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Author Topic: Can you test this ? -DGIII install program-  (Read 6245 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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16 July 2004, 01:43:12
In order to "unalpha" the DGIII I've created the new
automatic installer for the DGIII, no more winzip trouble
it force the user to install in a directory with Orbiter.exe in it
and install all in the correct directory.


This program don't write anything in the registry and you can fake
it to test the install by creating a directory , create a text file in
it that you rename "Orbiter.exe"... give this path to the DGIII_Setup.exe
prog and it work.

I'll work on a new DGIII page also in the meaning time.


Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #1 - 16 July 2004, 02:23:23
It installs for me just fine.

But seriously... won't you consider leaving it as a zip? I mean if the people can install orbiter, which comes in zips,
they should have no problem if the DG3 is in zips either. I know install proggys are more professional, but between
you and me, I like the zips better, I feel I have more control over them. Especially since the installers want
orbiter.exe, which is understandable considering the nature of the DG3.. :) But I'm pleading with you here.. :) please
leave the DG3 in a zip, or offer an alternate download in zip for us old skoolers? I mean, you've got the hosting now,

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #2 - 16 July 2004, 03:59:46
It's strickly the same than a zip, he just unzip file in the proper place....
about "everyone know how to install" I will forward to you the
3746 mails I received by peoples that F* the install of one of my add-on
doing incredible things :)

Also unlike real player and somes other product "ok-I-took-the-control
-of-your-computer-and-filled-your-disk-with-garbage-and advertisement-and
-sent-all-your-disk-content-to-microsoft" The installer don't write anything
anywhere: just unzip file that's all.  (I hate real player and such F* product
that think that they are alone on your computer)

But it doesn't go far enough, next installer version will propose to add
a desktop icon for the  DG3Config (65% of people who use the DGIII
aren't aware there is a config proggy, true story, see official forum about this)

Also 60% of peoples don't seem to be able to simply read a text
sames question come again and again in the official forum by peoples
that even didn't read the download page about the FAQ and various
documentations..... (and even didn't search a bit the forum, you can
have two thread asking the same things at two day intervall)

In fact the next installer will be 700Mo wide, once installed there will
be an entertaining DIVX playing (that you can't stop) with toons explaining
with dumb voice how work the DGIII and how to access the faq post :)

Fortunately the 30% of peoples that know how things work all write
in this forum ;)

Cheeers that was my midnight rant... :rant: :)

(ok that's a bit exagerated... but not so much finally)


Post Edited ( 07-16-04 12:19 )

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #3 - 16 July 2004, 08:47:38

It doesn't matter to me if it's ZIP or EXE just as long as it works and the exe file does have a slightly bigger chance of
working well in case of noobs.. Can you imagine a noob forgetting to flag to "keep the directory structure" and end
up with the ALL DG3s files in Orbiter root directory :)

Oh, and the install program can always collect emails, passwords, credit card numbers, bank account numbers and
send them over to DanStoophZ HackerZ AllianZ :)))

Maybe one thing I recommend. Shortcut icons for OrbiterSound, DG3Config and SequenceEditor in the Orbiter root or
\sound directory. It shouldn't be a problem as the whole dir structure is fixed downward from \sound.... Make it easier
to access, and possibly, some people might not even NOTICE the three useful proggies otherwise :)



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline Shmi

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Reply #4 - 16 July 2004, 11:28:09
I tried it out to install the DGIII on our older PC where Krytom hasn't bothered to update Orbiter. It worked
and I am a guaranteed certified noob! :bug:

Shortcuts to Orbitersound, DG3Config and SequenceEditor would be useful. I am still learning how to use these
myself, instead of being lazy and just getting Krytom to do it for me!

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #5 - 16 July 2004, 12:16:28
DocHoliday wrote:
Oh, and the install program can always collect emails, passwords, credit card numbers, bank account numbers and
send them over to DanStoophZ HackerZ AllianZ :)))

Damned... discovered :bug:

(there is a Typo btw its: "DaNStoOphZ" :)

DocHoliday wrote:
Maybe one thing I recommend. Shortcut icons for OrbiterSound, DG3Config and SequenceEditor in the Orbiter root or
\sound directory.

