Dan's Orbiter page
Orbiter English => Orbiter English => Topic started by: Tachyon on 25 February 2007, 04:28:58
I'm not even sure this is possible or if someone has already made a tool to do this .... I'm looking to change all the
delta gliders to one type in all the scenarios and or add a certain delta glider or other ship to all scenarios. There
should be a way to script this out. I know you can go in and edit a scenario and manually replace a DG1 with a DG4
but it'd be nice to let a program do the finger work for you.
hmmm ... guess that answers my question then ...... :prof: :)
I don't think you should replace all of the DGs with DGIVs but I believe it is possible. Just copy everything from
Orbiter/Config/Vessels/DeltagliderIV.cfg and paste it in Orbiter/Config/Vessels/Deltaglider.cfg
oh thanks ........or rename Deltaglider.cfg to Deltaglider.cfg_old - make a copy of the DeltagliderIV.cfg file and rename
it to Deltaglider.cfg.
Once you get spoiled on the DG3 or DG4 , piloting the DG1 is like driving the ford festiva to work instead
of the Audi S8 8)
Another feat of file fidelity I'd like to figure out is how to place multiple items from multiple scenarios into a
single "world" scenario. You know - having multiple space stations, and lots of other orbiting items in a single
Tachyon wrote:
Another feat of file fidelity I'd like to figure out is how to place multiple items from multiple scenarios into a
single "world" scenario. You know - having multiple space stations, and lots of other orbiting items in a single
May I suggest the scenario editor? Press F4 while the scenario you want to edit is running, select custom and there scenario
editor. If you are ready to save the scenario, press alt-F4 and press the "save current ..." button.
Yeah .... but I was hoping for a global solution. The edit of the DG config file worked like a charm. I'd like to see a
solar system with all the addons present. I'm thinking the only real way to do this would be the scenario editor since
you'd have to place the extra objects at unique define and different locations.
My computer probably wouldn't cope with that.