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Author Topic: OrbiterSound 2.5 problem  (Read 1775 times)

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  • Guest
09 September 2004, 02:02:55
It doesn't work anymore.  It used to play sequential files fine but it stopped. Shift R to load the mfd, tune to the channel
I want to hear then shift-s to start countdown but nothing.
Really sucks.


  • Guest
Reply #1 - 10 September 2004, 16:07:26
I think I know what you are talking about. Sequential sound tends to lose track if you use time acceleration and stuff
like that. So if you want it to work normally again, you have to exit the simulation and also exit the Launchpad... So
totally exit Orbiter, so all the variables are reset, otherwise something gets stuck and works strangely or not at all :)
Of course once you restart, sequential sound will start from beginning, so you must start the scenario from the
beginning again :(

until the new orbiter version arrives, but that's tabu discussion as Brenton once properly put :)


PS: I'm on vacation, hence I'm not logged in :)

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #2 - 27 September 2004, 08:15:13
Hm.. I think I may have uncovered another bug or perhaps feature :)

Been working on my direct ascent scenario again and it seems sequential editor only accepts up to 25 sequential
sounds. If you try to add the 26th, the file doesn't get saved correctly and you lose the WHOLE track :( Tried this like
10 times last night, before I became methodical and added one at a time, saving and reloading along the way.

Dan? :)

« Last Edit: 27 September 2004, 08:15:13 by DocHoliday »

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