Matt50 a écrit:
1st: Any way to "repeat" the nice fly-by view with any keypress?
Sorry, not at my knowledge. Well perhaps yes... put camera hahead of ship, swtich in ground mode
"actuall position" and you'll see a nice flyby, you have to repeat that. (F2, camera window, ground mode etc etc)
Matt50 a écrit:
2nd: Any way to make the gear more "moving" means: showing extension at lift off and/or pressing at
touch down?
I Tried that with my Frelon IX , the front gear have some *how do you say?* pneumatic
damper ?
I already think very hard about this problem because I love seeing moving plane on their "damper"
when they touchdown or brake. unfortunately you cannot touch the landing point of Orbiter
because each time you do that you get only a "warp time Mr Sulu" and you ship launch at light speed.
I tried also with an "addforce" to damper vertical speed when the wheel touch ground at max extent.
unfortunately Orbiter is very sensitive with status landed or Orbiting. You start to get odd problems
when doing that, so there is only the animation of front wheel in the Frelon IX.
So only things we can do is cheating as the frelon do. Still this is tricky for the rear gear and as DGIV
have already 67 animation I choosed to not do it because the result is not really what I expected.
See frelon IX Beta version:
Message modifié ( 02-01-2007 20:17 )