Orbiter English > Dan's add-ons

Changing OrcusPatera direction alighment ...


This should be a simple one but I can't seem to find documentation for it anywhere. I want to move the posititon of the OrcusPatera base but realign it 180°. What is the parameter to include in either the cfg or scn file?


The position of each surface base is set in the Location line in the cfg file. The values are longitude and latitude in decimal degrees, and they are the reference point of the base.

The meshes positions of the base are set in POS line in each item list, in meters, from the reference point.
Orientation of the meshes are set in the ROT line, in degrees, independant of each others.

For reference doc, see the ...\Doc\orbiterConfig.pdf. Also, this very old tutorial of AR81 explain how to make/modifying a surface base with real exemples : https://www.orbithangar.com/searchid.php?ID=2733

For OrcusPatera, add the ROT 180 line in each mesh block should be enough, as they are all set in POS 0 0 0.
In addition, the pads should be moving on the other side of the X/Z axis. The PreludeIII mesh too.
If the PreludeIII is a vessel, the position is set in the scenario.

Don't forgot to modify the NAVBEACON accordingly (or almost) with Location, for avoiding the VOR mfd guiding you in nowhere. :)
Bon week-end :beer:


Hello again, Milouse. You presented nothing new or that I didn't know about. I was hoping that since OrcusPatera is quite a complex base that Dan or Well might have come up with a method of rotating the entire base. Oh well. More work for me.

Thanks for responding.

For those who  are interested, the alignment that I wanted is already available in the New Rome addon prepared by dgatsoulis. Other alignments are possible but all parts of the addon must be realigned by hand, which in the case of OrcusPatera is quite the process.


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