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Author Topic: Minimal age for those forum is now 17 old  (Read 16865 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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14 April 2007, 20:21:02
Ok seem there is a nice traffic with the file and link of the beta,
I'm now really tired by those litle uneducated and immature kids.

Involved people are Mr. Sandman, Jerr1, tritoch and melinda at least
and of course our winner Mr "hfbldprince-the-liar"

The beta is not payware even it cost me a lot of time that I
would better spend to gain my life.

All I ask in return is a bit of respect, respect for my work,
for my wish, for my forums,  and for other peoples here. I'm 42 old
I have already two kids (well educated) I'll not spend my time
to do the father for all uneducated kiddies of the planet that
should not be allowed to go on internet.

Minimal age is not mandatory, One of our best francophon member
registered at 12 old and in contrary of some recent kiddies here, he showed
maturity, politness and respect. So it's the style of writting that will
allow or not registering to those forums, a soon as I discover another
immature kid with short mind and bad writing I'll delete his post and
his profile without any warning.

Jer11 Melinda and tritoch you are not deleted yet but under survey,
the FIRST immature post that I see here it's goodbye. Melinda if by any
chance you get the link you asked in PM it's goodbye also.



Message modifié ( 15-04-2007 05:47 )

Offline Heywood

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Reply #1 - 14 April 2007, 20:43:28
This was necessary; with it the forum will improve.

Thanks to you, Dan.


Offline Krytom

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Reply #2 - 15 April 2007, 00:29:39
Whew, I was 17 three months ago! :siffle:

I have to say that I've seen this forum suffer from the ignorant of the younger generation. This revelation will hopefully
give the forum a brighter future, and more importantly give Dan a break.

Offline Felix

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Reply #3 - 15 April 2007, 00:44:26
It really speaks in your favour that you still give people like hlfbld-whatever-that-leaker-guy-i-mean a second chance and
make allowances to all kinds of trolls, but really, i think you're being way too kind and forgiving. You're letting that
stuff eat up way too much of your energy, and it sounds like you even let them hurt you. There's always someone who will act
in ways fit to disturb or disrupt any sort of orderly procedure, like a beta. there's always leaks and people who leak, even
with severe consequences and pretty tight security. there are always some, excuse my foul language, annoying idiots.
i've found that the best thing in situations like that is to make short work with these persons. not because you said so
beforehand and for justice's sake, but to avoid wasting time on reading sorry-excuses and stuff like that. They leak stuff?
So they're out of the beta, because everything else is most likely just fruitless hassle and takes up valuable time and
energy that could go into the product or private life instead. They insult others? Give them a warning. If they don't comply,
well, they've been warned, havent they, and it's your forum, after all.
It's good to see that you are taking steps in that direction, like the one you announced above.

Obviously, that kill-them-all stuff only applies to beta-related stuff, not the occasional off-topic post. I'm not
that weird. Yet.

