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BEGIN_DESCOpen up LTMFD TEI program, set PeA=600k and take off when ready with hover engines, destination Earth. It's time to go back home.If you want to automatically takeoff, the hover autopilot is the PRO905.END_DESCBEGIN_ENVIRONMENT System Sol Date MJD 60340.1417193002END_ENVIRONMENTBEGIN_FOCUS Ship GL-01END_FOCUSBEGIN_CAMERA TARGET GL-01 MODE Cockpit FOV 50.00END_CAMERABEGIN_HUD TYPE SurfaceEND_HUDBEGIN_MFD Left TYPE User MODE LunarTransferMFD DataA1 -2 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 DataB1 0 0 4.71238898038469 0 0 0 DataB2 0 0 60340.141599023 0 120000 0 DataB3 0 0 0 0END_MFDBEGIN_MFD Right TYPE Map REF Moon BTARGET Brighton BeachEND_MFDBEGIN_PANELEND_PANELBEGIN_SHIPSISS:ProjectAlpha_ISS STATUS Orbiting Earth RPOS -5456851.12 2956517.94 -2570188.32 RVEL 1431.347 -3292.343 -6817.870 AROT 148.90 -53.72 158.54 VROT 0.06 0.04 -0.19 AFCMODE 7 PRPLEVEL 0:1.000000 IDS 0:588 100 1:586 100 2:584 100 3:582 100 4:580 100 NAVFREQ 0 0 XPDR 466ENDMir:Mir STATUS Orbiting Earth RPOS 1304484.76 293299.34 6552507.18 RVEL -7554.259 618.412 1491.086 AROT 137.72 -59.78 -177.58 VROT 0.28 -0.20 -0.08 AFCMODE 7 IDS 0:540 100 1:542 100 2:544 100 XPDR 482ENDLuna-OB1:Wheel STATUS Orbiting Moon RPOS -2029172.37 -948430.08 11858.68 RVEL 626.268 -1340.542 -3.432 AROT 66.26 15.96 91.28 VROT -0.09 0.43 10.00 AFCMODE 7 IDS 0:560 100 1:564 100 XPDR 494ENDGL-01:DeltaGliderIV STATUS Landed Moon POS -33.4384038 41.1185774 HEADING 97.71 PRPLEVEL 0:0.999953 1:0.999997 2:0.983333 IDS 0:45 100 NAVFREQ 166 484 XPDR 0 ;-------------------------- Skin parameters must contain directory name of skin (without space) MeshSkin Atv ;-------------------------- Cargo payload must contain name of config file or "none".(see doc) CargoPayload none NOSECONE 0 0.00 GEAR 1 1.00 AllDoorsState 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 But1Cockpit 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 But2Cockpit 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 TransEffect 0 LifeBut1State 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 LevelBatt 100.0002 Emergency_power 10000.0000 VoltageStartBus 0.0000 VoltageGen1 96.2820 VoltageGen2 96.2819 VoltageGenBus 96.0000 O2tankALevel 99.9996 N2tankALevel 100.0000 O2tankBLevel 100.0000 N2tankBLevel 100.0000 CabinO2Level 21.3881 CabinCO2Level 600.0000 CabinTempLevel 21.2000 CabinPressure 14.7000 CabinMoistLevel 36.0000 CabinDustLevel 0.0001 CabinO2Setting 21.4000 CabinTempSetting 21.2000 CabinPressSetting 14.7000 AntennaTarget no_target O2ConsumptionSetting 4 FuelConsumptionSetting 2 MainenginePower 2 ;------------------Crew parameters UMMUCREW Function-Name-Age-CardiacPulse-WeightKg (fonction of Pilot must be: Capt) NoOneOnBoard 0 NoPilotOnBoard 0 UMMUCREW Capt-Christopher_Coles-47-60-70 UMMUCREW Spe-Burton_Lambert-22-66-78 UMMUCREW Ast-Daniel_Gecker-33-72-75 UMMUCREW Eng-Bradley_Banister-55-72-79 UMMUCREW Spe-Bradley_Banister-36-65-82 FailGearFailure 0 FailGearCollapse 0 FailLeftMainEngine 0 FailRightMainEngine 0 FailHoverEngine 0 FailRcs 0 FailSurfaceControl 0 FailComputer 0 FailComputerBlueScreen 0 FailAutopilot 0 FailExtRadiator 0 FailAirbrake 0 FailNoseCone 0 FailCanopy 0 FailAntenna 0 FailLeftTurbo 0 FailRightTurbo 0 FailCargoDoor 0 SpacesuitTimer 0 UCGO @@0,1,0,0,@@1,1,0,0,@@2,1,0,0,@@3,1,0,0,ENDEND_SHIPSBEGIN_ExtMFDEND
Ripley a écrit:DGIV BUGShort description: Gear animation fails randomly