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Author Topic: - DGIII scenario - what ya think ?  (Read 42412 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #75 - 10 August 2004, 15:17:13
Krytom wrote:
Lorain Horn is safely aboard the rescue DGIII.

Congrat for this and for your new rank ;)

"The Living Administrator"

Offline Shirson

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Reply #76 - 31 August 2004, 08:19:55
New mission. (needs spellcheking :) )

Destination - GSO
Author: Alexander 'Shirson' Nevskiy
Difficult: Challenge
Duration: 60 min (heh)

You are hardcore pilot?

1) Take off from Cape Canaveral.
2) Dock to GSST.
3) Align orbital plane to equator.
4) Transfer GSST module to Geostationary orbit at 0° 0°.
5) Undock and return to Cape Canaveral.
No time and fuel limitation (you can refuel from GSST at any time).

Sounds easy, pilot? ;)

Additional info:
GSO altitude = 35768 km
GSO period = 86.04k
DeltaGlider's docking port axis pass UNDER center of mass.

No results after dozen attempts? Edit scenario file and replace GSST:Module1 to GSST:Module2

Download scenario here (2K)

Unzip scenario into your Orbiter directory. (ex. C:\Orbiter )
Run orbiter.exe and select scenario from DeltaGliderIII -> Mission Scenary -> Destination-GSO (Challenge)

Post Edited ( 09-01-04 09:31 )

For rabid astrounauts pair a.e. -  not a big detour.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #77 - 31 August 2004, 09:16:48
:) neat... sounds pretty challenging. I guess the fun part are the inclination problems because of CoG of the stack :)
Is module2 changled so it compensates for the problem in CoG?

I like the logo too.


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline Shirson

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Reply #78 - 31 August 2004, 10:32:29
Thanx :)

Module2 have less mass - 4000 kg (Module1 - 8000 kg) and size - 2.5 (Module1 - 6.0)
So, small  size and mass means small inertia and not so big debalance.

Post Edited ( 08-31-04 10:34 )

For rabid astrounauts pair a.e. -  not a big detour.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #79 - 31 August 2004, 13:23:00
ah :badsmile:


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #80 - 01 September 2004, 20:38:29
Look really nice, I'll update the scenary post soon.


Offline laserpithium

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Reply #81 - 01 September 2004, 21:28:31
Sounds great. Thanks !

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Offline Krytom

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Reply #82 - 02 September 2004, 10:02:25
I can't download it. :( And judging by everyone elses responses..........

:) neat... sounds pretty challenging.
Look really nice,
Sounds great. Thanks !

......I'm guessing that nobody else can either.
It does look and sound cool, but I can't get it. :(

Offline Shirson

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Reply #83 - 02 September 2004, 10:14:48

For rabid astrounauts pair a.e. -  not a big detour.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #84 - 02 September 2004, 10:54:17
It did work for me.. and it currently also works. The original link too.. you just need to read Russian :)

I admit I didn't come around to running it though  :(


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline Krytom

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Reply #85 - 04 September 2004, 09:57:17
Ok, I tried to write a scenario last night. It's based on something what I did by accident once.
Basicly you've got to take a payload from KSC and land at Brigton Beach. Once there you exchange the boxes for the
crew of another DGIII (which has no engines, they arrive on Tuesday). It's here where I have the problem and I
know how Dan could solve it.

I want the scenario to be completed without having to go out and changing the DGIII config, but there is no way of
setting the payload in the scenario file. That relies on the config. If there coudl be one line in the scenario file which
says: PAYLOAD 0 , it would help a lot. Also, you know how there's an option 'set by scenario' for the skin selection,
what would also help would be something similar for the passenger/payload selection. That would hepl support
different DGIIIs with different cargo.

I don't know how difficult it would be to code, but I know that it is possible, cos Dan's practicly done all this but for
different things.

I know it isn't a big change, and I know that we're not in Alpha stages any more and it's probably not worth making a
whole new version just to make my scenario work, but if somebody else has another idea or two for the DGIII then
maybe there will be enough pending upgrades to allow a new version ;).


Offline Rocketeer

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Reply #86 - 07 September 2004, 03:16:46
Alex -

I just tried your Anarctic rescue scenario and really liked it - great job!!


Temporary passenger on spaceship Earth . . .

Offline Rocketeer

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Reply #87 - 07 September 2004, 03:44:33
Shirson wrote:
After dozen attepmts to fly close to 180deg heading, i stop it. 180° - wrong way :)

"The problem of course is to judge the right reentry timing so that you don't overshoot and the other problem
obviously is that if you go ballistically you will have a pretty steep angle of reentry, hence high temperatures. You are
not at orbital velocity, but you are probably going fast enough to induce quite a lot of drag at a reentry angles, say..

