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Author Topic: Creating a preview jpeg for new skin question.  (Read 1975 times)

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Offline Balladeer

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23 August 2008, 04:10:02
Hello there.  When creating a jpeg preview image for a new skin, there is a limit of no more than 300 pixels by 144
pixels.  I notice that Dan's as well as every other person who has created a skin was able to produce a nice clean,
crisp image.  I'm having a heck of a time achieving this.  I can resize the screenshot and all of that but it drastically
degrade's the image quality.

Dan and to anyone who has created these preview images, how did you achieve such crisp pictures at such a small
pixel size?  Any tips would be much appreciated.  I'm using Photofiltre but I could use Gimp to if needs be.

Thank you.

Offline Dig Gil

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Reply #1 - 23 August 2008, 11:48:12
Hehe, it's funny I had that problem too, but I never thought anyone could fall in the same mistake as mine. Once I
was doing the same thing when I didn't notice the size limit of  the Jpeg (I thought orbiter would resize automatically)
then after resizing it using Gimp the picture lost quallity, then I needed to remake so things and use some Gimp's
magic on another. These "magics" are:

-The Blur/Sharpen Tool
-Contrast & Brightness
-And some Colour Balance

Try messing with them so you learn how to use them (don't forget to save backup copy while doing this).

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Offline Balladeer

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Reply #2 - 23 August 2008, 18:11:41
Thanks Dig Gil.  That's pretty much what I ended up doing.  I just used the brightness/contrast/sharpen and some
other features in Photofiltre to help the image be more clear and descernable.

« Last Edit: 23 August 2008, 18:11:41 by Balladeer »