Thanks for comment,
No major bug no CTD ? cool
Strange I find the thruster not really responsive, I think it's a good middle
for noobs that like "saber laser" style and "heavy hard core old space chap"
Any other advice on this ?
The default will be changed to set by scenario once I'm sure all the scenario
have the proper input (you know I work fast even it don't seem, so
what I consider as minor detail can sometime lack my attention.
this will be fixed for final.)
I think horizontally will be disconcerting for noobs you must be used to
Orbiter, try it while horizontal it's not as easy as it seem (well it is for confirmed user)
Let say that the guy just went out with the help of his arm and just turned 1/2
Also men are done to stand straight up, it's not a simulator for lazy people
Perhaps you did ear the "rapid breath" that come at 80 cradiac pulse, try one mission
where it have about 65 70 the breath is more slow. (some mission as "rescue the dumb"
are done so it breath fast always after all this guy is under heavy stress.)
just counted the breath it make 24 breath per minute, a bit higher than natural breath
(12-20 bpm) but we suppose those guy are a bit impressed. Anyway I'll try a bit slower
sound when under 70 cardiac pulse.
Any other advice on this ?
What I find really cool and can preview what Orbiter sound will do is when you
travel with your spacesuit and switch beetween inside and outside view....
In outside view if you don't fire the thruster there is absolutely no sound and I think
this add a great ambiance.
Try it , you fire your thruster to have some relative speed
(travelling around the ship) than you swap outside to see him moving and again inside.
Well I'll fix a couple of things and release again today in 4-8-12 hours ?
( my last "fix" took me 10 days
"on duty"