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Author Topic: [closed] OrbiterSound 4.0 - version 28 oct 2012 beta test  (Read 12497 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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28 October 2012, 00:53:42
Welcome to OrbiterSound 4.0 beta test ver 20121028

Current version test special instructions

Please review the changelog here:

Check that your bug are gone and report !

Bug reporting form

Please use the text form in the link below to report bugs: It's important !

Compatible Orbiter version

Orbiter 2010+P1
Orbiter 2010+P1+ DX9 or DX11 (Note: You don't need symlink anymore for DX9 or DX11)
Orbiter 2010+P2 Only version PREVIOUS TO the latest 22 Oct release which is an alpha with many problems as reported by martin.


Feedback are importants, please be verbous, precise, don't hesitate to write what you think or post anything you want about beta.  Use the form above for bugs. Keep me informed of any status change if you can't test anymore for example.

Want to be a beta tester ?

Send me a PM, I'll register you on the list and you'll receive instruction and links by PM.

Much thanks for your help :beer:


For information here's the current tester list:

Vincent Majerowicz
Ren Dhark
Deep Blue
Samuel Edwards
Jim Lovell

Message modifié ( 31-10-2012 05:29 )

Offline Vincent Majerowicz

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Reply #1 - 28 October 2012, 06:29:58
Hi, Dan!

I don't understand, what does a sonic boom sound like? And What kind of new sound features will the OS 4.0 have which the OS 3.5 doesn't have? Thanks!


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #2 - 28 October 2012, 09:03:32
Vincent Majerowicz a écrit:
Hi, Dan!

I don't understand, what does a sonic boom sound like? And What kind of new sound features will the OS 4.0 have which the OS 3.5 doesn't have? Thanks!


I don't understand your question :???:

You have the beta: launch it and hear the difference, you have also the docs and a lot of help texts you can read them,  you have also 12 demo scenarios and a big yellow welcome text that instruct you to test scenarios and read doc.

I cannot do more.


Message modifié ( 28-10-2012 09:04 )

Offline Vincent Majerowicz

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Reply #3 - 28 October 2012, 09:20:48
Hi, Dan!

Sorry about the confusion. I tried the new OS 4.0 with the Deltaglider addon. It works great! I really like your new OS 4.0 with 3D! Thanks!


Offline cslevine

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Reply #4 - 28 October 2012, 09:26:25
[ Résolu ! ]
Tout ce que j'avais relevé est résolu !


Version 2012.10.28
Bugs cleared:
-first welcome message OK ;)
-Solved Wrong numbers in SoundConfig.exe.  ;)
-Mp3 volume not set by soundconfig --> FIXED  ;)
-Radio sound --> FIXED  ;)
-Bang sound --> OK  ;)
-ambiant planet and base sound was heard from the cockpit vue --> FIXED ;)

Version 2012.10.27 (first public beta)
-A lot of things changed, 3D, configuration file etc. etc.

one small thing :
- The countdown sound seems to be powerless. Maybe could it be calculated as radio sounds, when checked in external view

Message modifié ( 28-10-2012 09:32 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #5 - 28 October 2012, 10:10:20
cslevine a écrit:
Version 2012.10.28
Bugs cleared:
-first welcome message OK ;)
-Solved Wrong numbers in SoundConfig.exe.  ;)
-Mp3 volume not set by soundconfig --> FIXED  ;)
-Radio sound --> FIXED  ;)
-Bang sound --> OK  ;)
-ambiant planet and base sound was heard from the cockpit vue --> FIXED ;)

Thanks :beer:

cslevine a écrit:
one small thing :
- The countdown sound seems to be powerless. Maybe could it be calculated as radio sounds, when checked in external view

You mean it's different than before ? In anyway the countdown is a "radio" sound so it should not be faded by distance or pressure. It obey also to the ATC volume (Well, I'm not 100% sure of that)


Offline cslevine

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Reply #6 - 28 October 2012, 13:11:08
You mean it's different than before ? In anyway the countdown is a "radio" sound so it should not be faded by distance or pressure. It obey also to the ATC volume (Well, I'm not 100% sure of that)

yes, i tested it even with default countdown, by switching off, for Atlantis

and again, it's hard to hearing the countdown.wav, still very low, so this wasn't my wav.
Changing the countdown volume in Soundconfig does nothing. It is at it's max. Even "254" does not force nothing.

(  i think i should try again the same with an older beta version to check  )

ok j'en sais un peu plus :

avec coché... fosso...

with "Play radio sound and att mod also in external view" is ON --> No problem. The countdown sound is loud and OK
without, we can hear the countdown, but very low.

