Pierre_le wrote:
here are my reentry flight datas. still iss-ksc trip, without touching anything between deorbit-burn and
manual control close to runway.
That's exacly my point.
You have to set up the reentry perfectly, and hope you get close enough to reach the
runway. There is very little you can do to correct for any errors in the initial deorbit burn.
The thing that bugs me the most is that you have to change the inclination to "hit" the base. This seems to me to be
a terrible waste of fuel. (You might have guessed by now that I'm really into realism
The Shuttles have two or three orbits available to deorbit every time the ground track passes close to the landing
site. But because of the DG's lack of lift, you have to hit the landing site spot on.
As I've stated earlier I know how to make the DG reenter close to the landing site, but.......
The reentry is probably the most 'interesting' phase of a space flight,(eapecialy now we have to keep an eye on the
hull temperatures) and it doesn't feel right to just sit and and wait untill it's time to align to the final approach.
I'm sorry to go on about this, but I like the Pro104 reentry program idea so much:top:, that I think you should be able
to use it to "fly" a realistic reentry procedure with it, instead of just waiting to slow down at 40 AoA.