Hey Dan,
I was trying to calculate my launch azimuth and had a three-digit heading (271°). When programming my DGIV
autopilot to launch from earth (PRO903SPECnn), I couldn't write 271, since "nn" only accpets a two-digit number.
I checked your DGIV documentation to see if I had missed something. It says,
Take the scenario « Mission /Fly me around the moon » and try to reach Luna OB1, you'll have to apply such
calculation: (try it by yourself with above formula without watching below)
« 41.118 COS M1 91.48 COS / MR1 ENT SPEC ASIN M2 MR2 COS * 1480 ENT M1 3.49 / MR1 ENT M1 MR2
Result= -2.0997°
So, as -2° is not possible we'll simply do 360° (equal to 0°) minus -2° =358° open map MFD wait that Luna
OB1's trajectory pass over you and launch PRO905SPEC358
For some reason, the autopilot in my DGIV doesn't accept a three-digit launch azimuth. Am I doing something wrong?
Best regards