Message modifié ( 28-10-2012 13:24 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #7 - 28 October 2012, 15:21:53
cslevine a écrit:
with "Play radio sound and att mod also in external view" is ON --> No problem. The countdown sound is loud and OK without, we can hear the countdown, but very low.

I know this may be confusing but this is expected for a radio sound ?
It play okay in internal view I bet ?

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #8 - 28 October 2012, 15:48:05
Mhhhh... thinking again I may remove it from "radio" external silence...
After all this is not a "common" radio sound anyway...
If it is supposed to enhance take-off it would be odd that it don't play.

I'll have a look.

Message modifié ( 28-10-2012 15:48 )

Offline Proximus

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Reply #9 - 28 October 2012, 16:53:04


Short description:

(MP3 distorted playback.)



Complete description

(Hi, my sound configuration is set to default, MP3 volume set to 255 and plays only in external view in space.
I have added one other track to the playlist, however when the MP3 plays it sounds like it is put through a Low Pass Filter? For example only the bass sounds are audible. This happens for the default track and new track. When I change the settings to play all the time, for example in the cockpit, the sound is the same. I have tried this with several vessels and DX9 with the same outcome.  )

Reproduce bug

(I was running OS3.5 and the MP3's were fine, only thing that's changed is the OS4 install. My orbiter install is quite messy, NG running old DX9 RC33 for example.  )


(This is the first time I have Beta tested anything so apologies if its something obvious or bad practice on my part!  )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #10 - 28 October 2012, 18:29:10
Proximus a écrit:
(This is the first time I have Beta tested anything so apologies if its something obvious or bad practice on my part!  )

No worry, all is fine.

Proximus a écrit:
(I was running OS3.5 and the MP3's were fine, only thing that's changed is the OS4 install. My orbiter install is quite messy, NG running old DX9 RC33 for example. )

The same MP3 ?

I explain: on a number of MP3 OS 3.5 failed to play them (Those with a big ID3). The only difference yet it that if the play fail it reverse to another method.

So 1st can you try to play the failing MP3 then exit and copy/past here the content of the OrbiterSound_log.txt ?
2nd If you can test with OS3.5 to play the same MP3 and tell me the result it would be a great help.
3rd I suppose it play fine in your windows ? If this is the case what prog (winamp ? other?)
4th do you experience this problem with all mp3 or only some ? Does the stock Mp3 play fine ?

Much thanks


Offline Scattykat

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Reply #11 - 28 October 2012, 19:52:18
First Impression:
Dan, firstly a big thank you for this major upgrade!

The Sound Config Application seems self explanatory and intuitive to use, especially if you have used the Sound 3.5 Config Application - Would it be possible to have a similar Launch Sequential Editor similar to Sound 3.5?
The sound projection cone works really well for me, as does the Mach 1 cone silence.
All up, the simulation experience has improved graetly with this upgrade.

I have has a couple of problems though -


Countdown Callout external & internal and Engine Sound in cockpit

Using a the scenario "Atlantis Launch" from thee Shuttle Fleet V4.8 addon the countdown callout doesn't happen. In addition, the engine noise inside the cockpit appears to be either very quiet or missing.



Reproduce bug

This bug happens 100% of the time. Using Shuttle fleet V4.8 addon with default settings for Sound 4.0
Sim environment is Orbiter NG with D3D9 R5 graphics client
Win 7 Realtek high Definiition Audio 5.1 surround enabled

Offline Proximus

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Reply #12 - 28 October 2012, 20:47:03
Hi Dan,

1. Sound log

OrbiterSound 4.0 (3D) Build Oct 28 2012 00:31:07

Orbiter version: 100830

Advanced OrbiterSound settings: (Edit: 'Sound/cfg/Editable_Advanced_Configuration.cfg')
Primary buffer         22050hz 16bits  (default 22050/16)
DopplerFactor         1.00      (default 1.00)
VaccumAttenuationFactor      1.00      (default 1.00)
SoundDistanceFactor      1.00      (default 1.00)
MaxSoundProcessPerSecond   60      (default 60)
MaxAnimCheckPerFrame      10      (default 10)
PlayWhenOrbiterInBackground   false      (default false)
WriteInLogAllLoadedSound   false      (default false)

