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Ideas for DG-III story
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Topic: Ideas for DG-III story (Read 32937 times)
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Jr. Member
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27 May 2004, 06:27:49
Being a bit of a writer myself (still finishing off a Stargate SG-1 fanfic which has gotten past 30000 words) I was
wondering if anyone had any good ideas for a DG-III story. Thats the only problem I have, thinking up the ideas for
the plot. I have interesting ideas of my own and usually the main idea down pat but I need some interesting ideas to
put in it too, and as of yet I don't have a main plot set out. Any ideas are welcome and I'll try write a half decent
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Reply #1
- 27 May 2004, 10:07:44
Sounds like a great idea! I enjoy writing as well, but I have my hands full these days. I wish you a good muse and lots
of luck.
The repaint I'm working on for the DG has it looking old and rusty, with "2009 World's Fair" painted on the side.
What are your thoughts on a timetable/setting?
[/yellow]arpe [yellow]
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Reply #2
- 27 May 2004, 10:29:25
Actually, of some of the ideas rushing through my head. One would be an intentionally poorly made video with corny
humor. done in such a way that it would be enjoyable. but unfortunately, I almost always come up with my material
as I need it, any other time, I have writer's block. Of course you're probably not interested in that, but even so... A
nice plot for a story would be perhaps... eh.. I can only come up with one idea, and that's now gonna be for my story
when I come up with it now. thanks a lot, now I have another time consuming thing that I wanna do. ARGH!
Post Edited ( 05-27-04 10:32 )
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Reply #3
- 27 May 2004, 11:40:53
Freespace: Heh, that's interesting... Are you familiar with Red vs. Blue?
If not, it's basically a bunch of videos made using footage from Halo. Obviously you can't see the characters' mouths
moving or anything, but the way they move the players around, looking up and down etc, really makes it seem pretty
real. And of course, a lot of the dialog is hilarious (that's the whole point).
I bet it'd be possible to do something similar with Orbiter (perhaps even using the multiplayer addon they're
developing)? Heck you could have a couple of astronauts floating around out there in MMUs and arguing over stuff on
the radio. Accompanied by various and sundry addons and ships, of course (have you checked out the new Space
Elevator addon? Wow!)
//Two astronauts are inspecting the long range antenna of their orbiting DeltaGlider3
Bob:"Hey, rookie!"
Neil, a young landlubber, new to the Station:"Yeah?"
Bob:"I'll race you to the moon!"
Neil:"Really? Uh... "
Bob:"Winner gets a free dinner at the Fountains."
Neil:"Ok, you're on!"
Bob:"Ready? OnetwothreeGO!"
*fooooshhhhhhhhh* - both engage their MMU jets and begin to pick up speed.
//Bob turns around and maneuvers his MMU over to the airlock of their glider and goes inside.
Bob: "Darnit, rookie, looks like you're gonna beat me!"
Bob says to himself - "I wonder what how many beers he'll promise me once he figures out I hafta come rescue him."
[/yellow]arpe [yellow]
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Reply #4
- 27 May 2004, 15:04:49
Hey Wilco.
I was working on a story for an actual Orbiter scenario involving shuttle, shuttle-a or Dg3 and a big interplanetary
cruiser (I chose Vespucci), but OrbiterSound kind of doesn't let me do things the way I want, so I put it on hold for a
while. Maybe you can use the ideas for your story. Mail me, so we can discuss it further.
"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15
Jr. Member
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Reply #5
- 27 May 2004, 15:14:05
I'm actually thinking about a collection of stories, starting off with a rooke pilot going through DG-III training
sometime around 2020, going on missions, more training, eventually leading to interplanetary jumps etc. Of course
with plenty of subplots and conspiracy theories interwined! Lol, we'll see what I come up with. Maybe I should wait
until the final DG-III is released so I know I'm not missing out on any possible new features for the story or stories.
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Reply #6
- 27 May 2004, 15:30:20
No problem, you can always call them "new developments" or technology. You stories will have a timeline so no
sweat.. You know: "They're upgrading my DG3 with the new AE-35 antenna. Sheesh, I read what that baby can do,
now I get to use one myself... lala"
"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15
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Reply #7
- 27 May 2004, 21:06:17
Okay, first: no, I wasn't aware of red vs blue, But I have a feeling that I'm going to suck up all their bandwith really soon. Second: I thought up another story plot. (or is it just random humor? you decide.) you can have it this time.
And so, the story begins..... T minus 10 minutes and counting until launch.....
Pilot: Well, we're finally going to go into space.
Passenger#1: Damn, I have to pee! lemme go! There's still time to get back!
Pilot: Hey, you have a suit, and taxpayers have paid millions for the technology that went into it. So use it as it was
supposed to be used for.