And just to make that one absolutely clear: You have the respect and appreciation of a lot of people. Your work has
contributed more to orbiter than any other single person's work I've yet had on my harddisk. There's people who write
positively about the this or that addon, there's criticism about this or that or some other addon. But I've read stuff along
the lines of "i use the DGIII, by far the best spacecraft there is" at least seven billion times by now, roughly estimated.
DGIV looks a lot like it's going to cause some hospital visits, some people will have to have their dislocated jawbones
fixed. I don't think I'm in any way exaggerating if I say that you're about to raise the bar for addon developers yet another
time. you're bringing about features that i have yet to see in any fledged-out form (hey, i can say that, because i've up to
now only read the beta threads and not seen any real dgiv, ha!), and stuff that's been dismissed as "too difficult to do"
until DGIV. I suppose for that alone you've already got a lot of respect from everyone who takes a closer look at your work,
or who's ever browsed through this forum and has a small idea of the things discussed. That you do all that in your spare
time and without even pointing to some paypal-"donate"-button hugely adds to that. People do appreciate that, though they
scarcely show it. Hardly anyone would donate, for example, but that doesnt necessarily mean they dont appreciate your work.
They're just not willing to pay for anything unless theyre being forced to. But if there were more orbinauts around, you'd
probably have a considerably higher chance of getting a free drink or stuff like that. ;) to increase that chance, you could
make the dgiv beerware, like postcardware, just with a bottle of the local brew instead of postcards. ;) just kidding.
anyway, don't judge the overall public's response to your work by the behaviour of  14-years-old myspace kiddies with
certainly quite awe-inspiring insight into orbiter, spaceflight, or how much 32 000 lines of code are. I'm not going to
comment on the maturity stuff, as my subjective age alternates between 5 (but buying that digital camera was a good idea,
really!) and 90 (sports? involves running? GAH!), so i'm not in a good position here.
so, don't waste your time reasoning with them, it's in vain anyway. Banning their age group is a reasonable approach, though
I do hope not too many nice people will get affected by that. Are you planning on setting things back to normal after some time?

You sound like you need more of that sort of feedback, which I could understand really well, if it really happened to be the
case after all. When stuff gets big, the positive feedback it attracts usually doesnt increase proportionally.
So, terrific work, Dan. You're gonna make scores of nerds cry from joy with that bird. ;)

Apart from all that, I do feel a bit sorry that there wont be anymore quibbles from miranda and tritoch. They always reminded
me of some tv show i watched as a child, and liked loads.

:) :) :)

- Felix

Offline n122vu

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Reply #4 - 15 April 2007, 01:03:23
Well said, Felix, well said.  


Although I hate that it had to come to this, I believe you made the right decision.  Too much of your time has gone
into the DGIV to have to spend these last moments picking through forums trying to find who posted a link, then
having to deal with the politics of giving him a chance to apologize, and then have to mull over the decision of
whether to ban him or not.  That takes energy and time that should be going into the next beta, but instead is
wasted on this ridiculous third-grade-recess-Billy-pulled-Sally's-pigtails crap.  We appreciate the time and effort you
have put forth, and I personally feel sorry for you that you had to deal with this.  

This entire fiasco has ignited something in me.  I appreaciate all that you have done with your work on the DGIV.  It is
inspiring to see what someone can do in their spare time, and not ask anything in return.  I feel it is time to put my
dormant programming skills to good use.  I am downloading the Visual Studio Express components this evening and
am going to dive into some SDK's.  

Keep up the excellent work Dan.  And thank you.  


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #5 - 15 April 2007, 01:25:49
Krytom a écrit:
Whew, I was 17 three months ago! :siffle:

At the time you registered years ago it was really another ambiance here and you were all very mature for your age.
I wonder what changed ? are more and more kids idiot and uneducated or only thoses idiot have more acces on
internet ? Don't know.

Felix a écrit:
You sound like you need more of that sort of feedback, which I could understand really well, if it really happened to be
the case after all. When stuff gets big, the positive feedback it attracts usually doesnt increase proportionally.
So, terrific work, Dan. You're gonna make scores of nerds cry from joy with that bird. ;)

Much thanks for kind words Felix, yes, despit what some authors may say, a words of thanks is our reward and
personnaly I really appreciate it. (And it doesn't cost much :) )

About being "eating up" you're plain right, the main reason is that I'm in "full speed programming" mode, I don't even
hear my wife when she speak to me (she laugh about that) because I'm 100% in my work (can't conduct three
projects in same time if you do not do that) add familly stuff and live and this explain that I cannot manage the
kiddies here and I've let the situation goes out of control.

The lack of stenght moderation was because I was really suprised and taken "out of bed" when the
situation "exploded", Now as I can't afford anymore to spend time on such idiot things (next beta is delayed due to
this) I'll shoot on sight and not care to much. Seem I was too concerned by fairness when on the other sight (Mr
prince wich now insult me by mail) there was none.

