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Author Topic: Fuel Consumption on DGIII  (Read 2465 times)

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28 February 2005, 05:32:57
Perhaps I'm blind, but I can't find the entry in the scenario file where the fuel consumption level is stored. I tried
various ones and I don't see any unique entries as I do when I change my oxygen consumption level i.e. "O2ConsumptionSetting 2"

Any help would be appreciated.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #1 - 28 February 2005, 13:39:42
Hm, I think fuel consuption is managed using DGIIIconfig utility, where you select the kind of engines you want to
have. Indirectly then. Unless this is not what you had in mind?



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline GreatInca

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Reply #2 - 28 February 2005, 18:01:24
I think it is only through the config utility and that it is global.  I loaded a config in one scenario and get the same
config in another one wihtout re-loading the config in the 2nd scenario or copying the ship-entry of the scenario files.  O2
consumption is in the scenario file.

btw with the crazy low fuel consumption, wouldn't be more realistic for it to have a fusion based reaction drive as opposed
to a chemical Hydrox rocket?  The stock DG and DG-S built have radiation signs on the engine pods suggesting some sort of
nuclear power source.  GURPS space has a variety of Fission, Fusion, and Antimatter reaction engines that are very efficient
with reaction mass.  It doesn't give the ISPs - but I can figure some out (probably a constant of xxx m/s per kg of fuel per
kg of thrust).


  • Guest
Reply #3 - 28 February 2005, 22:59:47
Gotchya, so basically the openning of doors and loading config when you're on the ground are pretty much for setting the crew
and skin (and inherently refueling). That explains why when I reload a previously saved scenario I don't have my "huge" fuel
consumption. Kinda hard to remember what they were.

Dansteph, any plans on incorporating this into the scenario file?

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #4 - 01 March 2005, 03:42:25
fuel comsumption where made like that so you cannot change it in the midle of a trip
you must be docked or landed so technicians can make the modifications.

I have to admit that might be unclear at first but it's mainly due to the doc
that isn't up to date I think.



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Reply #5 - 02 March 2005, 03:22:02
I know I can't change it in flight but imagine... I set my fuel to Huge lets say... half-way through my trip, I decide to
save for later. In the meantime I setup a new scenario and select realistic fuel consumption.

Now when I reload my last scenario where I was in-flight, what's my fuel consumption? Realistic at this point or Huge? I
can't exactly land halfway to Mars to change it back ;) Is it enough that I change it in DGIII config before loading my old

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #6 - 02 March 2005, 12:41:18
Well, common sense would say your engines will be whatever they are currently set in the config util, no matter what scenario
you run.. so in your case it would be realistic I think.  So yeah, that's basically a cheat :) Even though you're not
supposed to be able to change engines in-flight, you can, because Orbiter allows you to save/resume a scenario :)

« Last Edit: 02 March 2005, 12:41:18 by DocHoliday »

"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15