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Author Topic: [CLOSED] [BETA8] of DeltaGliderIV  (Read 29418 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #50 - 20 April 2007, 02:40:54
sunshine135 a écrit:
Come on over Dan... I have an extra one in the fridge waiting for you!


"scenario 9" received and integrated back... much thanks !!!!

Nice one Mr engineer, the Spacetech company will not forget you...
Please follow Mr Drake our chief in charge of security in the small
room there... it will give you your reward.

John waine's voice:

"Sorry dude, you know too much secret of our company, you are a danger now... nothing personnal but..."
plop ! plop ! Aaaarghhh
swiitch switch ... crunck.... zzziiiiiiiiiiiiiiii flesh flesh ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

(Sound Dolby stereo)

(sorry, was thinking to more scenarios, I bet my imagination has gone to far :badsmile: )


Message modifié ( 20-04-2007 02:46 )

Offline sunshine135

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Reply #51 - 20 April 2007, 03:16:09


Engineer "SunDog" is dead from an overdose of Sam Adams Boston Lager imposed by a John Wayne-type security officer

Hey, Sam Adams was a brewer and a patriot... At least he had those priorities straight! :off:

Oh what were we talking about in this thread again?????


"Sun Dog"

Offline MattNW

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Reply #52 - 20 April 2007, 03:33:35
When using the Turbo Packs is the parachute supposed to be disabled? It would seem that since they are so inherently
dangerous the parachute should be enabled so if you get completely out of control you can degrapple the TP and that will
activate the parachute.

I went through a whole crew last night testing the turbo packs on manual control. I had to have my Security Cheif threaten
the last two at gunpoint . :lol:

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #53 - 20 April 2007, 14:05:03
MattNW a écrit:
When using the Turbo Packs is the parachute supposed to be disabled?

Sure, as it is automatique it might deploy when you're flying. Thanks to recall me that also: I changed so the auto
chute is autmatically disabled when you grapple a Turbopack. In case of trouble simply enable it again with J key.


Offline picto

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Reply #54 - 20 April 2007, 17:13:20
Plus de jaune ici :doubt:
Attends un peu, je laisse tomber les " en cours " et j'appelle du renfort !
Bravo :beer:

Message modifié ( 20-04-2007 18:19 )


Offline JoshB

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Reply #55 - 20 April 2007, 17:32:26
Looks like UMmu and DGIV is getting pretty stable, all reported bugs fixed.  Congrats, I'm sure you're feeling good about this.  

After DGIV, are you going to work on that base you posed teaser pictures of, or take a break, or work on FS money makers? :)
 Just wondering.  All you've done for Orbiter so far is amazing.

DanSteph wrote:
Thanks to recall me that also:

I'm only pointing this out because on another thread you said you weren't getting any better at English.  The proper word in
this context would be "remind", as in "Thanks for reminding me about that." :)

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #56 - 20 April 2007, 18:06:53
JoshB a écrit:
this context would be "remind", as in "Thanks for reminding me about that." :)

Thanks, I'll try to remind that ;)


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Reply #57 - 20 April 2007, 18:24:06
lol :top:

Offline sunshine135

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Reply #58 - 20 April 2007, 18:53:16
Check your mail Dan!!!!


Turbo-chuting...The next great Orbiter craze!!!! Invite the wife and the kids to try. It is addictive.


"Sun Dog"

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Reply #59 - 20 April 2007, 20:53:29
I found a  bug:

-Start your UMmu off with a turbopack on the Earth.
-Max thrust, straight up until you are out of fuel
-Press B and then G in quick succession to release the turbopack from your back and grab it with your hands (so you don't
foul your chute of course).
-Deploy your chute at 500m
-Press G and then B to swing the turbopack back to your back before you touch down
-When you land, your parachute stays attached in the verticle, and doesn't disappear.

I was able to duplicate the issue.

