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Author Topic: Delta glider IV spaceplane for orbiter 2016  (Read 30124 times)

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Offline Vincent Majerowicz

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03 November 2016, 22:53:24
Hi, guys!

Is the delta glider IV spaceplane add-on being updated for orbiter 2016? Thanks!


Offline jacquesmomo

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Reply #1 - 04 November 2016, 08:34:30
Not yet....  :(

Mes add-ons sont là !

Offline Carcharodon

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Reply #2 - 04 November 2016, 11:31:25
but last version of the DGIV works in orbiter 2016 !
I just used it.

Offline darkvoid

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Reply #3 - 04 November 2016, 11:51:50
but last version of the DGIV works in orbiter 2016 !
I just used it.

Yes but occasionally it Crashes...

Offline Armstrong

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Reply #4 - 30 January 2017, 20:29:13
More important: is the creator working on it...? I mean... I just saw a post from 2007 where he said I will make a Delta Glider V...... U-U at this point, I don't care if I will not have the fifth version, I'm fine with the Delta glider IV, but... another question, why is the creator against the virtual cockpit??? How can be this possible??? And having in mind that he should do it by free... and having in mind that he is the creator even... why he did make this ship in a so realistic way if he deny the virtual cockpit for the people? This ship could be only perfect with virtual cockpit. I hate when I can't see my passengers and when I can't see the world through the small windows... it quits realism under my point of view, so why he did make all this ship with such quantity of details just to end its life unfinished or with this unrealistic defect :( or, could someone implemment all the Delta glider IV staff into the default delta glider??? that could be even more perfect to be honest. I like the features from the normal delta glider, specially now at the new 2016 version, sometimes, I don't know what to use. :( So many questions, and I bet that we wont see any update for Delta Glider IV never. Sorry, about my pesimistic point of view, but after all, he is french... I haven't met any french guy without a disappointing feeling never.

At less, the delta glider IV works fine... but I am very angry with the fact that I wont make any EVA with this good ship never more most probably. He need food... and he can't work for free all the time he said... I agree... but I don't like when people build something and they doesn't care about it never more then... I think that any creation must be attended, if you chose build it. Or at less, he should destroy it if he doesn't want to do so.

To be honest, what scares me about the future of this ship, is the fact that I have the sensation that under its creator point of view... this ship just works perfectly and for that reason he wont make any change on it... I guess that since I have saw some updated texts around his ship claiming in a such way... but to be honest I haven't seen any comment about updating this ship to work properly on orbiter 2016 yet.

In conclusión... I think that I will try to finish my actual mission with this erratic Delta glider IV, that I installed just because it was mentioned at the orbiter download page, and because this fact made me think in a wrong way that it could be updated for 2016.... and then after my present mission I said, I will start using the delta glider by default... at less it gives what it promise to the people.

I just registered myself to say all this... I think that I wont say nothing more at this forum never more. Sorry If I was rude...

I hate you!

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Reply #5 - 31 January 2017, 15:22:39
Well, I have to admit that I'm astonished by those words I read...
I am pretty sure it is the very first time I see someone criticise Dansteph's DG-IV !

As long as you are using Orbiter 2010, trust me, there should not be any crash. Maybe we could help you on solving eventual CTD you could maybe, perhaps, possibly, hypothetically, have :badsmile: ... but please, you have to admit that Dan's DG-IV is one of the (if not THE) most tweaked and used delta-type spaceship in Orbiter right now. And I mean the 2010 version, of course.

Then, If you absolutely want to pilot the DG-IV into Orbiter 2016, then it is NORMAL this spaceshit does not work at its best! It was NOT designed to work with Orbiter 2016. I mean, you cannot blame a content creator for a mod you are not using properly yourself, come on...

I haven't met any french guy without a disappointing feeling never.

Damn ! :badsmile: This forum is, by far, the most friendly I know on the intenet my man...

Ask us about your problems running the DG-IV, and we will help.


"ET C´EST PARTI!!" Youri Gagarine au lancement de vostok 1 le 12 avril 1961

Offline SolarLiner

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Reply #6 - 01 February 2017, 19:32:37
You have to remember that DanSteph provided the Delta Glider free of charge, made on his free time. We can't expect him to be giving out an update as soon as a new version of Orbiter is released. Furthermore the Delta Glider IV is a beast of an add-on, and surely several problems need to be fixed before releasing a new version.

The lack of news from him doesn't mean he gave up - it just means that he is not ready to release a version yet.

That is why the previous version of Orbiter continues to be used even time after a new version is there: because not all addons are updated on time.

Offline StarLost

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Reply #7 - 02 February 2017, 03:29:26
Armstrong, I've been around this community for a long time and NEVER have I viewed anyone, even a first-timer, troll with the disgusting nationalistic, xenophobic bullshit that you have about Frenchmen. As such I don't believe you are entitled to anything let alone a civilized answer.

Besides, Dan, I believe is Swiss, not French. Not that it matters.

Go back under your rock and try to get it into orbit.

Offline NukeET

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Reply #8 - 04 February 2017, 16:53:07
Besides, Dan, I believe is Swiss, not French. Not that it matters.

I'll bet it matters to Dan. Or is that more, "disgusting nationalistic, xenophobic bullshit"?

We choose to run Oribiter sims, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.

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Reply #9 - 05 February 2017, 00:59:11
I'll bet it matters to Dan. Or is that more, "disgusting nationalistic, xenophobic bullshit"?

