Our phone company has ADSL available but we live more than 5 miles from the office so that would be worse than dialup from
attenuation. Wireless was the only way to go. they estimate that it will be another 5-7 years before they install the
equipment out here for everyone to get ADSL.
My first modem was the kind where you dial the number, wait for the remote computer to answer and then flip a switch. It had
an ultra fast (at the time) speed of 300 baud. Of course there wasn't an internet at the time. People would set up a bulletin
board and hand out their phone number to their friends and everyone would call in and leave messages one at a time.
I was talking to a computer technician today who wasn't even around back then. He almost didn't believe me when I told him
about the first hard drives with a whopping megabyte on a platter about the size of a serving dish. Makes me feel