Good day; considering the DGIV is the most popular spacecraft we use; I thought I'd pass along some suggestions from NAGTY
(Note, these are suggestions to make a great project even better, I'm not complaining about anything with the DGIV)
1. Autopilots would be more useful if you could line them up to be activated after a timer (IE, Atmosphere AP then soon
after, auto hover descent AP)
2. Auto hover descent AP to be allowed access to the retros to stop the craft.
3. Different DGs to reflect different uses;
Ambulance DG (with appropriate internal layout, possibly of cryogenic-pods) to have controls for maintaining patients
Passenger DG with cargo bay replaced by extra seats (how about an irate passenger? :P)
Science DG with lab and seats (able to collect samples without EVA) as well as the possible chance of it becoming a
bio-hazard area, or other catastrophe (possibly for controls to deal with it)
4. DG able to eject individual passengers, with the choice of ejecting them upwards (low altitude) or downwards (high
altitude, you don't want them going into orbit, now, do you? :P)
5. Other consumables aboard, such as food and water (as well as facilities to dispose of the results) for the passengers.
6. DG cargo bay to be able to hold and track the lifesigns of live cargo (pets, for instance) as well as having suitable
controls for it
7. (graphics mod) the removal of the radiator and antenna when stowed (similar to the cargo's ability to disappear when bay
doors not open)
8. Cargo arm able to transmit data to it's attached object (for instance, the warm-up procedure of the DG's current sat) as
well as collecting data (Such as connecting to a impact probe)
9.. EVA's to be more realistic (inner door becomes needed for EVA's, currently, you only need the nose cone and outer door
open to EVA)
10. Random fault creator (says it all really)
11. Data transfer capabilty of antenna used,, say, for transmitting science data down to the nearest base.
These are ideas, nothing more, if you like them, please feel free to create them.