I think Galelio had what I call "communication problem".
Internet communication is tricky...
-During high school, men get used to be rude towards each other. Disrispect or harshness is the general rule,
protocol is what rules in the world of adults, the transition is painful.
-In internet we do not have a soft voice (which some of us compensate with strong words).
-In internet we do not have a face, smileys help but in general terms non verbal communication is mostly gone in the
conventional way.
-Internet adds several extra rules of non verbal communication that many kids do not know.
-Internat communities are like small societies and they become offended for different reasons.
-People on an individual level are different, with different sensitive aspects.
There were been times when I myself have had those ugly moments when I think this about myself...
We all have had those moments...
Post Edited ( 02-14-08 22:02 )