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Author Topic: DG2config.exe (DGIII) problem with O2 & N2 reserve  (Read 2753 times)

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Kostas B

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29 January 2004, 16:59:52
Hello to all,

I have the latest Orbiter & DGIII versions.

With the DG2config.exe I try to change the O2 & N2 reserve to anything else than the default
value of 7 days, save & exit, but when I start any DGIII scenario the "Life Support Display" shows
reserves for 7 days !!!

I dont know if the other values defined here works like Fuel Reserve and Engine Power.

Any help ?

Thanks !

Christopher Tarana

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Reply #1 - 29 January 2004, 18:15:21
Kostas B wrote:

> With the DG2config.exe I try to change the O2 & N2 reserve to
> anything else than the default
> value of 7 days, save & exit, but when I start any DGIII
> scenario the "Life Support Display" shows
> reserves for 7 days !!!
> Thanks !

 Kostas, you'll have to ground service the DG III prior to departure. There are two ways to
do it, depending if you are at KSC or some other Class "M" airport or if you are docked to
ISS, MIR or Brighton Beach.

  After you load the scenario go to the Life Support Panel...

    You're looking for the Input Pressure Valve, it should have two positions - Dock and Ext.  If
you are at KSC,  Dck will have a 000 pressure and EXT will have a pressure of 10.7 or
so.  Set the A-B switch below the valve to off.  Then press the switch below the input valve
that shows a positive pressure.  When the switch turns green, move the A-B switch from
OFF to A.   You should see the values on the O2, N2 gauges rise from 5%, 80% to 100%, 100%.
When that's done, move the A-B switch to the "B" position and you'll see the O2 and N2 on the
B side rise to 100%, 100%.   After that's done, set the A-B switch to the OFF position, and
close the Input Pressure valve by pressing it (no light).

   Now if you look at the Reserve Data Display, you'll see that the "A" system has about half
of your reserves and the "B" system has the other half.  The remainder is the default load
for the DG III.

   If you are docked to ISS, Mir or Brighton Beach, the only difference would be the need
to select the Dock input valve instead of the EXT valve.  (I wouldn't recommend pulling a
year's worth of air from the ISS or Mir.)  You can shut off the Input Pressure Valve, then
set the A-B switch to OFF.  Once you undock from the station, set either the "A" or "B"
Cabin Air Recycling switches to OFF.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #2 - 29 January 2004, 19:04:49
In this case it's because you didn't openned the door for the config to take effect.

To change passengers, fuel config, O2 config you must be landed or docked and
You must open the external door.

Once done you will hear a bell sound and the display will show
"config loaded"

This is done to avoid cheat, once you defined which trip you want to make
(long, short, how many passenger, how many reserve) you can't change...
as in real life :)


Offline darkvoid

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Reply #3 - 29 January 2004, 19:10:53
But you should be able to change.... you could throw someone off board... or just dock with
another ship and resupply :doubt:

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #4 - 29 January 2004, 19:20:59
in case of docking with another ship, just open the door it will work....
Trowing passenger over board isn't implemented and will not ;)

(If you BADLY want to jettison one passenger just edit the scenario,
number of passengers is here)


Christopher Tarana

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Reply #5 - 29 January 2004, 19:34:05
DanSteph wrote:

"In this case it's because you didn't openned the door for the config to take effect.

To change passengers, fuel config, O2 config you must be landed or docked and
You must open the external door.

Once done you will hear a bell sound and the display will show
"config loaded""

  I've seen the 'config loaded' message, but I've still had to do the "ground service" before
departing or you end up leaving with only a partial load of O2, and N2.  Actually I do the
ground service with the airlock doors closed.  That satisfies one of the docking checklists.

  Anyways.  This thing is great and I'm not having any problems with the latest version of
the DG 3.  I'm going to play with some more options using the EPU shut down mode
to evacuae the crew off the DG3 to another ship and see if the Location MFD will work without
the "Excess "G" bug"  

     Thanks, Dan!  :applause:


Offline darkvoid

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Reply #6 - 29 January 2004, 21:13:52
DanSteph wrote:

"(If you BADLY want to jettison one passenger just edit the scenario,
number of passengers is here)


Thanks, Dan! Good idea :top:

Offline MattNW

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Reply #7 - 29 January 2004, 22:34:40
This is a really low priority suggestion but it would be nice if you had a choice whenever you open
the doors to change passengers or not. Low priority but if you get time it would be a nice touch.
Of course you can always keep a present passenger list in a Notepad document and just edit the
scenario whenever you do a config change.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #8 - 30 January 2004, 01:33:53
mhhh this would be exactly the same than allowing changing passenger
at anytime ? ;) (only one more checkbox to check)

My point of view on this is that it add a bit of salt, I never add fun
with game where it's too easy to cheat.

If you run out of something during a flight you will perhaps be satisfied
during some time if you can cheat easilly and recover this flight but the
next flight will be less challenging while you know that you can change
things you will pay less attention to detail and will be less concerned
by your flight.

Anyway for those that need badly to recover flight there is always
a possibilities to recover it while modifying the scenario.

Just my two cents ;)


« Last Edit: 30 January 2004, 02:45:44 by DanSteph »

Offline MattNW

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Reply #9 - 30 January 2004, 02:45:44
Actually I was thinking about times when I want to change my O2 & N2 reserve but not my
passengers. I make a change in the Dg2.cfg and then cycle my airlock to get the reserve change
and end up with a different passenger list. Maybe a checkbox in the Dg2.cfg "Keep Same
Passengers". Right now I just copy my passenger list to a Notepad document and copy that back
into the .scn after the .cfg change but it would be handy if I didn't have to. Low priority but useful.

« Last Edit: 30 January 2004, 02:45:44 by MattNW »