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Author Topic: Orbitersound 3.5 Install Problem  (Read 6301 times)

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Offline thammondwis

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14 November 2015, 16:12:49
I have Orbiter 2010 P1 with OrbiterSound 4.0 installed and working.  I am in the process of installing Orbiter 2006 P1 because there is an addon I want that is not compatible with 2010 P1.  I have the 2006 P1 version installed into a different subdirectory than the 2010 P1 is.  I am now trying to install Orbitersound 3.5 into the 2006 P1 Orbiter program.

I have downloaded the 2006 addon package for this site and unzipped it.  From there I have run the OrbiterSounds35_2006.exe program.  I get a window that opens with the text in the graphic area on the left says "OrbiterSound 3.5 for Orbiter 2006+P1".  However there is other text in the window that says it will install OrbiterSound 4.0.  When I select the subdirectory that my Orbiter 2006 P1 program is located and click the Install button, I get a warning message that states "it looks like there is an earlier version of Orbiter and OrbiterSound 4.0 is only compatible with Orbiter 2010+P1" and asks if I want to force install it?

Any ideas on what is going on/wrong?




Offline StarLost

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Reply #1 - 17 November 2015, 17:51:03
Would you like a copy of OrbiterSound3.5 that I downloaded in 2012?

Offline thammondwis

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Reply #2 - 18 November 2015, 04:30:02
thanks, but I installed it regardless of the notification it gave me and everything seems to work fine.  I think there must be some glitch somewhere that makes it think it is installing 4.0 when it actually is installing 3.5.