BTW- the above is a description of Turbo-chuting

"Sun Dog"

Offline JoshB

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Reply #60 - 20 April 2007, 21:13:59
Is it possible to refuel a turbopack or Mmu (rcs and o2) from the scenario editor?  I tried this yesterday but could not get
it to work right.  The fuel tanks listed didn't seem to match the actual numbers.  I wish I could refill an Mmu's o2 while on
a pad or something, as sometimes I want them to wait outside I (or rather, my mmu pilot) maneuvers the ship.

Also, somewhat annoying but trivial workaround -- the DGIV scenario editor screens for loading passengers, cargo, and skins
do not have a back button to get back to the scenario editor.  Workaround is to close the window and open scenario editor again.

I'm putting together a scenario called "Wait for me!"  It involves a constantly tardy stunt astronaut who finally
messed it up.  His DGIV trip from the moon back to earth left with out him, and unfortunately for him, it doesn't have enough
fuel to land again and make it back to earth.  They told him to stay behind for the next vessel (in 6 months!) but he knows
they have a couple orbits before trans-earth injection.  He is going to attempt a very dangerous stunt:  

Double jetpack rendezvous!

Holding on to one jetpack with another on his back, he has to use them to get up to orbital speed in approximately the same
inclination as the impatient DGIV.  A single jetpack doesn't have enough fuel to put him into orbit, but after the first one
runs out he can drop it and use the second one.  If he can get close enough to signal the ship, they will do the final
rendezvous (but not if he isn't too far out of the way.) If he doesn't get close enough, they will miss him and he'll die
after his oxygen runs out.  The tricky part is how to time his launch so that he can get into about the same orbit at the
same time, basically a direct ascent rendezvous.  

I haven't actually attempted this yet, just some testing and setup, but if I am able to do it I'll publish the scenario for
everyone else's pleasure.  The most difficult part is the fact that the Mmu doesn't have any MFDs.  You'll have to switch to
the DGIV and target one of the jetpacks with an MFD to see the progress.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #61 - 20 April 2007, 21:30:23
fuel: not possible, only way is to drop it on base pad or grapple it with DGIV
Back button: not possible


Offline Voyager

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Reply #62 - 20 April 2007, 23:10:12
JoshB wrote:
The most difficult part is the fact that the Mmu doesn't have any MFDs.  You'll have to switch to
the DGIV and target one of the jetpacks with an MFD to see the progress.

Not entirely true. you can use F8 to switch from virtual cockpit view back to default orbiter view which has 2 MFD's. But i
guess it wouldnt be very realistic :)

Besides, given realism, how is the stunt pilot gonna know which inclination to aim for, what altitude to stop burning? with
his basic readouts he could never know how he is doing, for all he knows he is right on the mark, dropping out of orbit or
flying back to earth on his own...

still a very interesting scenario to try out :)

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #63 - 20 April 2007, 23:28:13
latest feature: Orbital Hud

Might help for funny mission ;) I achieved to be in orbit with only one turbopack (required two attempt)


Offline JoshB

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Reply #64 - 20 April 2007, 23:48:48
Voyager wrote:
Not entirely true. you can use F8 to switch from virtual cockpit view back to default orbiter view which has 2 MFD's. But i
guess it wouldnt be very realistic :)
Actually glass cockpit mode is disabled in Mmus. The only information you have without switching vessels is from the three
hud modes.

Voyager wrote:

Besides, given realism, how is the stunt pilot gonna know which inclination to aim for, what altitude to stop burning? with
his basic readouts he could never know how he is doing, for all he knows he is right on the mark, dropping out of orbit or
flying back to earth on his own...

still a very interesting scenario to try out :)

What I did during testing determine the launch azimuth from map MFD of where the orbit crosses the base.  Launching the
target ship at 90 degrees from the same base makes this easy.  Then you could either use regular forward thrust and watch the
vertical velocity, or I also got to lunar orbit by using hover autopilot and setting it to 1 m/s until I got to target
altitude, then 0 m/s.  Meanwhile pitch almost all the way forward, and hover pilot will increase thrust too.  