NukeET, you know, it might, but it probably shouldn't. As for "disgusting nationalistic, xenophobic bullshit", most of my fellow Canadians have been sickened by our own recent example of it. It's time we considered that we all are Terrans. One species, one people, one family.

Cheers, mate.

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Reply #10 - 05 February 2017, 06:53:16

Besides, Dan, I believe is Swiss, not French. Not that it matters.

No! No! Dan isn't Swiss or French...he is G'nevois tu ois!   
 :) :)
ben oui, on aime bien les taquiner ces genevois... :pasmoi:

Offline Armstrong

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Reply #11 - 13 February 2017, 15:01:07
Under my point of view you are more racist than me, I hate you all equally, like Colonel George Taylor hated the mindkind, I just described a little fact based in my own experience, that's all. But you must be more racist than me, because you just didn't answer any of my questions. You just were focused in commenting the less important aspect of what I said, while if you were terrains you could see France just like a culture inside of a black political line where people act and speak in a specific way, and I bet that there are nice people there, like SolarLiner, but even him didn't touch the whole points that I said in my first post, but unfortunately most of the french people that I have met were bad persons, is not my fault if they were from france. Thanks for your no help and bye.

PD: ¿"Nationalistic"? I didn't even mentioned my country and I didn't even put myself in any superior position you damm idiot... ¬¬ and to be honest, If you really must consider the humans like if they were "one family", that is because you don't see it as well right now...

« Last Edit: 13 February 2017, 19:12:34 by Armstrong »
I hate you!

Offline SolarLiner

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Reply #12 - 13 February 2017, 19:02:47
I don't know where racism came into play here (and I don't want to know), but it is certainly not a topic to be discussed in this forum and especially not when personally attacking anyone on this forum.

This is my first and only warning before I lock this thread: keep this discussion objective and about the DGIV's future. Furthermore, any personal attack will be swiftly returned (And besides, ad hominem attacks are a logical fallacy).

Offline Armstrong

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Reply #13 - 13 February 2017, 19:31:48
I don't know where racism came into play here (and I don't want to know), but it is certainly not a topic to be discussed in this forum and especially not when personally attacking anyone on this forum.

This is my first and only warning before I lock this thread: keep this discussion objective and about the DGIV's future. Furthermore, any personal attack will be swiftly returned (And besides, ad hominem attacks are a logical fallacy).

Delate my account please, I don't care, I'm done with this place, and with that warning, now I understand why this forum is so friendly. Yeah, I bet that any place where any point of view is delated instantly when it has any insult inside of it, it must be a friendly place for sure. I said sorry, for my rude personality since the first post, the unique person that was harmed here was me. But is evident that you has your own justice and logic. So, please, delate my account if you can, you will make me a favor and you will restore your friendly paradise.

I hate you!

Offline SCEtoAUX

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Reply #14 - 13 February 2017, 20:26:28

Conrad: I got three fuel cell lights, an AC bus light, a fuel cell disconnect, ACbus overload 1 & 2, Main Bus A & B out.
Carr: 12, Houston. Try SCE to auxiliary. Over.
Conrad: Try FCE to Auxiliary? What the hell is that? NCE to auxiliary..?
Carr: SCE ! SCE to Auxiliary!

Offline SolarLiner

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Reply #15 - 13 February 2017, 20:29:20
I'm sorry, but personal attacks are not points of view, and racism isn't a point of view either. Being sorry in advance does not erase the insults you give out afterwards.
Also the reason why everyone here is friendly, before my moderation (in which I'm only a moderator since recently in the lifespan of this forum), is that everyone can share their opinion without having to resort to personal attacks.

Offline Armstrong

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Reply #16 - 13 February 2017, 22:14:25
My point of view is all that part around the two unique things that I said, that made you lose your delicated equilibrium, that part that your blind eyes can't see. I feel bad for all of you guys, if you really can't use adjetives, your life must be really boring I think. But is evident that you can't think very well. Bye bye. I will try make this my last bye, I just answer because I respect your opinion more than you, and I like to show the people that I read your comments, even if they are silly, instead of looking away like you do. But under my point of view, something must be true behind my words since it fucked your minds compleatly. Truth is painfull in most of cases, I guess. If you were more intelligent you could stay over my words as I am.

This world is pathetic, each day I am more sure of this. Up is down and down is up. What a stupid thinking, you just say all those politically correct shits without thinking what are you saying, even; or without thinking what is saying the other person. What you do is opposite what you claim. Peace has nothing to do with censurate insults, that is part of the languages and you make them offensive not me, to me is just an another way to express ideas... well I am not gonna waste my time in this, trying to explain you nothing. Is evident that you didn't understand nothing. So it's impossible imagine you understanding these other things. Grow up guys grow up, is my best advice to you, despite the fact that you will think that its me the guy that must grow up. At less, I has a more open mind than you, that for sure.

Ok, be happy in your delicated world. And stay thinking in that way... what a waste of energy, trully. This is the perfect era for the hypocrites. Now all is valid, but just when you make the things like you must do it. If you say what you really think, the entire world colapse. Each day we are more stupids, trully, what a waste of energy. However, later they will laught watching the racist jokes from Monthy Pithon. Its pathetic.

« Last Edit: 14 February 2017, 00:06:12 by Armstrong »
I hate you!

Offline SolarLiner

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Reply #17 - 14 February 2017, 00:41:31
... Anyways. This is getting nowhere and the original thread is far away from where we are now. I'm locking this thread.