Passenger#1: You can't possibly mean...
Pilot: Do your business in your suit. then shut up. In the order you prefer.
Passenger#1: But, but!
Passenger#2: (whacks #1 over the head with a calulator, knocking him unconsious.)
Pilot: Thanks.
Passenger#2: No prob.
5 minutes, and one headache later.
Passenger#1: Oh, I can't believe that happened! I can hear it swooshing in there. You guys are terrible!
Passenger#3: How did this idot get chosen to fly with us?
Pilot: He's for public relations.
All: *sigh*
Passenger#4: Well, it could be worse, at least we know who the first person out the hatch after a CO2 scrubber
failure will be.
All but Passenger#1: *laughs*
Passenger#1: *doesn't get the joke*
Another 4 minutes, and 50 seconds later.
Pilot: hang on! 3-2-1.... Blast off!
Everyone braces for the added G's of acceleration, but...2 minutes later..
Passenger#1: Are we there yet?
Pilot: No.
Passenger#1: Are we there yet?
Pilot: No.
Passenger#1: Are we there yet?
Pilot: No!
Passenger#1: Are we there yet?
Pilot: No! Damn it!
Passenger#1: Are we there yet?
Passenger#4: *Cuts #1's seat belts with a knife, causing him to fall to the back of the ship hard, losing conscienceness.*
Pilot: Thanks!
Passenger#4: It's what we're here for.
cool, eh? And I came up with all this as I wrote it. I could go on for hours... Note that I like humor.
Post Edited ( 05-27-04 21:13 )
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Reply #8
- 27 May 2004, 21:25:08
In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?
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Reply #9
- 27 May 2004, 21:46:51
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Reply #10
- 27 May 2004, 22:32:10
Freespace: Hehe! CO2 scrubber failure...
Obviously that sort of thing wouldn't really be possible to animate per say, but it's make great reading
//The two are sitting in their Delta Glider eating lunch.
Bob: "Hey rookie!"
Neil: *sigh* "What is it this time? Is my fly open?"
Bob: "No, actually I need your help."
Neil: "Yeah, right. How's that?"
Bob: "Well we have this new MMU-"
Neil: "Ohhhh no! Don't you try another one of your damn-"
Bob: "No! This is serious! Listen, this is designed for ultra high delta-Vs, much greater than our cold gas MMU jets. It'll
allow us to do a lot more per EVA, including rescuing runaway tools - and astronauts, of course."
Neil: "And this concerns me, how, exactly?"
Bob: "Well, we need to try it and give it the greenlight before the boss allows us to order them. And I can't quite fit
into the thing."
//Neil nods. Bob has been eating a lot of dehydrated ice cream lately
Neil: "Ok, what do I do?"
//Bob helps him into the suit, and backpack, which has "PARACONE" written on the side.
//Neil exits the airlock and jets around the nose of the glider cautiously.
Neil: "Hey, this is just like the other MMU, but heavier!"
Bob: "Well obviously it's still undergoing refinements. It has the cold gas jets as well as the high delta-V rocket
Neil: "Ahhh, I see. So, what do I do now?"
Bob: "Well, first orient yourself so you're facing the direction our nose is pointed... So I can, er, watch you closely."
Neil: "Hmm... ok... There."
Bob: "Now, pull the handle on your right."
//The paracone unfolds and locks into place
Neil: "Ok... Wow! What's this thing?"
Bob: "It's a... uh... long range dish for picking up faint radio transmissions. Like I said, it's got rescue applications.
Anyway, now push the red button to fire your high acceleration thrusters."
Neil: "Hey, you're not going to pull another stunt like last week, are you? Don't even try, I've been reading up on my
orbital physics-"
Bob: "Relax... just give a nice 5 second burn, and then turn around and hit it again to come back. Simple!"
Neil: "Ok, here goes... Wheeeee! Wow, this thing is powerful!"
//50 minutes later, Neil is wandering around in the middle of Kenya
Neil: "Damn that SOB!"
[/yellow]arpe [yellow]
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Reply #11
- 27 May 2004, 22:53:27
Good one!!!!
In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?
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Reply #12
- 27 May 2004, 23:26:04
That's mine:
//The two are on final approach to ISS in their Delta Glider
Bob: "Hey, rookie!"
Neil: "Yep?"
Bob: "Have you ever made a docking with a joystick?"
Neil: *thinks: "Oh, no, please not"* "Er,... no. Why?"
Bob: "Then you should do it now!"
Neil: "If you think I get the docking... OK, I'll do it."
*Neil sits into the commander's seat*
Bob: "Well, here is the joystick for the rotational thrusters and this one is for the linear thrusters. Now try it!"
