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Windows Vista a écrit:What are the effects of the next version of Orbiter?
Windows Vista a écrit:Hey, try this in DirectX 10 for Windows XP:http://www.technospot.net/blogs/download-directx-10-for-windows-xp-from-alky-project/
ar81 a écrit:Look how good I speak french:"Je nes parlez le francaise du voiture."I also speak english very well:"My mother is a pencil"
Windows Vista wrote:Is it a translation?
Urwumpe wrote:QuoteWindows Vista a écrit:What are the effects of the next version of Orbiter?It replaces the unrealistic heliocentric solar system model with a Ptolemaic model. Also it will only run with Windows Vista,as the DirectX10 engine will become standard.
Dig Gil a écrit:But isn't that model geocentric (for those who don't know: The Earth is the center of Solar System)?
ouch a écrit:What is this?http://download.orbit.m6.net/betaNG/orbiter_beta.html
Urwumpe wrote:Quoteouch a écrit:What is this?http://download.orbit.m6.net/betaNG/orbiter_beta.htmlOld beta packages of the No-Graphics version of Orbiter. Public beta testing stopped because of lack of real interest, that'swhy there are no new beta packages anymore.
Urwumpe wrote:Maybe because OrbiterSound 3.5 is not designed for OrbiterNG? Do you actually read what stands on the homepage?
Urwumpe wrote:And OrbiterNG is still not released and in private beta test. The last stable version, for which OrbiterSound 3.5 is madefor, is Orbiter 060929. The next upgrade of OrbiterSound will very likely come, once the next complete Orbiter version isreleased. But you have to ask DanSteph about when after the release of Orbiter 080522 this will happen.
Simonpro a écrit:Orbiter 080522 is the Orbiter after Orbiter 080521 but before Orbiter 080523.
Simonpro wrote:Orbiter 080522 is the Orbiter after Orbiter 080521 but before Orbiter 080523.