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Author Topic: Can i make my own playlists in orbiter??  (Read 3168 times)

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Offline twisterkid

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15 February 2005, 02:33:23
i was just wondering how to do this...

do i need winamp or i can i just use windows media player?

does anyone have a link on instructions on how to do this??


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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #1 - 15 February 2005, 02:53:32
In fact you can even do this with notepad,
edit the Orbiter_playlist.m3u with notepad and add full path to your mp3 or simply
the name of the mp3.

Else it's a bit more simple with winamp because you can browse to you mp3 so
there will not be any error in the path.


Offline twisterkid

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Reply #2 - 15 February 2005, 03:02:27
wwhere is that file located, because i looked in the mp3 folder and there is nothing there with that file.

perhaps in could be hidden?

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #3 - 15 February 2005, 05:20:15
orbitersound_playlist.m3u if you preffer .


Offline Krytom

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Reply #4 - 15 February 2005, 10:11:11
I used Windows Media Player. It worked just as well I think.

Offline twisterkid

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Reply #5 - 15 February 2005, 14:32:47
 wheneveri try to open that file up in notepad it says its not found..

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Offline twisterkid

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Reply #6 - 15 February 2005, 14:37:54
DanSteph wrote:
In fact you can even do this with notepad,
edit the Orbiter_playlist.m3u with notepad and add full path to your mp3 or simply
the name of the mp3.

Else it's a bit more simple with winamp because you can browse to you mp3 so
there will not be any error in the path.


i found the file but its not a notepad file...its a sound do i open it using notepad


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Offline twisterkid

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Reply #7 - 15 February 2005, 14:46:14
ok well i got everything setup but i cant here it just gonna get winamp....

does it matter what version i get??


"Failure is not an option"- Apollo 13


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Reply #8 - 15 February 2005, 22:40:40
I just want ask if anyone else is experiencing problems with altering the m3u playlist,cause when I add songs to it,I get the
white screen and orbiter crashes back to windows,when I get rid of it,it works well.

David Fox

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Reply #9 - 18 February 2005, 10:20:10
i found the file but its not a notepad file...its a sound do i open it using notepad

Here's a very cool Windows trick:

Using Windows Explorer, look in the Windows directory for notepad.exe
Right-click on it, and "Copy"
Find and go to the directory C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\SendTo

(Replace [your user name] with whatever is your logon name for your computer. It may be your actual name; this
depends upon how your computer has been set up)

In this directory window (the right side panel) Right-click "Paste Shortcut"
There should now be a shortcut to Notepad, in this directory

Now, whenever you select a file, you can open it in Notepad by right-clicking on it and, in the "Send To" menuitem,
selecting Notepad (it may actually say "notepad.exe" but you can rename the shortcut that you have placed in the
SendTo directory).

Instead of putting the shortcut in your own SendTo directory, you can probably put the shortcut in C:\Documents and
Settings\Default User\SendTo
However, I just tried it (with another .exe), and the shortcut did not appear in the context menu. This may simply be
because you have to reboot for it to be recognized. It appears immediately, if placed in your own SendTo directory,
but it may not be available for all users, there (if this matters to you).

***The above procedure applies to WindowsXP Pro, but a similar thing can be done for Windows98 and, I'm sure,
WindowsXP home edition; you'll have to search for the SendTo directory, though, before putting your Notepad
shortcut in it.***

Anyway, I look at (and sometimes edit) various kinds of files, using Notepad, VERY often, and this is a way to
make that quick and easy, without any necessity to change file associations. For some kinds of files, of course, what
appears in Notepad, may not be very intelligible, but .m3u files are basically text files, so they can be loaded and
edited, using this method.

Be sure, if editing and saving files, in Notepad, that the saved file ends up with the correct file extension. For
example, you may create and save a file called MyMP3s.m3u, in Notepad, and it gets saved as MyMP3s.m3u.txt, which
will not be recognizable as actually being an .m3u file. This can be corrected, however, just by renaming it to
eliminate the ".txt" extension. Generally, though, if you load, edit and re-save an already existing file, it will be saved
with its original name, and so, will not require such renaming.



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Reply #10 - 18 February 2005, 22:01:00
since winamp has a free download available, i found it easiest to use.  just download it, make your playlist, then put
the playlist the the appropriate orbiter folder.  it took me like 10mins to do with just 20 or so solngs in the list.


« Last Edit: 18 February 2005, 22:01:00 by Debio »