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Author Topic: [CLOSED] [BETA8] of DeltaGliderIV  (Read 29415 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #100 - 21 April 2007, 17:45:14
Artlav a écrit:
Any Moon-landed scenario.
Start The Art of EVA scenario, where you are on the Moon in MMU already, open scenario editor-&gtpropellants.
Exact point is 66.3724%
66.3724% - runs around fine, 66.3723% - stands still.

Great, I have the bug, I'll be able to work on it.



Offline Artlav

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Reply #101 - 21 April 2007, 17:45:34
TurboPack infinite fuel bug:
Start The Art Of EVA scenario (or anyone on the Moon), get the MMU mated with turbopack, get off the ground for a while, make
sure the fuel is below 40kg, exit the sim, start current state, the fuel will be 40kg.
I thought that one was cleared...
And it doesn't work that way on Earth, as well as the ground mode-RCS fuel relation bug.

TurboPack thrust level bug:
Start any EVA-TP scenario, say EVA-turbopack tutorial, apply hover thrust to the MMU with turbopack, and make it hover a few
meters above the ground.
Now, exit, start qurrent state, smack - the turbopack thrust was off, and MMU crashes.

Offline sunshine135

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Reply #102 - 21 April 2007, 21:40:55

Since you are working Mmu and Turbopack issues, I wanted to remind you of this one that I posted. Iit was the last post on
page 3, and probably was overlooked.


sunshine135 wrote:
I found a  bug:

-Start your UMmu off with a turbopack on the Earth.
-Max thrust, straight up until you are out of fuel
-Press B and then G in quick succession to release the turbopack from your back and grab it with your hands (so you don't
foul your chute of course).
-Deploy your chute at 500m
-Press G and then B to swing the turbopack back to your back before you touch down
-When you land, your parachute stays attached in the verticle, and doesn't disappear.

I was able to duplicate the issue.

"Sun Dog"

Offline willy88

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Reply #103 - 21 April 2007, 21:49:58
I've had that same problem as well, the only way to "cure" it is to go back in the ship and go out.


Offline MattNW

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Reply #104 - 22 April 2007, 00:04:25
Not a bug but I was just wondering why the Medic doesn't have a distinctive suit of his own instead of a green Science suit.
At a disaster scene you want the medics to stand out so people know they are medical personell and not say a geologist. If
you want I can whip up the textures for a medic and email them to you.

Offline MattNW

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Reply #105 - 22 April 2007, 02:27:25
Here's a couple screen shots:

And a new face for my pilot. If y'all see this coming you better get out of the way. :lol:

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #106 - 22 April 2007, 14:52:12
Artlav a écrit:
Any Moon-landed scenario.
Start The Art of EVA scenario, where you are on the Moon in MMU already, open scenario editor-&gtpropellants.
Exact point is 66.3724%
66.3724% - runs around fine, 66.3723% - stands still.

Cured in next beta, thanks to check.

Was due to my code to switch to ROT instead of "walk" on planet with low G.
Less fuel= less weight=bad switching to rot mode=blocked.



Offline DanSteph

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Reply #107 - 22 April 2007, 15:31:21
Artlav a écrit:
TurboPack infinite fuel bug:
Start The Art Of EVA scenario (or anyone on the Moon), get the MMU mated with turbopack, get off the ground for a
while, make
sure the fuel is below 40kg, exit the sim, start current state, the fuel will be 40kg.
I thought that one was cleared...
And it doesn't work that way on Earth, as well as the ground mode-RCS fuel relation bug.

Not a bug but an Orbiter feature: when you are on a pad fuel tank are filled


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #108 - 22 April 2007, 20:52:16
DanSteph a écrit:
Not a bug but an Orbiter feature: when you are on a pad fuel tank are filled

Sorry, checked again, there was a bug in some circumstance, bug cleared.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #109 - 22 April 2007, 21:49:49
Artlav a écrit:
TurboPack infinite fuel bug:

TurboPack thrust level bug:

Both solved, thanks for catching those one.



Offline DanSteph

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Reply #110 - 22 April 2007, 21:53:43
n122vu a écrit:
Bug Report - Scenario Configuration
In the Mission Scenario "The Art of EVA" - when you EVA the crew of the crippled ship, their suits have 0%
RCS fuel.  This makes the EVA and rescue next to impossible, as when the crew EVA, they are also rotating out of
control along with the ship.  

Was the famous "mother ship copied fuel" bug, cleared.