A lot of people doesn't launch anymore Orbiter from it's folder but instead
from a shortcut they placed on the desk or at any other place. Also most people aren't
aware of the dg3config because the sound folder isn't a logic place.

Also one good rules is to not polluate the Orbiter root directory with add-ons
stuff (OrbiterSound being an exception because it's an usuall place for sound
and game configuration)

So I think more to ask to place a desktop shortcut in a pop-up or with check
box -the problem- is that people often don't read install information (it's boring)
and there is already a lot of text in the installer. :wonder:

Another solution would be to place those shortcut on the desktop without asking
but this isn't very friendly... ??  (this will annoy aware people but can save noobs ???)


Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #6 - 16 July 2004, 12:28:49
Hm.. no directly placing icons to desktop is plain rude :) If asked and the answer set to Yes as default is a lot better.
Hm perhaps you could place links into the OrbiterSound form, so that it opens the "subprogram" like you have for
SequenceEditor I think..

Two other options:
- place the shortcuts into the \sound folder, so they are all in the "root" of your addon
- place a subfolder WITH shortcuts on the desktop, where you can have all those icos, plus maybe shortcuts to
the "prog" folder.. But I'm thinking like I developer I guess ;) Noobs don't use all that.

Argh, I think we are complicating it  :)

Never mind, people can learn to make their own shortcuts, like Shmi said.


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #7 - 16 July 2004, 14:01:01
Geh.. I don't care enough to make a big deal about it.. And don't get me wrong I understand the hassling you're
getting.. 'tis just that I'm a traditional person that does not like to change from what he is used to using.

*makes vague reference to metric.*

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #8 - 16 July 2004, 14:02:09

The Sound folder isn't a logical place this is why a lot of people aren't
aware that there is a config proggy.

Aware people won't be bothered by a simple icon on the desktop,
they can move it or delete it (this is stated in the last "successful" popup)

Considering that:
1-Only a few people will be bothered by an icon on the desktop. (2 sec to delete it... that's not asking to much)
2-A LOT of people actually miss the dg3config proggy. (really a lot, read official forum)
3-Asking AGAAIIN if you want to put a desktop icon is boring (I hate installer that ask to much question)
4-You will still have people that answer "NO" and won't be aware about the config proggy ("No" sayer peoples)
5- Nobody anyway read the installer's text... So the install should be straight by default. -give path -click install -done

The installer now put a desktop shortcut automatically to DG3Config.exe with a Niiiiiiiiiice icon... :gift:

hem err... pleaaaaase can someone test if it work ? this is the final version of the installer....

Pleaaase :wor:


Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #9 - 16 July 2004, 14:15:37
Yes it works for me....

now I have to delete a shortcut from my desktop? can you at least make that desktop icon optional?

Ok, I'll shut up now.... :)

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #10 - 16 July 2004, 14:31:24
freespace2dotcom wrote:
now I have to delete a shortcut from my desktop? can you at least make that desktop icon optional?

*ooo-maaaaa ooooo-maaaaa  zen I'm zen... I'm not a violent person.. stay caalm .. coooooool* :)

Thanks for testing free :beer:


Post Edited ( 07-16-04 14:31 )

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #11 - 16 July 2004, 14:40:21
LOLOLOL :) :) :)


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline Strogoff

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Reply #12 - 17 July 2004, 00:22:54
It works fine for me Dan !! :) :top:  Just precise that you put the  link to DGIII install program ON THE DESKTOP in the
windows that come after the install. :stupid:
And your icon is quite  pretty. I like Fuschia' DGIII ;) :flower:

Post Edited ( 07-17-04 00:23 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #13 - 17 July 2004, 00:45:43
Strogoff wrote:
It works fine for me Dan !! :) :top:  Just precise that you put the  link to DGIII install program ON THE DESKTOP in the
windows that come after the install. :stupid:
And your icon is quite  pretty. I like Fuschia' DGIII ;) :flower:

Hi Frédéric ;)

excerpt directly from the source code of the installer:

"Please note: One desktop link to the DeltagliderIII configuration program was created\n"
"you can move or delete it without problem"),

Anyway knowing my abilities in english perhaps this phrase is unclear or even
wrong ? Anyone to confirm or correct ?


