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Author Topic: Skins Help  (Read 1757 times)

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Offline MinusSeven

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18 June 2006, 06:55:12
Maybe I'm a bit slow or something, but can someone please help steer me in the right direction?

I downloaded the sample skins; dgmkIII_yourname_3, dgmkIII_yourname_4 & dgmkIII_yourname_5.

When I open them, there are a few layers, one is the welcome layer, which I delete straight away.

Edit the texture in the skin_pack and save them with a unique name ex: and in the folder textures2 of Orbiter.

Am I suppose to save one layer at a time as 3, 4 or 5? If so which layer is which? Or am I totally off track and I'm supposed
to use all three sample skins to create the one skin?

Sorry if I'm the only who needs this help, but I would appreciate it very much.


Offline StarLost

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Reply #1 - 19 June 2006, 05:58:26
It's been a while since we had to go through this. I thought Dan's instructions were fairly self-explanatory.

Any way, you need all three, separately. For a good illustration, download one of the other skins from Orbithangar and take a
look at what is in the zip file.

Now, if you have an image manipulation package that can directly handle dds files, you're doing fine. If you don't, you need
a package that can handle layers and then you need to convert the final product to dds. Dan supplies links to nVidia's stuff
but there are others. Personally, I like the tools at MWGraphics.

This will do for a start. Others may want to contribute ... or see how you work it out further.

« Last Edit: 19 June 2006, 05:58:26 by StarLost »