Cut off can be calculated as a function of altitude and speed.  Since altitude is remaining constant, then you just need need
to know the speed, and cutoff when you reach that speed.  As a hint, look at the speed of the target vessel.  If you're
hardcore, then you can do the orbital calculations manually. :siffle:

I'm still working on the launch time.

Offline JoshB

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Reply #65 - 20 April 2007, 23:50:29
DanSteph wrote:
latest feature: Orbital Hud

Might help for funny mission ;) I achieved to be in orbit with only one turbopack (required two attempt)


Nice!  All that work I did (and post I just typed as you created the orbital hud) for nothing. lol

Anyway this should help a lot.  When is next beta release? ;)

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #66 - 21 April 2007, 00:32:48
JoshB a écrit:
Nice!  All that work I did (and post I just typed as you created the orbital hud) for nothing. lol

There is 6834 line of comments in DGIV code, 3/4 are just disabled code (I keep them in case),
or bad attempt to add a feature. Useless work you said ?  ;)


Message modifié ( 21-04-2007 00:58 )

Offline Quick_Nick

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Reply #67 - 21 April 2007, 01:27:52
DanSteph wrote:
JoshB a écrit:
Nice!  All that work I did (and post I just typed as you created the orbital hud) for nothing. lol

There is 6834 line of comments in DGIV code, 3/4 are just disabled code (I keep them in case),
or bad attempt to add a feature. Useless work you said ?  ;)

When doing projects, either addon type things, Flash games, or whatever I usually make multiple attempts and work
for hours at different approaches and just scrap them or play with them.


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Reply #68 - 21 April 2007, 01:49:35
Yeah, I was just exaggerating for dramatic effect.  ;)

Offline Felix

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Reply #69 - 21 April 2007, 02:56:19
I found a compatibility issue with the Space Elevator addon. I know this issue was mentioned before, but I think it might be
worth a second look. I hope it's not too big an issue for this late phase of the beta.

I have the following setup: Fresh Orbiter install with Orbiter Sound 3.0, DGIV and Kulchs Space Elevator plus his Space
Research Center spaceports (which are necessary for the Elevator). I have an elevator car with a DGIV attached in the payload
bay via attachment points. Gear is retracted, hover doors are "auto", though "closed" doesnt change anything either. The
scenario file can be found below.

The Issue:
At the first stop of the elevator at about 1000km, things are fine, except for some "G Excess" warnings that appear sometimes
(they show no consequences such as failures or whatever, and I can't reproduce them yet in 100% of all cases, probably not
too important anyway)
At the second stop at about 35 000km, once the DGIV is jettisoned from the payload bay, hover engines, hover doors and gear
fail and I get a "G Excess" warning. The only things that fail are hover+gear, nothing else. Crew are fine, too. The same
occurs at the third stop.

While moving upwards along the elevator's tether, the DGIV's instruments as well as the Surface MFD show zero for altitude,
speed etc., the only value which increases is Gs. I get 72g at the first stop, 2600g at the second and 3200g at the third
(lloks like the dgiv assumes it's being moved from ground to its current altitude in zero time or something like that.) When
the DGIV is disconnected from the elevator car (jettisoned), all values jump to the correct values, including Gs. That means
from 3200g to close to zero and from zero altitude to 50000k (or so) in an instant for Toutatis station, the third and last
stop of the elevator.