Anyway I'm not angry at all, I really enjoy my work on DGIV and I feel happy with the result yet.

Well, let's return to work... I have a beta to release. ;)


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #6 - 15 April 2007, 01:28:18
n122vu a écrit:
I feel it is time to put my dormant programming skills to good use.  I am downloading the Visual Studio Express
components this evening and am going to dive into some SDK's.  

Try it you'll not be deceived, It's an immense pleasure when you see your project comming to live.
And with UMmu a lot of addons need some work ;)


Offline dmc14

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Reply #7 - 15 April 2007, 01:33:53
I read this twice hoping I would understand it but I still dont.
The thing that confuses me is that the subject says that the "Minimal Age for those forum is now 17 old"....yet in your post
you say there is no minimal age. Which is it?

Offline Felix

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Reply #8 - 15 April 2007, 02:01:57
DanSteph wrote:
Much thanks for kind words Felix, yes, despit what some authors may say, a words of thanks is our reward and
personnaly I really appreciate it. (And it doesn't cost much :) )
Well, that, and the feeling when you've got 30 000 lines of code that form a whole that changes worlds, literally, aint it? ;)

DanSteph wrote:
Anyway I'm not angry at all, I really enjoy my work on DGIV and I feel happy with the result yet.

Well, let's return to work... I have a beta to release. ;)
Glad to hear. Both things. ;) Concentrate on your life and your projects, and appoint moderators if that age barrier doesnt
help. Promise them a guaranteered place in the Symphony beta team, I'm pretty sure there are people who'd readily jump at
that. ;)

But as to what changed, we have web 2.0 now. That means the web is like an extension of an exceptionally pubertal classroom
now. I think that's an improvement, web 1.0 was the galaxy's largest porn collection. i'm glad that's being filtered out more
and more.


Offline tritoch

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Reply #9 - 15 April 2007, 02:39:36
i didnt ask for the dgiv and whats wrong with being 12 dan?

if im online then im online [now you're offline, user banned]

Offline melinda

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Reply #10 - 15 April 2007, 02:43:20

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Offline Felix

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Reply #11 - 15 April 2007, 03:10:21
I assume there's nothing wrong with being 12, however, insulting others, refusing when asked to change a signature that
is clearly against basic rules of politeness and respect (which apply here, too) and probably rules of this forum and abusing it as a platform for private conflicts is more likely to be problematic. If I remember correctly, then that's what the issues with your person were, but i might be wrong, and in this case, my apologies for wrongly accusing you.
nevertheless, i am under the impression that this is meant to be a platform for discussions about anything related to
DanSteph's addons, and at the moment some people are actually doing work here, with the beta test in process and skins and all that being in the works. It just isnt helpful if there's some sort of "Im coming over to your place and kill you" between the useful stuff. If you want to do that sort of thing, there's loads and loads of forums, web 2.0 sites, blah dedicated to just that purpose. you can do that on myspace, for example, and there's always icq, aim, msn, yahoo, jabber, whatever, and the good old email. keep your private issues out of this forum, stay on topic, behave yourself (not too foul language, no attacking others - either be reasonable and polite if there's really something to say, or use other channels of
communication) and i'm sure everyone will be fine with you being here, just like it is with everyone else.

if my utopist view of Dan's Orbiter Forum should happen to be inaccurate, please let me know.

Post Edited ( 04-15-07 03:11 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #12 - 15 April 2007, 03:23:46
melinda a écrit:

Sure, I'm a bad guy, BTW did you got the beta link
that you asked in my back finally ?


