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Author Topic: What´s this - funny bug or what?  (Read 2143 times)

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15 May 2004, 13:06:42
Hi to all,

try this:
Earth scenario
Docked to ISS

Undock. After ~ 50 meters make a stop. Look out the front window:
You can read 'esa' and 'NASDA' at the ISS...but upside down.
Now make a 180 degree (bank!)
Well, that looks right now.
Give some thrust for re-docking...
After successfull docking look from behind (outside view)... before (upside down again)...funny :-)


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #1 - 15 May 2004, 14:35:18
try this with any ship in orbiter - same result -

IT's a *feature* of orbiter... ;)


Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #2 - 17 May 2004, 14:02:05
Probably the rotational "bug" :) At the moment you can dock any vessel to a station as long as you point your
docking port in the right direction, you don't have to be aligned along the longitudinal axis. Usefull for rotating
stations.. You don't have to synchronize your rotation to the station's which is a pain in the knee anyway.

But when you DO dock, the ship gets reoriented the right way up or down as it may be. Hence the effect you
experienced :)


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline glObalist

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Reply #3 - 20 May 2004, 13:10:20
You don't have to synchronize your rotation to the station's which is a pain in the knee anyway.

Well, it's a pain only if the docking port of your ship is off from the actual rotational axis of your ship. I don't know how
about the Deltagliders, but the only synchronized rotation docking I attempted was with Orion to StationV (yea, 2001
add-on| and that WAS a pain in the ass. Took me almost 2 hours and then I said NEVER AGAIN:)

Edit - I wanted to ask, what is GSI?

Post Edited ( 05-20-04 13:26 )

« Last Edit: 20 May 2004, 15:00:32 by glObalist »
"Wherever you go, there you are. Wherever you are, there you orbit."

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #4 - 20 May 2004, 15:00:32
Oh, yeah. I tried that a few times too and failed, lost patience :) Then I had found a great addon MFD a year or so
ago, before the new orbiter release, that actually was able to sync your attitude to the stations. Not just speed, but
also rotation. Maybe it was Attitude MFD, but I seem to remember it was different. Only with that thing was I able to
get accurate enough.

Thanks for asking. GSI - Global Space Initiative. A fictional organization I came up with while developing a scenario for
Orbiter. The scenario idea is still under development, because there are some bugs I can't get around. The GSI I
intend to create one day, even if it just remains virtual and remains a bunch of enthusiasts...  A lot of flags on our
planet use these three colors anyway, so it's a nice coincidence :) Red for Mars, Black (white on a dark background)
for Moon, Blue for Earth. Check I'm also working on a logo.


« Last Edit: 20 May 2004, 15:00:32 by DocHoliday »

"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15