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ce Zozo me rappelle ceux qui ne savent pas regarder une photo soi-disant prise sur la Lune, et montrant deux personnages sur la visière alors qu’un troisième les photographie… Je démont(r)erai ça bientôt
Radiation is a favorite topic of many moon landing hoax theorists. No matter how badly they may lose the debate on other issues, they believe that space radiation is the one thing that trumps all others. If it were impossible for spacefarers to survive the Van Allen radiation belts then Apollo was hoaxed regardless of what all other evidence suggests. The argument typically goes like this:Radiation is bad + There is radiation in space = Space is badThat's generally all you'll get because that's all they know. It's no secret that space radiation exists, and we all know radiation can cause death, so, to the conspiracy theorist, the only conclusion is that space is a maelstrom of deadly radiation that will fry any outbound astronaut. Unfortunately this is a very simplistic and naive way of looking at the problem. Radiations vary dramatically in strength and intensity, with some being dangerous and some being harmless background radiation. Whether or not a human will experience illness or death is related to the radiation dose received. It is a problem with a very real answer that can be determined quantitatively.
C'est triste ...
Tout le savoir de nos ancêtres (et le notre donc) leurs à été donné un matin, par quelqu’un, grâce à l’intermédiaire d'un grand monolithe noir.......