Wes: Congrats!!
Yes, the ISS is quite a bit more roomy, however NASA is a real stickler for house chores. Mir has a nice disorganized
atmosphere, much like my room

Ah, reentry - that's one of those "easy to learn, hard to master" things. Well, it's easy to de-orbit anyway, just hard to
make it down in one piece

The way to do it with the DGIII is to turn the knob on the mini-hud on the right top of the main panel until it shows you
the screen with your PeD (lowest point in your orbit). The cool thing about the DGIII readout is that it gives you your
lowest height above the GROUND, as opposed to your lowest height above the center of the planet, like the Orbit MFD

Just turn retrograde and burn until your PeD reads about 98,000 meters - at that altitude the atmosphere will start
slowing you down noticably (use the surface MFD, CTRL S, and it shows you air pressure and dynamic pressure, as
well as acceleration and all that) and away you go.
However, I really wouldn't use the DGIII to practice re-entry until you get quite good at it. It's very easy to turn
yourself into a meteor with it

I still only make it about 50% of the time. There is a descent autopilot which helps a
bit - enter PRO104SPEC40 into the flight computer. Then use the 8 and 2 keys on the number pad to adjust the
attitude you want to hold. A low nose-high attitude gives more lift and slows descent and a higher one cools down the
nose and slows you down faster. Also there's a readout on the FC screen for deorbiting: hit D and then 3 and it'll
show Gs and temperature readings for different parts of the ship.
It's probably a good idea to try the stock DG to practice re-entry at first, though. In that case, just use the Orbit MFD
and burn retrograde until your orbit very nearly touches the surface of the planet. Then hang on 8o
Yes I know I haven't told you how to actually come down right on top of the base you want to land at; that's 'cuz I'm
still working on that myself...

Anyway I'm sure someone here can give you better advice than I.
As for the EVA, it works just like your RCS system. Rotation mode rotates, translation mode lets you move forward
(and backward and left and right and etc). To get back into the DGIII, switch to the DGIII, open the outer airlock door
with the controls on the top panel (you may need to depressurize it first), then go back to the EVA suit and jet over
until you're almost in the airlock, then press E.
I'd mention the Tether MFD, to tether the astronaut to the DG, but I hafta get going at the moment and it's easy to
get into a heap of trouble using that infernal invention... So I'll let these other poor suck- er.... fine Orbinauts have the
fun of advising you on that