Orbiter directory:  C:\Orbiter\
Listing planets winds and bases sounds:
  6 planet wind sound found
  4 bases sound found
Passed initModule - Ok
Attempting RenderViewport initialisation...
Attempting GetStartValue initialisation...
Passed GetStartValue - Ok
Initialising directsound...
   Sound hardware capabilities: Driver is not certified.
   Maximum hardware mixing buffers: 1.
   Maximum hardware 3D buffers: 0.
5.1 (5 speakers with subwoofer).
   Attempt to create Primary buffer: 22050hz 16bits 3d: yes
   3D primary buffer initialised OK
directsound initialised - OK
Passed RenderViewport - Ok
Attempting Mp3 initialisation...
MP3 found in directory =  2
Mp3 initialised - Ok
Focus changed attempting to load vessel wave
Info: Sound config found for class: DeltaGlider. 33 parameters set.
Focus changed load vessel wave - OK
Attempting to load Mp3...
Mp3 loaded - OK
Attempting to play Mp3...
Mp3 is playing - OK
Attempting to close viewport...
Attempting to kill DirectSound...
Wav files Statistics:
Nbr of wav loaded during simulation: 46
Nbr of wav re-used from memory: 0 (not loaded from disk so not counted in wav loaded)
Max nbr of wav in memory in same time: 44
Nbr of wav failed to load: 0
Nbr of wav not unloaded at exit: 0
DirectSound killed - OK
Passed CloseRenderViewport - Ok
Exited to Orbiter Launchpad - OK

Passed ExitModule - Ok

2. Installed OS3.5 and mp3 is playing normally, both bach and calm spaces and my own mp3.
    Re-installed OS4 and no mp3's are playing normally, only very low bass sounds can be heard.

3. All mp3's play fine in windows, windows media player, VLC, quicktime and adobe audition.

4. All mp3's are affected the same way.

It sounds like a filter is being applied to the mp3's?

Hope this helps.

Offline dgatsoulis

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Reply #13 - 28 October 2012, 20:59:41
I just finished testing all 12 of the default scenarios.

I am able to partially confirm cslevine's "bug".
There is a difference in the countdown sound in internal view but it wasn't too low. To me it sounded realistic, considering the added ambient sounds and most importantly the loud engine roaring at the back.

As far as mp3s go I copied a list of 112 tracks in the mp3 folder and went over them in sequence. I did not notice any problems, all tracks played fine.

The only thing I could report as a detail is this:


Short description:

Abrupt wind sound cut off on Venus


detail (I'm not even sure it is a bug)

Complete description

In the scenario "08- Planet Bases and Wind sounds" the wind sound on Venus cuts very abruptly at the altitude of ~60 km
Below that you hear the wind sound at full volume all the way down to the surface, but above 60 km the cut of is very sudden.
Here is what I mean:

Scenario 08, select SH-05, move camera above it and zoom out. The wind sound is the same up to 60 km, where it cuts off very suddenly

From what I understand the volume of the wind sound depends on the atmo pressure of the planet. So, if there is a big difference between above 60km and below 58 km in the  pressure, it reflects on the sound. The only reason I'm reporting this is because it was a bit weird going from very low sound to a high one at such a small threshold.
If that's the way it is supposed to sound due to atmo pressure, then consider this report solved.

As a last thing there is one last typo in the documentation.

Section: Thanks, credit and license\credit\Music

Replace "licence" with "license" in "...or sell this file without the appropriate licence."

Next up I will create custom sounds for a vessel and test them. Also try out some popular addons.
Will report again tomorrow around the same time.

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Offline Proximus

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Reply #14 - 28 October 2012, 21:25:49
Hi Dan,

Pleased to report its not your software that's the problem, its my hardware!

My left and right front speakers have failed, when OS4 plays mp3's they must come through the left and right stereo channels and subwoofer.

When I run OS4 all I can hear is the subwoofer and two rear satellite speakers and center speaker :grrr:

Really sorry I didn't find this sooner, hate to waste your valuable time  :(

Offline cslevine

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Reply #15 - 28 October 2012, 21:40:31
From what I understand the volume of the wind sound depends on the atmo pressure of the planet. So, if there is a big difference between above 60km and below 58 km in the pressure, it reflects on the sound. The only reason I'm reporting this is because it was a bit weird going from very low sound to a high one at such a small threshold.
If that's the way it is supposed to sound due to atmo pressure, then consider this report solved

yes, if it's like that, it's even very much interesting, for experimentating much intuitivly the pressure variations !

Offline marvin42

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Reply #16 - 28 October 2012, 23:17:28
Corrections in text files, SDK files (the comments in cpp & h files), welcome message, scenarios' descriptions send by PM. This should make things easier for future corrections.

Post Edited ( 10-28-12 23:19 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #17 - 29 October 2012, 02:39:38
Proximus a écrit:
Hi Dan,

Pleased to report its not your software that's the problem, its my hardware!