Neil: *shaky tries to cope with the new experience of docking by joystick* "Hey, have you ever made it?"
Bob: *proudly* "Yeah!"
Neil: "So, am I doing it right?"
Bob: "Yup."
Neil: *Oh, my God! I mixed up the linear one's with the rotational one's!! We are closing with 2m/s!!!!!"
Bob: *rushes to get to the thrust controller and pulls in full reverse thrust*
Neil: "Wonderful! Now we are floating away with 10m/s. I wonder if you really made a joystick docking.!
Bob: " Er..... I just admit it..... I ended up the same way as you."
In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?
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Hein, quoi !?
Reply #13
- 27 May 2004, 23:28:10
I can imagine neil's head looking surprisingly at the paracone unfolded
pssst McBrain: press the red button "change my sig" your not student anymore
Post Edited ( 05-27-04 23:30 )
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Reply #14
- 27 May 2004, 23:31:47
Yeah, I know. It's not that funny as AphelionHellion's or Freespace's. But I can't really write good, besides that I'm not native English. It was just a try!
In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?
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Reply #15
- 27 May 2004, 23:32:47
pssst McBrain: press the red button "change my sig" your not student anymore
Thx, Dan! Just noticed that!
In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?
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Hein, quoi !?
Reply #16
- 27 May 2004, 23:58:31
The paracone inspired me this one:
Bob: "Hey rookie!"
Neil: "damn bob , leave me alone... I'm fed with your joke"
Bob: "No joke today, a serious test again with the Mmu"
Neil: "Yeah I know, thanks for the trip last time, no thanks you"
Bob: "Come on, we have better things to do than make fun of you always, we need this test"
Neil: *looking bob suspicious* "mhhh ? explain."
Bob: "We have a new Mmu with a new paracone, more safe, the test is just to try to unfold it"
Neil: "there is a curious box on top of the helmet ?"
bob: "yes it contain the folded paracone"
Neil: "Okay Okay, lets go"
- Neil go out trought the airlock -
Neil: "So what now ?, no red button please"
bob: "just pull the handle with the text "paracone" on it"
neil: "done, I can't see it, how it look ?"
bob: "very well, mhhpfffff .... wait I take a picture"
Smile ..... Click !!!!
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Liste youtube de 59 morceaux néo progressif géniaux
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Reply #17
- 28 May 2004, 00:01:42
Yup, this one is really funny!!!
In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?
Posts: 15407
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Hein, quoi !?
Reply #18
- 28 May 2004, 00:02:13
poor neil
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Liste youtube de 59 morceaux néo progressif géniaux
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Reply #19
- 28 May 2004, 00:29:18
//The two are sitting in their Delta Glider, they are doing a trip to moon, halfway to moon...
Bob: "Hey, rookie!"
Neil: *glued to the window, watching earth becoming smaller and smaller...*
Bob: "Do you enjoy the view?"
Neil: "Yeah, it's wonderful!! I never was such away from home and..."
// Suddenly a loud beep-beep-beep appears
Bob: "What the heck... The fuel tanks are nearly empty! Did you forget to load the advanced fuel settings before launch???"
Neil: "Should I have done that?"
Bob: *ranting*
Neil: "I've got a lighter..."
Bob: "You stupid..... What now?"
Neil: "I've got an idea!"
Bob: "WHAT?!?"
Neil: " I won't tell you until you promise you'll never call me rookie."
Bob: "NO!! I can call you rookie whenever I want to call you rookie!!!"
Neil: "You don't have no choice."
Bob: "......well, OK, I promise I will never call you a rookie."
Neil: " So, here is the f*cking brilliantest idea ever: Change to reserve tanks."
In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?
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Reply #20
- 28 May 2004, 01:56:42
Looks like we've got a new genre of Orbiter fiction here
[/yellow]arpe [yellow]
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Reply #21
- 28 May 2004, 06:43:06
Well, well, look what happened while I was away... OK here's my part 2.
After a near perfect orbital insertion, the crew is en route to the ISS
Pilot: Ah, it sure is quiet in here now.
Passenger#2: that's because we kicked you-know-who out of the ship.
Pilot: Oh, yeah.... how many hours ago was that?
Passenger#3: Only about 1 and a half, he still has air left.
Pilot: Waste of a perfectly good space suit if you ask me.
Passenger#4: He must be getting low on fuel though, he's been doing that since we let him out. *points out the
Passenger #1: *literally going in circles around the DG3* Wheeeeeeeeee~!
All in the ship: *sigh*
Passenger#2: Hey, doesn't it worry you that he could do something that could damage the ship out there?
Pilot: I try not to think about it too much... maybe every 3 minutes or so.
All of a sudden, the warning claxon flares!