Offline Quick_Nick

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Reply #13 - 15 April 2007, 03:31:27
Krytom wrote:
Whew, I was 17 three months ago! :siffle:
And I'll be 17 in 4 years...:siffle:


Offline dmc14

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Reply #14 - 15 April 2007, 03:34:59
Quick_Nick wrote:
Krytom wrote:
Whew, I was 17 three months ago! :siffle:
And I'll be 17 in 4 years...:siffle:

lol I will be 17 in 2 years and 11 months

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #15 - 15 April 2007, 03:39:52
Quick_Nick a écrit:
And I'll be 17 in 4 years...:siffle:

Good example of mature guy, Quick_Nick  haven have one
admin access to post news on and this since
month. I trust him and he do a good work.


Post Edited ( 04-15-07 03:45 )

Offline willy88

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Reply #16 - 15 April 2007, 03:53:50
Quick_Nick wrote:
And I'll be 17 in 4 years...:siffle:

That's odd, I'll be 17 in 4 years as well... :friend:


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Reply #17 - 15 April 2007, 04:52:42
willy88 wrote:
Not until your 21, lol. ;)
And, thanks Dan!


Offline melinda

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Reply #18 - 15 April 2007, 05:39:51
i didnt get link dan

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Offline sunshine135

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Reply #19 - 15 April 2007, 05:42:50
As I have stated many times before, I love to see the younger generation getting involved in physics, space travel, and
Orbiter. I believe that many of the teens bring good ideas and enthusiasm to the Orbiter family.

In the same respect, I completely agree that we have seen several examples of inmaturity over the past few months-
culminating with this half-blood-no-guts today.

I think it's a good call Dan. I certainly agree too that those who have an under 17 mentality should not be posting here. I
understand what you mean by respect. It is like inviting someone you barely know into your house. They need to act with
kindness and respect, and not kiss your wife, kick your dog, beat your kids, and piss on your carpet.

Kudos to the young people like Quick_Nick who can act in a mature and postive manner and contribute a lot to the community.

By the way Quick_Nick, your beer above is Non-Alcoholic! ;)

Cheers and let's get back to beta testing,

"Sun Dog"

Offline jgrillo2002

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Reply #20 - 15 April 2007, 05:57:28
Quick_Nick wrote:
willy88 wrote:
Not until your 21, lol. ;)
And, thanks Dan!

il already going to be 21 in may this year hehehe :badsmile: but however I mostly drink wine and sangria

Offline MattNW

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Reply #21 - 15 April 2007, 06:10:25
tritoch wrote:
i didnt ask for the dgiv and whats wrong with being 12 dan?

Nothing wrong with being 12. I've known a couple twelve year olds I'd hand a loaded gun to with no worries. It's more a
matter of maturity. If you act like you are mature you'll be treated like you are. If not then you have no place around here.
Usually Orbiter attracts the first type but unfortunately lately some of the latter are cropping up.

I admire some of the younger crowd around the Orbiter forums. They are usually the type you would never suspect as being in
their preteens or early teens unless the topic of age comes up. When the other type however show up I'm glad to see that they
will get a quick boot.

With the anonymity on the internet it's easy to be taken as younger or older than you are. I see nothing wrong with that. I
was 12 too once a long long time ago :sage: :) and hated it when adults just assumed I didn't have a brain yet.

To sum it all up however you are as old as you act period.

Offline kipper

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Reply #22 - 15 April 2007, 11:03:37
I think we need to ask people to ACT like their over 17!

Aged 40, alas

Offline Voyager

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Reply #23 - 15 April 2007, 11:11:49
very nicely put MattNW, i second that :)

I'm 21 years old, and always hated the "grownups" to act as if children can't be serious on anything. I'm sure many of you
around 12-15 know the feeling of saying something, and the grownups just take it as false just because your just a child.

I've known many 12-15 year olds who act more mature then some 40 year olds.....

Offline nakile64

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Reply #24 - 15 April 2007, 11:19:17
Age is nearly obsolete.

I've seen people who are 20 that shouldn't even be in a car but people who are 14 that would do it more then well.

But comparing cars to software beta is not the same thing, but you get the idea. The new "age" on the internet is maturity in