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Dan's add-ons
suggestion for future DG3 scenarios
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Topic: suggestion for future DG3 scenarios (Read 3292 times)
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Hero Member
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20 February 2004, 21:55:26
I just did the "rescue the crew in lunar orbit from the spinning ship" scenario. It is absolutely
amazing how much more real and intense Orbiter gets when there are actual "lives" at stake!!
Which brings me to my suggestion. I noticed that the crippled ship had two days of air remaining.
That seems like almost "too much". I think some future scenarios should have a "time critical"
element to it--if I had to rescue them within seven hours, rather than two days, it would be a lot
more "exciting". The reason for this is that once you're familiar with Orbiter and flying the DG3,
even if you make a mistake ascending to rescue the crew, you can always correct your orbit, re-
correct it, etc. etc. Without being able to do this, there would be a lot more incentive to "get it
right the first time."
There are other ways scenarios could be adjusted to make them more "pressure-filled". For
instance, if the DG3 to be rescued was in Earth orbit, you could set it up to have an orbit which
takes it slightly into the atmosphere....thus CHANGING its orbit on each pass, decaying it each
Just some thoughts
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Reply #1
- 20 February 2004, 22:16:08
Dozen scenario can be provided they take almost no place
Keep any idea of new scenario like this one handy when time will
come everyone would be able to submit some that would be added
in the release. (taken the scenario is intteresting to play )
For now it's a bit risky, as things evolve constantly the scenario
may be not comptible for a future release.
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Reply #2
- 20 February 2004, 23:47:32
I know Dan should be asking this question, but here it goes anyway.
What else can be done with the DGIII?
Apart from repairing things, maybe.
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Reply #3
- 21 February 2004, 00:52:27
damage/eva repair, mars ascent pilot, reentry reworking, doc.
I don't think I'll lack work anytime soon
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Reply #4
- 21 February 2004, 01:29:48
You could try to implement visual damage. Like on the Shuttle A-2. With that if you go to fast the
entire ship falls apart. I can't remember where i got it, but i do know it is one of the sites on the
ATLAS links page. Found here
. Maybe you could make more
flame on crash too. 8)
Mars acent autopilot sounds useful, and now i know i can't wait for the ability to repair.8o
EVA is great,
i explored the Project Alpha ISS with it, but i was wondering is there some way to
have it so that when you get to close to something the veiw does not go into the
Alot of requests but if it goes by what you have done so far even if it takes a while what is done
will be fantastic.
A virtual toast to Dan.
Reply #5
- 21 February 2004, 01:53:06
I found that if you move the camera setting to about -3.0 on the z-axis that you can get very close
(almost touching) before you see through the mesh your looking at. I use this setting for my own
MMUs, but in this case, since the MMU is controlled by a dll, Dan probably has to do it. Sometimes
just adding a camera setting to the config file that calls dll works though (if a camera setting is not
specifically define in the dll). Haven't tried for the DGIIIs MMUs though.
Hero Member
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Reply #6
- 21 February 2004, 02:11:09
I was wondering if Each Mission could have Easy/Medium/Hard settings based on our selection in
the Config file... with that Variable changing things like remaining O2, Fuel, orbit decay, etc.
It might require a Little extra 'beta testing' for those perfect numbers, but might really add more
playing time with increasing difficulty until we reach the 'Badge of Supreme Difficulty' Honor.
It'd probably be easier to just modify separate .scn (scenario) files, than to bother Dan over this.
I know once we finish a scenario, we want to see how 'efficient' we can be with even less
resource... and posting who has the most O2/fuel remaining is so far the only way to 'brag' .
"So you rescued the spinning ship survivors... but can you do it on Insanely Difficult settings?"
(5 crew, 20 min O2, ship tumble of 200 rpm, 2 engines out, 3 thrusters inop., uh... what else?)
~ the Reekchaa
Posts: 15407
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Hein, quoi !?
Reply #7
- 21 February 2004, 03:40:27
Reechkaa wrote:
I was wondering if Each Mission could have Easy/Medium/Hard settings based on our
in the Config file
Hee hee old image, sorry could'nt resist
Anyway it take almost no programming and no ressource to simply
put the scenario in "hard medium easy" directory or even better to tag their
name with [hard] [medium][easy]. You can even have three time the same mission
with different setting.
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Dave Grover
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Reply #8
- 21 February 2004, 09:25:54
Reply #9
- 21 February 2004, 09:27:31
two words
Orbital Skydiving
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Reply #10
- 23 February 2004, 09:08:16
Hey Dave,
Actually I'm working on a mission package you described at the beginning of this thread. You take
off, get to ISS, than take the Shuttle-A, go to Mir, dock to it while it's rotating and raise it's perigee
to a normal level before it reenters.. Some other things too
That was all BEFORE Dan invented
the DG3, now I'm in a dillema what to do, because this all makes my ideas kind of obsolete
as you put it, it seems to me, the demand is still here, so I'll carry on.
Take care all
"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15
Hero Member
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Reply #11
- 24 February 2004, 01:24:30
Janez, that's exactly the kind of scenario I'd really like to try
I'm past the "start here and go to
there" scenarios; I like the ones which have interesting/offbeat orbital problems that need to be
solved, with a time element thrown in
How does the DG3 make your idea obsolete? Seems to me like it would work fine....
Posts: 2475
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Reply #12
- 24 February 2004, 08:39:45
Great, was hoping there would be interest. Anyway, the DG3 introduces so many new ideas for a mission and my original concept didn't include it because I plan to make the package all inclusive, which means I am using the stock ships as much as I can, to reduce the overall size of the package. So I will use Atlantis, Shuttle A and Vespucci vessel. But without the DG3 it all sounds kinda boring
Also the air and time constraints can't actually be simulated (excluding DG3), the only thing you
CAN do is set a station in a degraded orbit and try to predict, when it's gonna reenter. But I don't
know how to calculate the drag factors of the atmosphere to set it up in such a way that it would
reenter say in 12 hours
Anyway, I just got Michi to help me with the storyline, so it should be QUITE immersive. I will need
beta testers, especially for things like launch windows and the like. I pretty much suck at orbital
mechanics calculus.
Post Edited (02-24-04 14:09)
Last Edit: 24 February 2004, 08:39:45 by DocHoliday
"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15
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Dan's add-ons
suggestion for future DG3 scenarios