Automated computer voice: Warning! EVA unit is out of fuel and low on O2! Only 2 minutes remaining before death is
All: *startled by the intrusion*
Pilot: Is that all? gee, shut up!
Passenger #2: I don't think it will unless we rescue him, besides, we probably should rescue him so that the space
funding isn't cut because of an unfortunate incident...
computer: *repeats*
Pilot: *groans* Well, then I nominate you to do it.
Passenger #2: I was afraid you'd say that.
A few minutes later, #1 is blue faced and unconscious, but otherwise alive.
Pilot: well at least he's quiet. leave him be.
Passengers 2, 3, & 4: No problem with that.
A few hours later, the ISS is visble now
Pilot: Oh, dammit! Those pricks from the mining company are there already. I don't wanna deal with them!
Passenger #1: (is still unconscious from the last incident, but is now healthy)
What misadventures await our four heros and their troublesome ne'er-do-well? Stay tuned to find out!
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Reply #22
- 28 May 2004, 09:02:51
Hehe Freespace
*The two are reading the morning briefings*
Bob: Man, I don't like this friggin' place. After breakfast we're outta here! Pass me some more of those pale imitations
of pancakes, will you?"
Neil: "What's your problem? Sure, it's aging-"
Bob: "Aging? AGING?? Brighton Beach is aging. IGOS is aging. This place is ancient! I'm surprised they still let people in
here without pressure suits on-"
Neil: "-BUT think of it! The first international space station! Our first toehold in the cosmos! Humankind's first collective
grasp toward the stars!"
Bob: "Yeah yeah, jam a kneeboard in it, would you? I've got a headache the size of Neptune from these damn
alternating swing-shifts. And since now that we're here the noise - even the newer annexes of this stupid thing
always seem to echo and hum, especially when you haven't slept in 26 hours."
*Bob holds his head*
Bob: Seriously, how could things be any worse?"
*Meanwhile, Neil is looking out the western porthole*
\Neil: "Hey, we've got visitors! Looks like a passenger DG from planetside, so they'll be coming aboard. Want to go
meet 'em?"
Bob: "PERHAPS you didn't HEAR me. I wouldn't want to deal with a bunch of damn whiny groundpounders on a GOOD
day, let alone right now! I can't wait to get back out to the Belt. Rocks don't complain and they don't make small talk."
*flicks his empty tube of vitamin-enriched maple syrup into the garbage net. A few drops hit Bob in the back of the
head. He doesn't move*
Neil: "Whatever you say - I think I'm going to go say hi when they dock."
Bob: "For a miner, you're pretty friggin' social. I guess you'll learn eventually. You better!"
[/yellow]arpe [yellow]
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Reply #23
- 28 May 2004, 09:54:02
Ooh, it's gonna be intertwined is it? that makes it a tad bit harder...
*clang* the DG3 rams into a docking port.
Pilot: I never did like asking permission to dock. but hey, this time, I succeeded in making one that's even airtight!
Passenger#1: (wakes up from the collision disorientated and confused due to lack of solid ground.)
Passenger#2: hehe. good thing we all have seat belts to keep us in our seats.
Passenger#3: Oh well. let's greet our hosts.
Pilot: No way. I hate miners, and miners hate me. I'll be sleeping in the ship. and won't leave. I remember this one
lamer back out in the asteroid belt when I delivered there once. he called EVERYONE a groundpounder just because
they were born on solid ground. whether it be in earth's gravity, or ceres' gravity. stupid jerk. I remember him like it
was yesterday, his name was "Bob" and he just wasn't social at all.
Pasenger#4: Oh, come on, what are the odds that we'll come across somebody like that?
Pilot: What were the odds that we'd get somebody like *him*! (points to passenger #1)
Passenger#1: Awesome! (is opening up liquid containers to see how the liquids float.)
Pilot: I rest my case. I'm not leaving.
Passenger#1: Hey guys! Look what I smuggled aboard! (shows a massive bag of cheetos)
Passenger#4: HOLY---! Get those things away from me!
Pilot: how'd you get such a large thing up here without anyone noticing? Wait, NO!!! Don't Open--!
Passenger#1 opens the bag of cheetos and they go everywhere.
Pilot: well, that isn't going to be easily explained to mission control when we get back. there's going to be cheese
stains everywhere.
somebody knocks on the airlock door. several moments of silence ensues. the person knocks again harder.
Passenger#4: I don't think he's going away:
Pilot: Okay okay, I'm opening it.....
the stage is to whoever wants it... ^^
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Reply #24
- 28 May 2004, 10:05:25
:awe: on all of ya, this will be fun!!!
*Doc sits down conffy with a bowl of popcorn and awaits the exciting continuation of Freespace & AphelionHellion's
ISS saga*
"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15
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Ideas for DG-III story