Hello all,
Got back on Saturday from the AVSIM conference in Reading PA. It was a two day conference for
Flight simulation hobbiest. It was great and had a chance to learn about both the sim and real
world flying communities. Austin Myers was there, the creator of X-Plane. Austin is a very exciting
individual that loves to share his knowledge on flight dynamics. He is asnairodynamics engineer of
the first kind. I met people from all over the world, Austraila, Netherlands, Italy, England, Japan,
Canada and of course the USA. I was surpised that a lot of the people there never heard of
Orbiter, or had heard of it but never tried it. I believe I convinced several individuals to look into
the program by Martin. I also had many opportunities to share some of the things we are doing at
NASSAC. I would estimate that about 150 were in attendance.