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Author Topic: Arrow and Rover issues  (Read 2298 times)

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Offline Drakomis

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21 September 2010, 04:47:02
Thought I do a short post here with a problem of mine. I downloaded the wonderful UCGO addon for Orbiter (before you ask everything is up to date) and I seem to be having an issue. When I deploy the rover lift I am unable to stow the lift with the rover on it. If this was intentional there is absolutely no documentation ANYWHERE describing this. Moreover, after searching countless forums, this problem does not seem to be abundant. I ask assistance in this matter, as I could easily be doing something wrong.

-Problem in Brief-
When rover is on lift pad, untouched and cargo empty as well as no passengers, pressing stow or attempting to stow lift will give the following error message:

"Error: Azure rover must be empty before stowing. Abort Stowing!"

I'm unsure if this was an intentional inclusion to the Arrow to not be able to stow the Rover with the lift. However if it is I highly recommend something be done to correct this. If possible if anyone can provide assistance to correct this situation, I would greatly appreciate it.

Drakomis Kromulus

Arrow is on ground on Earth when error happens. Azure Rover has no passengers nor cargo. Tested with passengers and cargo and error is the same.

Offline Bibi Uncle

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Reply #1 - 21 September 2010, 23:25:23
Do you have cargos on top of the Azure ? This could do this.


« Last Edit: 21 September 2010, 23:55:57 by Bibi Uncle »

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Offline Drakomis

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Reply #2 - 21 September 2010, 23:55:57
Thanks for the response!

Nope, sure don't. If there was it didn't register for when I dropped all cargo. Is there some kind of coding necessary to fix this? If so I'm unsure how to do it for this specific problems, furthermore for any others.

Any other tips of suggestions?

Drakomis Kromulus

« Last Edit: 21 September 2010, 23:55:57 by Drakomis »