twisterkid wrote:
i just downloaded DGIII and after undocking i cant seem to control the space craft! i use the thrusters to turn, but it
doesn't...and then thrusters work becuase you can see them outside?? can anyone help me!!!
The DGIII has two sets of thrusters. The rotational thrusters control movement around the X,Y, and Z
axises (Pitch, Roll and Yaw). The Linear (translational) thrusters move you up, down, left and right but
your nose stays pointed in one direction. These are used mostly for docking. You can select between the two
sets using the "/" button on the Numpad. You can also select them from a switch on the main panel.
Either way, you should hear the audio warning when you switch from one mode to another.
If you get into trouble in Orbit, you always hit the "5" key on the numpad which is the "KILLROT"
Kill Rotation autopilot, or the "[" on the keyboard, which is the "Prograde" autopilot. Either one
should get you back right side up, though the Prograde autopilot is better at that in Orbiter2005.
Read the manual section on keyboard controls, the Linear Thruster commands aren't layed out
in a 100% common sense manner.
If you're still having trouble let me know...