I tried removing the DGIV's position information from the scenario file, doesn't change anything. Probably a rather stupid
idea, too. ;)

What strikes me as odd is that neither crew nor any other system or part of the ship suffer any damage, it's just those
three, hover doors, hover engines and gear. This is the main reason why I thought bringing this up again was a good idea - if
there are other systems, that jugding by logics should be affected, too, but arent, it suggests that there already is a way
to avoid this behaviour implemented. Retro doors, for example, don't fail, despite their being very similar (i suppose) to
hover doors. If high gs are the reason, then the crew should be dead at about 2600g, too, which they arent. I don't know the
way these checks are implemented, but maybe applying the same behaviour e.g like the retro doors show to, say, hover doors,
might be possible and probably not too risky. I don't know the code, so I'm on very thin ice here.
If I'm mistaken, then pardon me for wasting your time. ;)

How to reproduce this:
Run the following scenario file: (default space elevator scenario minus the delta gliders plus a DGIV)
Move the car up to the first or second stop and jettison the DGIV from the cargo bay. You'll see the behaviour described in
detail above.

I am also getting CTDs, but I can't say much about them yet except for that they happen only with DGIV being attached to the
elevator car at an altitude >0, with focus on the DGIV and in cockpit mode and after a varying span of time, with or without
the car moving. I'll keep trying to figure that out, though as it doesn't occur during normal usage of the elevator, they
probably arent all that important issues either.

Maybe there's something that can be done about this; the space elevator is a really neat addon and it would be a pity if we
couldnt use it with the DGIV. I mean, it certainly is better for the environment. ;)


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #70 - 21 April 2007, 03:13:22
Did you tried putting it in safe mode ? When carried by other things you must use this mode as check are disabled.


Message modifié ( 21-04-2007 03:14 )

Offline Felix

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Reply #71 - 21 April 2007, 03:14:19
Another minor thing (I'm posting this separately so that deleting the former, probably useless report is easier), bordering
on mere nitpicking and probably more related to UMMU anyway:
I have a Mission Specialist named John F. Kennedy. The EVA select thingy tells me he's "Miss John F. Kennedy", which doesn't
exactly make me think of "Mission Specialist". Maybe "Spec" might be better in order to avoid confusion and postings along
the lines of "Hey Wot teh fuk, my char is a girl but its really a guy called peter where can i change chars sex!?!?!?

Another really minor thing: The "help"-display of MMUs has odd little boxes at the end of lines, like "special char, but this
font doesnt support it"-boxes. Looks like an issue with newline characters to me. I can't think of any software i have
installed that could interfere here.

Slightly Off-Topic: Amazing work, Dan. One of the rare cases where you spend hours looking for bugs and just cant find
anything significant. If that wasnt so cool, it probably would be pretty annoying. ;)

Offline g2g591

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Reply #72 - 21 April 2007, 03:26:06
about space elevator thing-- for some reason orbitmfd is accurate during ascent but surfacemfd is not. and safe mode does not
fix the issue. i just tried.
edit: and also locks the dg4 into safe mode(because epu fails and if i power up before jettison it is pointless and no one on board to power up after jetison)

Post Edited ( 04-21-07 03:35 )

Offline Felix

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Reply #73 - 21 April 2007, 03:29:44
Yes, I tried that, forgot to mention this. Didn't change anything, neither when powering up before, nor when doing that after
jettisoning, I always get broken gear, hover engines and doors.

Edit: g2g591, you can avoid getting locked in safe mode by  leaving battery power on.

Post Edited ( 04-21-07 03:34 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #74 - 21 April 2007, 03:33:41
Felix a écrit:
Another really minor thing: The "help"-display of MMUs has odd little boxes at the end of lines, like
"special char, but this font doesnt support it"-boxes. Looks like an issue with newline characters to me. I
can't think of any software i have installed that could interfere here.

Do you have a pic of this problem ? someone else have it ?

About space elevator I'll do... nothing. Space elevator messe completely all physic during ascent, it's a complete new
environment. Degrading systems to work with it (how to detect it ?) would be a call for odd bugs during normal
simulation. Also appart the fun things I think using DGIV to put it on an elevator is a... hem... well, not necessary.

Anyway thanks for testing. (safe mode should work when attached on "conventionnal" mother ship ?)


Message modifié ( 21-04-2007 03:34 )