Oh, yeah. I tried that a few times too and failed, lost patience

Then I had found a great addon MFD a year or so
ago, before the new orbiter release, that actually was able to sync your attitude to the stations. Not just speed, but
also rotation. Maybe it was Attitude MFD, but I seem to remember it was different. Only with that thing was I able to
get accurate enough.
Thanks for asking. GSI - Global Space Initiative. A fictional organization I came up with while developing a scenario for
Orbiter. The scenario idea is still under development, because there are some bugs I can't get around. The GSI I
intend to create one day, even if it just remains virtual and remains a bunch of enthusiasts... A lot of flags on our
planet use these three colors anyway, so it's a nice coincidence

Red for Mars, Black (white on a dark background)
for Moon, Blue for Earth. Check
www.vidmar.org/orbiter. I'm also working on a logo.