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Author Topic: Problem limiting maximum speed in UCGO vehicle  (Read 1744 times)

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Offline Ben sisko

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24 August 2010, 04:40:05
I've created the UCGO cfg for a lunar vehicle but can't limit the maximumspeed regardless of the values I use for max speed or engine power. also the sound is only intermittently produced.

Code: [Select]
; === Configuration file for vessel class *Universal Cars & Cargo for Orbiter* (UCGO) Car by Dansteph===
Module = UCGOCars
; To make a new car,Copy this config rename it (eg:"UCGOCarFord.cfg") and
; change the parameters. Please see SDK doc in "Doc/UniversalCars"
ImageBmp = Images\UniversalCars\ucgo_flatbed.bmp ;image of your car in ScnEditor, delete or change this line and add a bmp image.
SetCameraOffset = 0.00 2.687 -10.356 ; Driver's eyes point mesh local coordinate format= xx yy zz.

CarMesheName = wasteproc ; Car's mesh name must be located in "Meshes/UniversalCars" directory.
RiFrWheelGrNbr = -1 ; Right front wheel mesh group number for animation.
LeFrWheelGrNbr = -1 ; Left front wheel mesh group number for animation.
RearWheelGrNbr = -1 ; Rear wheels mesh group number for animation.
LeftFender = -1 ; Front wheel left fender mesh group (as in lunar rover) set to -1 if none.
RightFender = -1 ; Front wheel right fender mesh group (as in lunar rover) set to -1 if none.
AxeRightFront = -11.085 0.488 -6.20 ; Right front wheels axle position, vector, format = xx yy zz.
AxeLeftFront = 11.085 0.488 -6.20 ; Left front wheels axle position, vector, format = xx yy zz.
AxeRearWheel = 0.00 0.488 7.28 ; Rear wheels axle position, vector, format = xx yy zz.
FrontWheelDiam = 0.202 ; Front wheels diameter in meter for rotation factor (vs ground speed).
RearWheelDiam = 0.202 ; Rear wheels diameter in meter for rotation factor (vs ground speed).
MaxWheelsAngle = 70.0 ; Max angle in degree that can take front wheel (visual so it match turn radius).
RearDirectionWheel=1 ; If the direction wheel is behind. (like forklift).

;MaxSpeed = 1.0 ; Max Speed in kilometers per hours.
;EnginePower = 5.0 ; Engine power, make test to adjust.
;EngineIsElectric= 0 ; 1 if electric (no gears sound) 0 if normal (with gear sound).
;GearsNumber = 5 ; Number of gears this is only for sound and normal engine.
;BrakeForce = 50.0 ; Brake (slowdown force), make test to adjust.
;LateralGrip = 50.0 ; Lateral grip, make test to adjust. Valid value from 5 to 80.
;PressurizedCabin= 0 ; Set 1 if cabin is pressurized 0 if not.

;EngineSoundWav = EngineVan.wav ; Filename of engine sound, must be located in "Sound/UniversalCars" directory.
;SkiddingSoundWav= skidding.wav ; Filename of skidding sound, must be located in "Sound/UniversalCars" directory.
;AirSpeedSoundWav= AirSpeed.wav ; Filename of airspeed sound, must be located in "Sound/UniversalCars" directory.
;blinkerSoundWav = blinker.wav ; Filename of blinker sound, must be located in "Sound/UniversalCars" directory.
;hornSoundWav = horn.wav ; Filename of horn sound, must be located in "Sound/UniversalCars" directory.
;StarterSoundWav = starter.wav ; Filename of starter sound, must be located in "Sound/UniversalCars" directory.

;FronLightPos = 0.901 0.004 6.1 ; Front light right position, left position is automatically set from this.
;FrontLightScale = 0.50 ; Size of front light, set to zero to disable brake light.

;BrakeLightPos = 0.90 0.09 -2.78 ; Brake light right position, left position is automatically set from this.
;BrakeLightScale = 0.35 ; Size of brake light, set to zero to disable brake light.
;SRearBlinkerPos = 1.05 0.09 -2.78 ; Rear blinker light right position, left position is automatically set from this.
;RearBlinkerScale= 0.35 ; Size of rear blinker light, set to zero to disable rear blinker light.
;FronBlinkerPos = 1.11 0.004 6.0 ; Front blinker light right position, left position is automatically set from this.
;FronBlinkerScale= 0.20 ; Size of front blinker light,set to zero to disable front blinker light.

;SeatNumber = 2 ; Number of seats in cars (max 60, but not recommended even for bus).
;ExitPosition1 = -2.0 3.0 ; Position at which MMU will be placed when exit (X,Z in meters).
;ExitPosition2 = 2.0 3.0 ; Alternate position at which MMU will be placed when exit (leave empty for default).
;ExitPosition3 = -2.0 2.0 ; Position at which MMU will be placed when exit (X,Z in meters).
;ExitPosition4 = 2.0 2.0 ; Alternate position at which MMU will be placed when exit (leave empty for default).
;CrewMeshGrpNbr1 = 0 ; Mesh group number of crew 1, will be visible if crew >0, set to -1 if none.
;CrewMeshGrpNbr2 = -1 ; Mesh group number of crew 2, will be visible if crew >1, set to -1 if none.

CargoSlotPos = 0 1.17 -9.5 ; Front left pos of first cargo slot X Y Z (see doc).
CargoRowColumnNbr = 1 6 ; Number of slot row & column  (max 20 slots, see doc).
CargoSlotInterval = 0.75 ; Interval between each slot in meters.
CargoReleasePos  = 0 -20 ; X Z pos at wich cargo will be placed when released (see doc).
CargoShowInCockpit= 0 ; Force cargo to appear also in cockpit view (only external by default).
CargoGrappleDist  = 30 ; Grapple radius from center of cars. By defaut 15 meters.

Suggestions appreciated!

Offline gattico

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Reply #1 - 24 August 2010, 14:39:17
It might be this:
;MaxSpeed   = 1.0         ; Max Speed in kilometers per hours.
;EnginePower   = 5.0         ; Engine power, make test to adjust.
 try removing the ;

Offline Ben sisko

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Reply #2 - 25 August 2010, 01:23:11
:stupid: Doh, didn't see that!


« Last Edit: 25 August 2010, 01:23:11 by Ben sisko »