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Author Topic: Docking frequency for Arrow?  (Read 2451 times)

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Offline XavierAnderson

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23 May 2010, 20:46:03
Hi there.

I apologize, I'm a bit new to docking any ship anywhere.
I've grown used to getting used to using DGIVs autodock autopilot.

I've tried to use it with the Arrow, only problem when I try to execute the
AP it doesn't detect the frequency for the dry dock of the arrow...even if
I have my frequencies set least I think I do.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is it not built in yet?

Offline Bibi Uncle

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Reply #1 - 24 May 2010, 02:17:18
Hi Xavier, welcome to the forum ! :beer:

To find the radio frequency of a ship, you can simply tap the "F4" button, then click on "Object Info" tab. In the new menu, select "Vessel" in the first field and the Arrow on the second field. Then, you should see on the "Docking port status" graffic the IDS of the docking pad.

However, the automatic docking of the DG-IV takes the fastest way to the ship. Therefore, your vessel will surely pass thrue your Arrow which is less realistic. So, I recommand a manual docking with the Arrow or, if you want to test this fantastic autopilot, try it with ISS.

I hope I helped you ;)


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Offline Pandion

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Reply #2 - 08 August 2010, 18:39:25
Hi I'm having the same problem according to the ship info the docking bay is 124.00 but nothing shows up when I enter the freq, into Nav1 and go to the docking MFD

I've not touched Orbiter for some while so not sure where I've gone wrong

any help appreciated

Offline jb42682

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Reply #3 - 10 August 2010, 13:25:41
You should get confermation via com's when you enter your frequency. The only two things I know of that will cause it not to work is 1.Wrong frequency or 2.Your to far away. you must be very close to get any signal

« Last Edit: 10 August 2010, 13:25:41 by jb42682 »
What? I know I had enough fuel when I left. Oh crap!