Post Edited ( 07-17-04 00:57 )

Offline Strogoff

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Reply #14 - 17 July 2004, 00:51:50
:friend: Oups... it' s late... :drink:  sorry :drink: I miss this with my (too) fast reading. Sorry. :drunk:

Offline reekchaa

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Reply #15 - 17 July 2004, 02:44:26
Cool!  :)

I like the "This archive contains no data.  Clear your browser cache and download it again" message when you
interrupt the transfer part-way through.

Okay... time to download it RIGHT this time.  :)

"ReEkChaA... Don't Strogoff so much!"

~ the Reekchaa

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #16 - 17 July 2004, 03:13:10
Your the first one to experience this message and report it :)
OrbiterSound installer have it also but nobody never reported it
so I started to wonder if it was really usefull.  (the installer of OS
and DGIII share the same code, a simple #define value decide which version
will compile)

Thanks for report


Offline reekchaa

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Reply #17 - 17 July 2004, 06:26:40
Works Great! :)

Here's a few language Nit-Picks (feel free to disregard - just 'perfecting' the English a bit):

[Read my info about this installer]
"This self-extracting archive checks if file "Orbiter.exe" is in the path
you give, so there are no mistakes possible for the basic user. After
the install button, all files will go into their proper place.

If you are an advanced user that wants to control what files are
installed:  Create a temp folder along with a txt file in it,
ename the txt file to "Orbiter.exe", give this path to my installer
and process the install as normal in this "fake" orbiter folder.
All the paths will be recreated and the files copied into their proper place.
Once done, don't forget that you must move all the files properly
into orbiter's directory so this add-on can work. (of course don't replace
the "Orbiter.exe" with the fake one)"

Successful Installation Screen:
"Install Successful. This archive doesn't contain the documentation -- please visit my site
where you can download documentation, see a FAQ about DGIII and download more skins.
Click on the "DGIII more download" button in the next dialog to get direct access.

Please note: One desktop link to the DeltaGliderIII configuration program was created.
ou can move or delete it without problem.

After my Canadave edits, it's all kick-@ss, "DaNStoOphZ" :)

I like that built-in Uninstall for previous versions !   :applause:

~ the Reekchaa

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #18 - 17 July 2004, 11:13:01
Reekcha Da Man of the day ... many thanks ! :beer:
I'll correct the installer immediately.

Anyway can you also translate the secret phrase that will appear on
August 12 ?

"DanStoOpHZ' team took total control of our computer, we have filled your disk
with garbage, sent nude picture of you to all your contact adress and all your
pirated things to Ms and RIAA - thanks for using the installer Muahahahah -"

Nhaaa Hey it's a joke .... :)

btw : is this correct? :
"Please note: One desktop link to the DeltaGliderIII configuration program was created.
You can move or delete it without problem as the installer don't write anything into the registry."


Post Edited ( 07-17-04 11:40 )

Offline Shmi

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Reply #19 - 17 July 2004, 12:06:01
The installer doesn't write anything into the registry.  

(I don't know how to get red writing!)

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #20 - 17 July 2004, 13:11:04
Thanks smhi you Da woman of the day :)

( use [ red ] [ /red ] tag without space)

New version on-line, I compiled again the DG3config.exe
while the help button pointed on a wrong location (dg2 doc)
strange things, the size was lower than the replaced dg3config file... :wonder:

I hope all work well.


Post Edited ( 07-17-04 13:11 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #21 - 17 July 2004, 13:27:36
Just tested all *seem* to work

Now I'll do the download page... I really don't have time but I can't leave
so much work (DGIII)  in a so bad place.


Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #22 - 17 July 2004, 13:51:40
hehe.. my little two cents.

it could also be:

The installer won't write anything into the registry.

Although shmi's is probably "more" right, you should be able to use either.

I just have to grab attention.


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Reply #23 - 19 July 2004, 18:04:30
Is it just me or do all the folder and all the files have
the installation date/time after installation?

If thats the case, wouldnt it be better that the files
keep the original creation date/time?

I installed it into a temp folder


P.S i miss the zip file ;-)

« Last Edit: 19 July 2004, 18:04:30 by Andy »