My left and right front speakers have failed, when OS4 plays mp3's they must come through the left and right stereo channels and subwoofer.

When I run OS4 all I can hear is the subwoofer and two rear satellite speakers and center speaker :grrr:

Really sorry I didn't find this sooner, hate to waste your valuable time  :(

No problem, I'm very glad you searched and finally did find the problem, that is a great tester work !
As no code changed I suspected the MS library. OS 3.5 was compiled with directShow 2006 and OS 4.0 with 2009 (DX9)
But finally it work. :)



Offline DanSteph

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Reply #18 - 29 October 2012, 02:44:06
Scattykat a écrit:
Config Application - Would it be possible to have a similar Launch Sequential Editor similar to Sound 3.5?

You mean the radio sequence editor ? it's still here in Sound folder.

Scattykat a écrit:
First Impression:
Dan, firstly a big thank you for this major upgrade!

The Sound Config Application seems self explanatory and intuitive to use, especially if you have used the Sound 3.5 Config Application - Would it be possible to have a similar Launch Sequential Editor similar to Sound 3.5?
The sound projection cone works really well for me, as does the Mach 1 cone silence.
All up, the simulation experience has improved graetly with this upgrade.

I have has a couple of problems though -


Countdown Callout external & internal and Engine Sound in cockpit

Using a the scenario "Atlantis Launch" from thee Shuttle Fleet V4.8 addon the countdown callout doesn't happen. In addition, the engine noise inside the cockpit appears to be either very quiet or missing.

For countdown sound, it's normal, ShuttleFleet have no configuration file and so no countdown sound assigned. Anyone (or the author) can create one easily.

For internal sound it can be a bug , I'll have to test it.

Thanks for feedback and report


Message modifié ( 29-10-2012 03:16 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #19 - 29 October 2012, 02:49:37
dgatsoulis a écrit:
Short description:

Abrupt wind sound cut off on Venus

If there is no bug I suspect the atmosphere of Venus to have an abrupt drop of pressure.
I'll test it and try anyway to make it more smoother.

Thanks also for feedback and report.


Message modifié ( 29-10-2012 04:55 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #20 - 29 October 2012, 02:50:48
marvin42 a écrit:
Corrections in text files, SDK files (the comments in cpp & h files), welcome message, scenarios' descriptions send by PM. This should make things easier for future corrections.

Much thanks Emil !

Files received, I'll update all text & files :beer:


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #21 - 29 October 2012, 04:30:01
dgatsoulis a écrit:
Short description:

Abrupt wind sound cut off on Venus

Okay, that's what I did find:

Venus's pressure is ten time the pressure on earth, within the last 20km zoom it drop from earth's pressure (101k) to zero.
The problem is that the zoom is not linear, the further you are (from vessel on ground) the greater the change is.

This mean that instead of say 40 zoom keypress to drop from 101kPa to 0 on earth, on Venus you need only 3 keypress for the same drop (as it start much higher). It sound almost instant.

There is nothing I can do here unless I cheat and this would mess completely the realism.

But while I was here I added a linear factor so the drop in volume is more smooth on earth and other planet. This change almost nothing for venus, the ramp due to zoom artefact  is too steep.

I added that to FAQ..


PS: I love your signature:

“The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it’s difficult to discern if they are genuine.”
-Winston Churchill


Message modifié ( 29-10-2012 05:04 )

Offline jgrillo2002

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Reply #22 - 29 October 2012, 09:08:38
No new problems yet bessides the ones that have been reported. I have yet to try out the atlantis vessel because it gives me a CTD. testing continues

Offline paddy2

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Reply #23 - 29 October 2012, 13:04:29
First impressions

Running on XP with 1Gb Ram

Install went fine, liked the idea of going to documentation. Even on a low end system still gave a few good ideas and felt the download was worth it.  Liked the idea of adding sound to own base and hints to other authors, did not feel this was over the top.

Splash screen at start gave good feeling install was successful. Only using motherboard sound and cheap speakers but played fine and sounded good.  Exception was the very first sound as Orbiter ran for the first time, as was not expected did not understand at first what it had said, suggest slower cadence

Will put it through more involved testing on next run

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #24 - 29 October 2012, 13:18:42
paddy2 a écrit:
as was not expected did not understand at first what it had said, suggest slower cadence
Will put it through more involved testing on next run

Much thanks for feedback...
Suggestion seem good, maybe I can add an airport bell announcement "ding ding ding ding" THEN only a "welcome in the new OrbiterSound 4.0" but from a real girl's voice and not from a robot speaking.

So it would sound more soft, natural and less surprising.
