Now you will have a place to land on all those interplanetary flights.
New solar system prelude pack released at downloads
Parts 1,2, and 3 consist of:
12 new skins (for Ariel, Callisto, Charon, Hyperion, Iapetus, Io, Nereid, Oberon, Pluto, Rhea, Titania, and Oberon).
You need all 3 parts in order for this to function properly
Also needed are any pluto/charon addon (nighthawke's version on orbithangar recomended), the prelude II
superpack by sundog which contains the triton77 skin, the Davmox 86 skin by willy88, and the vtol for preludeII by
Dan (download 37)
Also included are:
Vor/Vtol bases (the landing pad base found in config\body_name\base\PreludeIiBody_name.cfg) for all 12 of the
above celestial bodies.
19 scenarios with the preludeII bases.
Scenario command lines. PLEASE read the readme for more info on these command lines.
Feedback is greatly appreciated. This way I can know how to make this addon better.
Happy orbiting.
Post Edited ( 07-18-07 12:21 )