This new "yellow" forum feature is incredibly usefull. For FsP (my shareware)
I mounted a new own forum were I had tag also for each post.  (solved, rejected (feature)
in waiting etc etc)

without such tool a serious beta test is really more difficult. (one cannot keep track of all)


Message modifié ( 22-04-2007 21:57 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #111 - 24 April 2007, 03:15:22
Artlav a écrit:
Update on the weight/control bug:
UMMU weight bug (?):
What about WeightKg parameter of UMMU? I can't see where it is saved in the scenario file.
If you exit the MMU from the vessel, exit the sim, start it again and get into the vessel, the weightKg parameter will be

Solved for beta 9



Offline aus_pilot

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Reply #112 - 24 April 2007, 17:31:51
I just did some testing on the Moon with Orulex/Visoad enabled, and can't report any issues so far. The UMmu does climb hills
nicely, but I think thats more to do with the way I fly them.

It's nice to fly around in the DGiv and look down at hills and valleys.. Even if I did start Obiter for some more testing
forgetting I had installed Orulex/Visoad in my test environment.


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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #113 - 24 April 2007, 18:18:25
Thanks for report, there is no "yellow" post anymore ;)

Writting the doc yet, with any chance the beta 9 will not be too "yellowed"
and we might process for a gold and a final release...


Offline killingsnake

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Reply #114 - 24 April 2007, 21:46:54

Greetings, Snake

Offline Quick_Nick

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Reply #115 - 25 April 2007, 03:53:35
DanSteph wrote:
Was the famous "mother ship copied fuel" bug, cleared.
I don't know what bug this refers to exactly, but since it has no reply, I really think it should be checked! I haven't
had the time. I have been meaning to for some time.


Offline n122vu

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Reply #116 - 25 April 2007, 04:10:35
Nick -

I believe he is referring to this bug mentioned in a reply to Artlav on page 5 of this thread (majority of that page is
centered around the topic, actually) :

DanSteph wrote]

Artlav a écrit:
EVA RCS/control bug:
UMMU RCS fuel are often set to some apparently random value when it egresses.
Futher research shows, that the RCS fuel is set to the amount of fuel in one of the host vessed (DGIV) tanks.

Solved !!!

No buffer overflow of course but a copy of the "mother" vessel status applied to child.

vs.Fuel=1.0; <--- forgot this one
Eva (vs)

So the "child" had simply same setting than mother ship. The fact that it didn't happened all time
come from orbiter I think, difference in timing. (when I was debuging step by step for example
I didn't had it)

May thanks for your help and for catching this one.

I "close" your problem, can you please watch about the other problem with "rot" setting "changing"
other vessel around and open another post if you can reproduce it ? (so I can "yellow" it as it's a different
problem than "fuel")


I had raised the issue because in my experience it was coming up with 0% fuel each time for the UMmu.  Artlav nailed
down that there was some corresponding factor to how much fuel was in the DGIV.  

At any rate, cleared in the next beta.  I am also ready to test.

Offline Quick_Nick

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Reply #117 - 25 April 2007, 13:48:24
I thought that was it. Glad it was cleared. I came out with about 80% fuel more than once before.


Offline Mok

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Reply #118 - 26 April 2007, 13:13:53
Hello all.

Dan je ne suis pas béta testeur, mais je possède une version béta avant que tu n'arrete la béta publique.

Je voudrais savoir si il est possible (tu jugeras de l'utilité :) ) de modifier très légèrement le programme pro500spec0
(null relative speed)

Je voudrais savoir si il est possible de faire en sorte que le programme ne s'arrete pas. (comme prograde)
Car une fois qu'il a annulé la vitesse il se coupe. Mais ! quand on joue avec  le non sphérical gravity, même une fois la
vitesse annulée, les vaisseaux se remettent un peu à bouger (à cause du non sphérical)

Donc juste laisser l'auto-pilote actif, jusqu'a ce que le pilote le coupe lui même.

Ce n'est pas génant, mais quand on gare le vaisseau à 3/4m d'ISS, qu'on sort faire un peu de bricolage et qu'on doit
entrer en urgence dans le vaisseau pour ré-annuler la vitesse car ca a un peu bougé et qu'il fonce sur la station....

Dans tout les cas merci d'avance.

Offline MattNW

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Reply #119 - 28 April 2007, 03:49:24
Dan, could you PM me your email. I have the Medic textures ready to go. You might want to run them through your editor
program as I couldn't get the file size below 1meg with Photo Express. Gonna have to break down some day and buy a good photo

« Last Edit: 28 April 2007, 03:49:24 by MattNW »