So I have been working on a few different meshes for UCGO addons and this is one of em.
This is honestly my very first Orbiter addon and I definately plan on cleaning things up in the future as updates to the
original. But it is releasable and I figured I would share it, as it comes in usefull being able to transport a rover in an
UCGO cargo.
Things to do for version 1.2 release...
1. Texture the instrument panel
2. Add more detail to the flat textures
3. Dirty up the textures
4. Add a bit more on the model (details)
5. Fix a few small things on the textures
Now as soon as Orbiter Hanger finishes the server move I will upload it there. But for the meantime I will try to attach
it here.
Mesh and Textures by Me
UMMU Mesh and Textures by Dan Steph

Get it here....