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Author Topic: BaseSync  (Read 1432 times)

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Offline Wes

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29 August 2004, 12:38:16
Hey Guys,

Can someone tell me how the BaseSync works? The tutorial that came with it isnt much help - It just explains the
theory and not HOW to do it! Im docked at the ISS and want to land at Edwards. How does one go about doing it?

I managed to Re-enter the Atmosphere without burning up the other day! WHOOHOO!! But I landed in the
sea! :sunk:


"Rules of the Air: The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival. Large angle of arrival, small probability of survival and vice versa."

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #1 - 30 August 2004, 09:04:15
Hm.. Which parts of the theory are not clear to you?

The concept is really quite simple:
- you change your orbital plane, so that you pass your landing site in the current or next orbital passing
- once you reach the proper distance (this is hard to judge - but there is an older thread on reentry also on this
forum) you burn retrograde and reenter

You have a few modes with BaseSync, but I guess the most intuitive to use is the Closest Passage. Possibly periapsis
mode, since your periapsis is near or over the landing site too..

Tell me what's buggin' you :)

« Last Edit: 30 August 2004, 09:04:16 by DocHoliday »

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