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Author Topic: DGIII 2006  (Read 1760 times)

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Offline darkfact

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30 June 2006, 02:49:13
Okay guys been on the road working for a long time, 5 months straight actually, so ok how do you load the crew to
the DG in then 2006 one because I can't find the button for it anywhere in the hud, got my nose, innner and outer
doors open. Thanks guys love this add on! I am posting this because of the new hud? I am a little lost on where the new stuff is on it, most of it I can find, but I'll be damned if I can find the command computer. LOL

Post Edited ( 06-30-06 04:03 )

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Offline Strogoff

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Reply #1 - 30 June 2006, 08:10:54
First are you talking about DG ou DG-III ?
DG is made by Martin, DG-III is made by dansteph...
It's look like for me that you are looking for DG-III in Orbiter's default DG..
You have to download and install DG-III for having fun with it.

Sorry if i don't understood quite well your problem..

« Last Edit: 30 June 2006, 08:33:10 by Strogoff »

Offline StarLost

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Reply #2 - 30 June 2006, 08:33:10
Ok Darkfact, here we go. First nothing new, yet. Dan's waiting for a patch to the new program.

Use the DG3 config program to select your crew. You want to look at the Mission Commander box to perhaps change the name and
age. The next box down is for the crew. Change the number of the crew and uncheck the random name box so you can select the
names and pertinent info on your crew. Entries here will also affect consumables. Change anything else on your ship (skin,
engines, chicken mode), Save and exit.

When you start your scenario, power up, and open and close the external doors (I usually open cone, inner and outer doors).
This will load your crew (check panel, ctrl downarrow scan right, you'll find it ... check for crew EVA).

You will probably find the animation bug in the Orbiter 2006 core that will affect the DG3. But other than that, have a
blast. It's still the best ship in the fleet.

« Last Edit: 30 June 2006, 08:33:10 by StarLost »