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Author Topic: XR Fleet,First ISS docking, control panel problems  (Read 1878 times)

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Offline popyseed

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08 January 2011, 03:47:34
I keep reading the directions on how to transfer fuel from the ISS (or anything else im docked with) and several times im told to "switch to the lower panel" with all of the oxygen/consumables, and with the ability to use external O2 when im on the ground....I can't find a "lower panel".

I've tried using the internal cockpit view, and that has gotten me as far as docking with ISS, opening the external and internal hatches, and thats it.

The main panel allows me to use open and shut ramjet/retro doors, look at temp. displays, and use the MFD's, but I simply dont see any of the switches that the PDF associates with the O2..., and they arent in the cockpit view either.
The only way I know how to navigate bettween panels is with F8, I havent found any secret keystroke for a "lower panel"

Im so excited to finaly have gotten to the ISS, and its taken over 100 flights to finaly figure it all out, PLEASE HELP ME!
Im docked in the Delta flyer (XR-1).

Offline Bibi Uncle

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Reply #1 - 08 January 2011, 17:09:14
When you're in the 2D panel view (when you see the main panel), hit [ctrl]+[down arrow] to go to the lower panel. For the upper one, use the up arrow key.


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