hdg))
    local pitch = -math.asin(h_normal.x)
   local roll =  -math.asin(h_normal.z)
   local rot_1 = SetMat({x=0*RAD,y=90*RAD-lng,z=0*RAD})
   local rot_2 = SetMat({x=-lat+0*RAD,y=0,z=0*RAD})
   local rot_3 = SetMat({x=0,y=0,z=180*RAD+hdg})
   local rot_4 = SetMat({x=90*RAD-pitch,y=0,z=roll})
   local RotMat = mat.mmul(rot_1,mat.mmul(rot_2,mat.mmul(rot_3,rot_4)))
   local vector = {x=math.atan2(RotMat.m23,RotMat.m33),y=-math.asin(RotMat.m13),z=math.atan2(RotMat.m12,RotMat.m11)}
   local pt1,pt2,pt3 = v:get_touchdownpoints()
    local height = {x=-pt1.y,y=0,z=0}   
   v:defset_status({ status=1, surf_lng=lng, surf_lat=lat, surf_hdg=hdg, arot=vector, vrot=height, version=2 })

This was adapted for lua by me, using the code in Fred18's GeneralVehicle.

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #45 - 05 May 2020, 02:08:09
This was adapted for lua by me, using the code in Fred18's GeneralVehicle.

Great, much thanks  !

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Reply #46 - 05 May 2020, 02:53:21
Salut Dan ! Heureux d'avoir de tes nouvelles !

"ET C´EST PARTI!!" Youri Gagarine au lancement de vostok 1 le 12 avril 1961

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #47 - 05 May 2020, 03:10:32
Salut Dan ! Heureux d'avoir de tes nouvelles !

Y a un nid d'orbinautes ici  :peur:
C'est un plaisir  :beer:
Et au fait j'ai oublié de souhaiter la retro-bienvenue à Gingin  :beer:

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Reply #48 - 05 May 2020, 03:44:45
This was adapted for lua by me, using the code in Fred18's GeneralVehicle.

Much better, thanks again, I'll contact Fred18 to thanks him also and ask how he want to be credited.

Offline jacquesmomo

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Reply #49 - 05 May 2020, 12:07:05
Much better, thanks again, I'll contact Fred18 to thanks him also and ask how he want to be credited.
Fred18 est très sympa !  ;)
J'ai déjà eu des contacts avec lui....

 :trucdeouf: mais mais.... il va me polluer la Lune avec toutes ces caisses, lui.....

Mes add-ons sont là !