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Author Topic: DGIV tires  (Read 4305 times)

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Offline willy88

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16 July 2007, 22:24:41
The DGIV is capable of going to the Moon, and it obviously would land on the Moon as well.

Dan, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the DGIV tires inflatable? Wouldn't the explode in a vacuum?

And don't tell me that they are wire mesh, that couldn't support a DGIV.

*mumbles something about the multiple DGIV landings at Brighton Beach being a hoax* :ptdr:

Post Edited ( 07-16-07 22:25 )


Offline Quick_Nick

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Reply #1 - 16 July 2007, 23:51:34
You're criticizing about realism in the DGIV?! Haha.


Offline sunshine135

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Reply #2 - 17 July 2007, 00:03:43
I thought DGIV had solid tires? You obviously couldn't have air filled tires for the reason you mentioned, otherwise they
would KERPLOW the minute you opened the wheel wells.

"Sun Dog"

Offline Busydude

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Reply #3 - 17 July 2007, 00:13:57
I don't think that they would explode.

Car tires do have a pressure of 2-3 atmospheres in normal atmosphere. It's not a big difference to 2-3 atmos against vacuum.
A bigger problem would be the extreme heat from the sunlight.

I'm not sure, but i don't think that the tires of the spaceshuttle are stowed in the gearbox under pressure. But at least
they are hidden from the suns influence.

I would say even a coke-bottle would'd explode in vacuum as long as the plastic doesn't melt ;)

But another question is bugging me for a long time: Could a small hole in the wall of a spaceship stuffed by a thumb if it's
smaller than 1 cm²? The pressure on 1cm² is 1kg at 1 atmosphere. So it should be possible for a short time. But if the hole
faces the sun the thumb will get a really bad sunburn ;)

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Offline sunshine135

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Reply #4 - 17 July 2007, 00:41:18
Busydude wrote:
I don't think that they would explode.

Car tires do have a pressure of 2-3 atmospheres in normal atmosphere. It's not a big difference to 2-3 atmos against vacuum.
A bigger problem would be the extreme heat from the sunlight.

I think they would, unless they were very tiny like high pressure racing bike tires (80 PSI), otherwise you would be exerting
almost 6 times what they are rated for.

"Sun Dog"

Offline FreeLancer TonyZ

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Reply #5 - 17 July 2007, 01:01:09
I'm sorry but i must put in my 2 cents worth at this time.
The difference between normal atmospheric pressure and vacuum is only 14.7 psi so even a normal car tire inflated to
35 psi would only have to sustain an over pressure of that same 14.7 psi  which means a total pressure of 49.7 psi
give or take a few decimal points. so there is really no possibility of an explosive overpressure.
 i agree with "busydude" that the real problem for tires in space would be the extremes of temperature between -200
deg F in shade and 400 deg F in sunlight. so they would become very brittle and frozen or just melt off the rims.
neither choice being very appealing come landing time.

just a thought...

Offline willy88

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Reply #6 - 17 July 2007, 01:11:26
Quick_Nick wrote:
You're criticizing about realism in the DGIV?! Haha.

Not really, I'm just curious of what they are composed of.


Offline Busydude

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Reply #7 - 17 July 2007, 01:20:03
willy88 wrote:
Not really, I'm just curious of what they are composed of.

Textured triangles?

*scnr* :badsmile:

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Offline willy88

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Reply #8 - 17 July 2007, 01:21:52
Busydude wrote:
Textured triangles?

*scnr* :badsmile:

That'll do... :badsmile:


Offline Tachyon

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Reply #9 - 20 July 2007, 02:53:02
Textured triangles !!!!

:ptdr: :)   OMG ... okay that was about the funniest thing I've ever read here .... awesome comeback

My god - it's full of stars !

Offline Sunhillow

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Reply #10 - 21 July 2007, 00:14:38
What are the Shuttle tires made of?
Looks like rubber, and they can hold the 1 bar extra pressure during more than one week in space. Maybe the secret are the
triangles :beer:

Offline Orbiter Fan

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Reply #11 - 21 July 2007, 00:26:29
Sunhillow wrote:
What are the Shuttle tires made of?
Looks like rubber, and they can hold the 1 bar extra pressure during more than one week in space. Maybe the secret
are the
triangles :beer:
The wheelwells of the orbiter(not shuttle!) are not pressurized during the mission. The tires are pressurized with 340
PSI nitrogen.

Offline skookum

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Reply #12 - 21 July 2007, 05:09:44
You could seal a small hole in a space craft's hull with your thumb temporarily with little trouble. After a period of time
however, blood would collect in the exposed section and clot causing bruising and eventually tissue death.

I'm a space cadet too!

Offline Aviator_14

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Reply #13 - 09 March 2008, 20:19:53
Solid rubber

Offline Dig Gil

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Reply #14 - 11 March 2008, 13:01:22
Sunhillow wrote:
Maybe the secret are the
triangles :beer:
If the wheels explode in vacum or not it depends on the material is made of.

« Last Edit: 11 March 2008, 13:01:22 by Dig Gil »
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