Yeeees :) Ship have not at orbital velocity, but enough to burn in atmosphere. For direct ballistic trajectory (180°)
velocity =~7 km/s and reentry angle more then 4-5°. "Extractor" stability burn in atmosphere.
Using hover engines for dec velocity mean no fuel to evacuate people from crash site.

I'm use other way. Starts from CC and heading 0°. On north pole turn plane to 115° (crash zone 64°-66°,
center=65°. 180-65=115°).
Activate IMFD and enter coordinates for center of crash zone (-65, -71). Wait for radius-vector of ship placed opposite
target. Retrograde and down Per for 70 km.
After reentry, make atmospheric landing and use LRA for locate "Iguana". Calculate new coordinates
(using internal
DGIII calculator :) ), enter new ccodinates into IMFD and make final aproach with low altitude ballistic


I found that your original approach works.  Take off at heading 175 degrees, attain altitude of 125 to 140 km, speed
about 7.1 km/sec.  You can do this with about 40% of original fuel.  You reenter about 10degrees south latitude and
skim the atmosphere until about 40 degrees south where you start your rentry descent.  I just used the Surface MFD
to track position.  

After landing, I use the LRA to find Iguana, which is usually within 200km.  Then I take off on new heading and
keep speed about 300 m/sec and estimate distance by time.  I purposely land short so that the Iguana is always
roughly ahead of me.  If it's less than 10km away, you can just just travel on the ground (not very realistic) at 50km
or so -10km will take only about 3 minutes at 50km/sec.  

Really enjoyed it.

Temporary passenger on spaceship Earth . . .

Offline Shirson

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Reply #88 - 07 September 2004, 07:19:06
Rocketeer wrote:
I found that your original approach works.  Take off at heading 175 degrees, attain altitude of 125 to 140 km, speed
about 7.1 km/sec.  You can do this with about 40% of original fuel.  You reenter about 10degrees south latitude and
skim the atmosphere until about 40 degrees south where you start your rentry descent.  I just used the Surface MFD
to track position.  

I'm used atmosphere bounce method at 65 km alt and 6.5 km/s with 15 degr AOA cycling reentry.


After landing, I use the LRA to find Iguana, which is usually within 200km.

Too much. My better result: first landing at 30 km from "Iguana"

 Then I take off on new heading and
keep speed about 300 m/sec and estimate distance by time.  I purposely land short so that the Iguana is always
roughly ahead of me.  If it's less than 10km away, you can just just travel on the ground (not very realistic) at 50km
or so -10km will take only about 3 minutes at 50km/sec.  

No, i'd fly with ballistic trajectory (ground way realy unrealistic)


Really enjoyed it.


Post Edited ( 09-07-04 09:14 )

For rabid astrounauts pair a.e. -  not a big detour.

Offline Shirson

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Reply #89 - 07 September 2004, 09:13:33
Rocketeer wrote:
Alex -
I just tried your Anarctic rescue scenario and really liked it - great job!!
Thanx :flower:

For rabid astrounauts pair a.e. -  not a big detour.

pilot Pirks

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Reply #90 - 25 January 2005, 12:49:35
Shirson wrote:
That's one option, or you could just have the DG-III save the Mir station before it deorbits. Say there are still
cosmonauts on board and the station debris may hit a densly populated area - whatever it may happen to pass
through the atmosphere.

Deja vu...
Default Orbiter scenario for Shuttle-A...

Shirson, are you sure? I haven't found this scenario in default .scn for Shuttle-A, nor in .scn for Shuttle-A2...

« Last Edit: 25 January 2005, 15:23:56 by pilot Pirks »

Offline She_Da_Lier

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Reply #91 - 25 January 2005, 14:15:17
Pirks: It's in the orbiter "Legacy Scenarios" I think.
BTW, Do you read Lem? ;)

« Last Edit: 25 January 2005, 15:23:56 by She_Da_Lier »

EU Software Patents directive rejected -

pilot Pirks

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Reply #92 - 25 January 2005, 15:11:54
She_Da_Lier wrote:
BTW, Do you read Lem? ;)

Sure! ;) And like him very much.

« Last Edit: 25 January 2005, 15:23:56 by pilot Pirks »

pilot Pirks

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Reply #93 - 25 January 2005, 15:23:56
Long time after I've read Lem's "Stories about pilot Pirks" I wanted to find a simulator close to them (especialy to the
story about the traning flight to the Moon, or about the patrol). The first one I've found was Elite2:Frontier. And two
years later I encountered Orbiter (: That's the THING I was looking for!

« Last Edit: 25 January 2005, 15:23:56 by pilot Pirks »