Il y a des archives sur le site de NORAD mais je ne sais déchiffrer les données Fri, 17 Jul 1998 6:00:11 -0400
1 16609U 86017A 98198.15136527 0.00008411 00000-0 86775-4 0 6379
2 16609 51.6582 254.8296 0006639 230.5591 129.4864 15.65748475708759
Satellite: Mir
Catalog number: 16609
Epoch time: 98198.15136527 (17 JUL 98 03:37:57.96 UTC)
Element set: NORAD-637
Inclination: 51.6582 deg
RA of node: 254.8296 deg Mir Space Station
Eccentricity: 0.0006639 Orbital Elements
Arg of perigee: 230.5591 deg
Mean anomaly: 129.4864 deg
Mean motion: 15.65748475 rev/day Semi-major Axis: 6749.2192 Km
Decay rate: 0.84E-04 rev/day*2 Apogee Alt: 375.31 Km
Epoch rev: 70875 Perigee Alt: 366.35 Km