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Author Topic: DGIII crash to Desktop  (Read 1760 times)

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Offline escozul

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23 March 2006, 10:54:05
I've been using Orbiter for quite some time now and I'm a DGIII enthusiast. It's a great addonn which recently
ceased to operate. When I load a scenario with DGIII I get a CTD during load. I tried to look where the problem is but
to no avail. It seems that it won't work nomater what I do. Why? Is there a way to find where the problem is and
correct it? When I change the vessel in the scenario to a ssimple DG it works. When I try it with DGIII it crashes!!!

Offline SiberianTiger

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Reply #1 - 24 March 2006, 13:46:52
Check that you've installed your DGIII properly. After that, check if there are any other ships or space ports in the
scenario you try to load, which require other addons' installation. If this doesn't help, try to disable all unnecessary
modules in the Orbiter Launchpad prior to scenario loading.

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Offline escozul

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Reply #2 - 28 March 2006, 11:32:51
Nope ... tried all that!!! I removed all other vessels from the scenario. Removed any unecesary moons from the
scenario, and also tried reinstalling DGIII over my instalation of orbiter. Even tried to remove all modules from
startup... nothing.

These scenarios used to work though. The only thing I changed, it that I added NASSP v 6.4.2 and shuttle fleet 3.8.2

However these should not interfere with the DGIII...or should they...

Offline StarLost

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Reply #3 - 29 March 2006, 01:29:24
The usual advice, and why most of us have a backup, CLEAN, install of Orbiter ...

Reinstall (or install into a new directory) Orbiter Base, Patch 2, OrbiterSound, DG3 and HI-Res if you wish. Nothing
else. Fly it. If it works your problem is elsewhere. If it doesn't you will need to re-download all of your base packages.

I just finished re-downloading and re-installing Orbiter (two nights ago) after recovering from a complete network
blowup. All of the packages run fine, for me.

« Last Edit: 29 March 2006, 01:29:24 by StarLost »